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Old 06-03-2003, 05:29 PM
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Talking My super long Nashville review (spoilers, obviously)

I’m breaking this up into sections (celebrity sightings, hotel, site-seeing, meeting other Ledgies, the concert, etc.) for easier reading (you can skip the boring stuff if ya want, I understand, but I tend to write like I’m keeping a vacation journal)…the theme of this trip was all about timing - being in the right place at the right time…


Friday morning - Austin airport – almost ready to board for Nashville. I immediately noticed Chris Layton and Tommy Shannon at my gate (drummer and bass player for Double Trouble, Stevie Ray Vaughan’s rhythm section). I’ve talked to both of them at one time or another here in town, but since I’d been up since 5:30 AM for an 8 AM flight, and neither one of them looked too happy to be alive, I abstained. When we landed in Nashville, I decided I’d talked to them at baggage claim, but by the time I had visited the restroom and arrived at baggage claim, they were heading out. They had a lot of suitcases, no instruments, so I just assumed they were in town to record. Turns out I was wrong, after picking up a Nashville Scene paper, I saw that ZZ Top, Ted Nugent, and Kenny Wayne Shepherd, with DOUBLE TROUBLE were playing that night at the amphitheater. Woulda, shoulda, coulda…maybe I would have gotten some free tickets if I’d opened my mouth…like the hotel bartender did – he also told me that ZZ Top stayed at my hotel Friday night. However, after hearing about the drunken, mullet-headed, fighting concert-goers, I’m kinda glad I didn’t go…I was too busy throwin’ down w/ strandinthewind, anyway. ;-)


I highly recommend the Loews Vanderbilt. It’s like a Hard Rock hotel…there are little plaques everywhere with lyrics on them. In the elevator, it says, “when we get behind closed doors - Charlie Rich.” The ice machine, “you’re as cold as ice – Foreigner.” The lion statues out front, “the lion sleeps tonight – The Tokens.” You get the idea, very cool. There are also CD players in all the rooms. And an outrageously priced minibar. They had a glass jar in the bathroom, filled with cotton pads and swabs. I accidentally broke it when I was showing it to strandinthewind. Hope they don’t charge me $50 for it, as if I’d taken the bathrobe. Anyway, great place, wonderful staff. It’s across the street from Vanderbilt University - not the best location as far as where I spent most of my time, but still a nice area and only a $6 cab ride from all the real action.


If you are ever in Nashville, even if you are not that keen on country music, I highly recommend a visit to the Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum. Definitely purchase the additional $10 tour of Studio B. Wow! Talk about ghosts and vibey places, Studio B is it! Both the museum and the Studio B tour are truly amazing, and very well-presented!

Saturday afternoon, I visited the Parthenon in Centennial Park. It’s an exact replica of the Parthenon in Greece. The replica of the 41-foot Athena statue inside was just completed last September. There’s a museum and art gallery as well, the admission is only $3.50 and you can see everything in less than an hour.

I didn’t make it inside Ryman Auditorium (the original Grand Ole Opry building), but it’s right there, off of 2nd and Broadway’s entertainment district.

The people of Nashville are wonderful! Everyone from the cab drivers to the wait staff and bartenders, to the cashier at Eckerd’s, just everyone! Super nice and friendly, true Southern hospitality. I live in Texas and don’t see nearly enough of that – must be all the transplanted Californians in Austin. ;-)


Strandinthewind (“strand”), as he said, unknowingly called me on my cell phone while I was just beginning the Studio B tour. Ironically, he called just as the tour guide began to talk about the Everly Brothers (a little Stevie/Lindsey trivia). My cell phone ring is the bass line from The Chain, so it at least it’s musical. ;-) Anyway, I told him to call me back once he got settled into his hotel. Just as I was finishing up at the Hall of Fame, strand called and said he was ready to party. I warned him that I’d only had 3 hours of sleep, had been up since 5:30 AM, and I had been on my feet all day, so I couldn’t guarantee how long I’d last. As I was walking toward his hotel, while we were talking, I realized that the hotel was a little further away than it looked (and uphill). Strand suggested that I just pick a bar and he’d meet me there. The first bar I saw is called “Legends on the Corner.” I told him to meet me there, he asked me to repeat it and I said, “Poet, priest of nothing, Legends…on the corner.” LOL This bar’s “wallpaper” is nothing but album covers. Shortly after I received my first (of many) cocktails of the evening, I noticed that I was sitting a few feet away from the FM white album cover. Isn’t that weird? Needless to say, strand I hit it off immediately and after a few more cocktails, I got my second wind. Strand suggested going to the Palm to eat, since Stevie loves that place (there are several all over the country, very good steak and lobster). So, we headed over there and as strand mentioned in his review, the bartender told us that FM’s manager had been in to eat earlier, and confirmed that Billy Burnette’s son works there as a busboy. A couple more cocktails and a fabulous meal later, I decided to call it a night in order to get my beauty sleep for the show…

Saturday afternoon, Tamara called me on my cell phone, just as I’d finished my visit to the Parthenon. Ironically, the hotel had booked her into the room right next to mine! We explored the hotel a little bit (and discovered a soda machine in the arcade room with .60 sodas – versus the $2.00 sodas in the minibar). The free jukebox in the lobby had a book next to it – with a list of albums of celebrities who have stayed at the Loews. They had Stevie and the Wild Heart album listed, but the CD didn’t seem to be in the jukebox. Oh well…we headed back to our rooms, Tamara ordered room service and I got in touch with strand and asked him to meet us at our place.

After we finished getting dressed, we headed to the bar for a quick drink and group pic. Grabbed a cab, decided to go back to the Palm bar since it’s right across the street from the venue.


I’m not ashamed to admit that I have been watching the Young & the Restless, religiously, for several years. So, we’re sitting at the Palm bar – left to right, Tamara, strand, me, empty bar stool, and this…gorgeous…guy. At first I thought he looked just like an ex-boyfriend of mine, with blonder hair. Then I realized, it was friggin’ Ryan from Y&R! His hair is MUCH longer than it was at the time he left the show (they killed off his character about a year ago) and bleach-blonde. Check him out – He’s a hottie, right? ;-) Anyway, I discretely asked him if he was “Ryan,” since I couldn’t remember his real name. We got to talking, and he was REALLY a sweet guy. I asked him if he was going to the show and he told me yes, and that he is a huge Stevie fan, and has never seen Stevie or FM live. I told him he was in for the ride of his life, but wouldn’t tell him anything about the setlist, etc. I asked where he was sitting, he wasn’t sure, his friend got their tickets, but somewhere on the side, close to the stage. I said since he’s such a Stevie fan, I hoped that he was sitting on Lindsey’s side, since Stevie spends 90% of her time facing Lindsey while she’s singing. I asked him what he’s been up to since they “killed” him off the show. He lives in Nashville now and is trying to get signed to a record label. I remember him singing and playing guitar every once in awhile on the soap. Anyway, enough about him, he was very nice and it was a pleasure meeting him. Still kicking myself for not getting a pic w/ him…


The show totally rocked!! I went to DC, and this show rocked 100 times more – the band has found their “sea legs” and their confidence was more evident in this performance than DC. Rather than go through each song, I’ll just talk about my own personal highlights (kinda/sorta in order)…

I scored a 2nd row seat on Sticketbastard, 2 weeks before the show. Right in front of Lindsey….

The Chain – Lindsey has ditched the ratty v-neck Hanes! He was wearing the white button-down! Stevie’s “chaaaaain, yeeeeaaah!” - goosebumps…

Rhiannon- Stevie sang her heart out on this one…not like the “old days,” but impressive, nonetheless…

Peacekeeper – I didn’t notice the hands on the screens in DC, so that was something new for me…

Come- First broken string of the night. I think Lindsey made the entire audience come…guitar god worshippers, friends of Dorothy, and women alike…

Big Love-Fantastic, as usual.

Landslide – I read in a NicksFix review that someone in the audience yelled “Happy Birthday” to Stevie right after “snoooooooow…” I was wondering why she did the 5-5 hands at that point, instead of right after “I’m getting older…” The forehead kiss was cute!

Say Goodbye – I called a friend of mine in San Antonio so he could hear this song. It’s just soooo beautiful.

Beautiful Child – Stevie’s little Porky Pig moment was funny, when she stuttered at the beginning of the intro and said something like, “Okay, let me try to talk…”

Gold Dust Woman – GREAT “go hooooome” wail. Right before this song, this old, crotchety security lady decides to pick NOW to tell me, “If you take any more pictures, I’m taking your camera away.” Well, I had already witnessed the very large security guard, who appeared to be this beeyotch’s supervisor, telling Tracy at the beginning of the show, that she could take pictures as long as she didn’t use a flash. I wasn’t using a flash either. I don’t know why this security b*tch decided to pick on me all of a sudden, but that didn’t stop me. ;-)

I’m So Afraid – Speaking of pictures - the creepy lighting they use during this is a great picture-taking opportunity if you’re not using a flash. The bright white lights backlighting Lindsey were really cool. At least I think it was during this song, it might’ve been Come…Lots more eye contact and singing with Lindsey.

Silver Springs – Although the “never get aways” are not there like the Dance version, Stevie still angrily belted out the final “follow you DOWN ‘til the sound of my VOICE will HAUNT you” lines, with fire in her eyes. Excellent!

Tusk – Okay, this was the beginning of several more Lindsey moments to come…right during the “why don’t you tell me who is on the phone” part, I’m singing along, Lindsey looks RIGHT at me while we both simultaneously put our hands up to our faces, as if holding an invisible phone. He nodded at me and smiled. Even the girls next to me noticed. Someone after the show said, “I was wondering who he was looking at when he did that!” It was me! That was our first true “bonding” moment. From that point on, we had LOTS of eye contact.

Stand Back – I think Stevie twirled about 10 times! And she really belted out the ending. This is a true show-stopper!! That whole arena was on their feet and dancing…more Lindsey eye contact.

GYOW – Another broken string, dog-paddling, gerbil-nesting, frenzy, letting fans touch him, and his guitar. I also took my last picture here. I didn’t realize that I’d been taking so many pics and I was trying to keep my camera and picture taking well-hidden after my incident w/ the security b*tch. I told Tracy it was up to her to get some good ones since I’d run out of film. She kindly offered me some of her film, but I was using a disposable.

Don’t Stop – While the band was getting ready to return to the stage, I believe this was when Stevie and strandinthewind had their moment – Stevie smiled, waved, and did a cute little bow to strand. It was precious.

World Turning – Y’all are gonna love this…while Lindsey was sitting cross-legged on the side of the stage, we were all yelling stuff to him, while saying to each other, “Who cares about Mick?” I blew a kiss to Lindsey, he got all blushed and nodded and smiled. Then I put my hand over my heart and outstretched my other arm toward him, more nodding and smiling. *Sigh* When Mick started yelling, “Are you still with me?” I was yelling back, “Fire Jonathan Todd!” LOL Whether or not he heard me, who knows? But I certainly enjoyed it. At the end of World Turning, Lindsey was going down the row, shaking hands and signing autographs. I was the last person in the “receiving line.” He held my hand for a good 15 seconds (not quite ½ an hour like Tracy and strand said - *heh*), while he was waving, nodding and acknowledging the people behind me. I kept thinking he was going to let go of my hand any second, but he kept holding…and holding…and holding…. It was marvelous and made every dime I’d spent on this trip worth it!! I turned around and everyone who had witnessed my moment, all had this collective, “OH…MY…GAWD” look on their faces. I think I was in shock for about 5 minutes.

Some comments about the crowd – There was this couple sitting in the front row, dead center. They didn’t move all night. They remained seated and expressionless for the entire concert. For a minute there, I thought they were mannequins. I couldn’t tell if the woman was on her cell phone all night or sticking her fingers in her ears. In any case, how frigging rude! I wanted to shoot them. I kept making comments to everyone around me all night that they didn’t deserve those seats. I was ready to say something to them, but didn’t. Someone mentioned they might be industry people, but these two looked like they’d just lost their trailer in a tornado. Oy…

Also, there was a dude in front of me wearing a KISS t-shirt. Right before the concert started, he was showing me all of his tattoos, and wouldn’t leave me alone. I mistakenly told him that KISS was my first rock concert. Well, he reacted as if I told him I wanted to have his love child. He wouldn’t stop talking to me during The Chain and Dreams (“Where ya from? Need a ride to the airport? Here’s my card.”) Ugh. I was trying to be polite and tell him that I came to Nashville to see Fleetwood Mac, not to get hit on. Someone behind me told him to shut-up (thank you). I said, “Seriously, dude, you really need to stop talking to me now.” Thank goodness, he did.

In the airport shuttle on my way home, there was another couple on board. We were about to pass the Parthenon and I pointed it out to them and asked them if they’d visited it. They said, “No, we weren’t in town for long, we just came to see Fleetwood Mac.” Hee!

All in all, a very eventful, successful, fantastic, magical weekend! How do I beat post-concert depression? Buy a ticket to another show! had 13th row center for Oklahoma City today. I bought it, and I already have my crappy fan club seat for Dallas. And I think that’ll do it for awhile, unless they get within driving distance from Austin on the supposed 2nd leg.

If you read all of this, bless you! All of my pics are now posted under that thread.


Edited for typos and grammar

Last edited by Livia; 06-04-2003 at 12:41 PM..
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Old 06-03-2003, 05:52 PM
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*Sigh*...Lindsey....*sigh*....lucky new nickname for you Glad you had a great time!!!
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Old 06-03-2003, 06:01 PM
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Arrow Livia....

OMG...I am DYING laughing at the KISS guy/love child thing!!!! LMAO!!!

GREAT stuff!! Lindsey holding ya'll's hands....nah...I'm not jealous AT ALL.

YAY for you meeting Scott Reeves too...YUM!!
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Old 06-03-2003, 06:10 PM
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Great review... I soooo cant wait for JULY!

Im alone now, with my thoughts...
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Old 06-03-2003, 07:15 PM
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Wow Livia, what an awesome story!!! I hope to be touched by Lindsey at an upcoming show. LOL
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Old 06-03-2003, 07:29 PM
Tango Tango is offline
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Thumbs up Rock ON Livia!

Thank you very much for spoiling us. I enjoyed the pictures, but I know there's nothing like the real thing! Congrats on a wonderful show and for being able to be up close and personal. I loved the stories of the journey to and from as well. Sounds like Miss Stevie's gotten back some of the fire that a few folks said were missing when they saw the show. I'm glad. You made me laugh with the, "I was yelling back, 'Fire Jonathan Todd!'”

Thank you for showing us another angle to this show. Wow. What an amazing tour!!!!!
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Old 06-03-2003, 08:17 PM
Cour Cour is offline
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Fantastic review! Livia, I knew all that good karma you put out was going to come back to you. I'm so happy you had such a great trip and your concert was amazing! Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey... sigh

Nashville sounds like a great place and a worthwhile trek if they come there for the second leg. Thanks for all the details about your visit. I am a big Y&R fan and Ryan sounds like a great guy.

Where are your pictures, I didn't see a link?

Thanks for taking the time to bring everyone along on your great journey. It's extra special when you meet such nice Ledgies who you've been reading for years.

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Old 06-04-2003, 02:10 AM
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Great review! Of course I was there so I know it firsthand that it
Anyhow...its nice reliving it again as it was a great time in Nashville. I would definitly go back one day but hopefully I could explore more.
Great pics by the way! I am taking mine in wed..cross your fingers...mine are. I will PM you a reply to your PM when I get off work as I am there

"Whatever women must do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult."--Charlotte Whitton

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." --Eleanor Roosevelt

"Maybe now he could prove to her... That he could be good for her... And they should be together.." --SN
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Old 06-04-2003, 02:19 AM
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The standing people---it was a guy and a girl? I think I was standing next to them, or trying to. At least one guy & girl were sitting next to my Mum and I and moved up quickly with the rest of us to the center when the show started. The girl kept trying to push the guy up but the guy just stood there---stoic. So, I'm right behind him, dancing and all that good stuff and apparently the speaker bothered him ('cause you know, I was right by it) so I took his space and they moved a little more center and to the back a little.

It was creepy.

Why are there stoics in the front row ?
& i see you doing
what i try to do for me
with the words from a poet
& the voice of a choir
& a melody...
nothing else mattered
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Old 06-04-2003, 03:28 AM
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Fantastic review Livia!!!

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Old 06-04-2003, 03:56 AM
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Default hey fellow Y&R'er..

Ryan is such a cutie..

it's great to see you had a great time in Nashville, Livia.. it's really great to see Fleetwood Mac getting better and better as the tour carries on..

i'm listening to the Buffalo show.. and they have definitely improved (although they were great) since our D.C. show... thanks for the review, Livia!! although I miss Destiny Rules, the addition of Second Hand News is perfect - keeps the audience rocking!

us fans love to be able to relive our shows via the fans!!! Keep them coming.. i read them all!! I have to hear Stevie's Porky Pig moment before 'Beautiful Child". can't wait for a copy of the Nashville show!! :-)

"we liked to do the first single from our new album..its the first new work we've had in about 15 years.. this is a song, that is kind of a satire of the detachment that seems to exist in the current regime that runs our country.. it's called Peacekeeper.." - Lindsey Buckingham, Buffalo, SYW Tour!

Last edited by Keith; 06-04-2003 at 01:53 PM..
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Old 06-04-2003, 07:32 AM
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Great Review Livia. I am so jealous you are going to more concerts. I am still trying to make it to Dallas, but work may interfer.

save the cheerleader - save the world
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