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Old 01-21-2013, 05:34 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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Default interview from 2004

This may have been posted once upon a time here; I hadn't seen it before in it's entirety so just thought I'd share. Sorry if it's a repeat!

Sunday Express (06/27/2004), Christine McVie: Life After Fleetwood Mac

Sunday Express, June 27, 2004

Christine McVie: Life After Fleetwood Mac
She was the icy beauty in rock banc Fleetwood Mac. Now Christine McVie has found happiness tending the gardens at her 17th century mansion in Kent
by Robin Eggar

Retirement agrees with Christine McVie. In 1998 she finally called time on her 28-year stint in Fleetwood Mac, one of the most successful rock bands of all time.

To make sure there could be no going back she sold her LA mansion and her car, waved goodbye to her friends and flew to England.

"The moment I landed at Heathrow airport I knew I was home, " she says. "It was as though this massive weight had lifted off me.

"I never really wanted to leave England in the first place. When we left to try to hack out a career in the States they assured me it would only be for six months. We never came back. I'm 60 now and for the first time in my life I feel really at ease with myself, dare I say it, happy."

Her face is lined but healthy, there is a vivacity and sparkle in her blue eyes. She's taller and rangier than I expected, in designer jeans and a tailored jacket over a white T-shirt.

Chris says that after she left the band she never intended to make another record. But she has and a fine piece of work it is too. She made the album In the Meantime in a barn at her Kent home with nephew Dan.

"I didn't start off with the intention of making a record. I was doing these songs for cathartic reasons. I had been through a bad relationship that had broken down so some of the songs were working the demon out."

Chris was always an unlikely rock star. She was born on July 12, 1943, just outside Birmingham into an educated if impoverished family. Her father Cyril was a college professor and her mother Tee (Beatrice) a school secretary and part time psychic healer.

"I am one of the people she healed. I had this huge wart under my nose, she put her fingers on it and the next morning it was gone. She healed some very sick people. She was an extraordinary woman."

She was a plump child, fervently studying classical piano. "At 13 I weighed 13 stone but when I went to art college I suddenly realised how cute guys were and I wanted one so I stopped eating chocolate and started on salad." When she was 15 her older brother left some Fats Domino sheet music in her piano stool. It was a revelation and she "started to learn to try to play the blues".

In her first band, Chicken Shack, she seldom sang, just played keyboards, but her ice blonde beauty made Christine Perfect, as she then was, a blues boom icon.

"I was never a sex goddess, " she laughs. "The band always treated me as one of the guys, but with respect like a sister. I was never excluded from the boy jokes. I had to get used to that so I now have a mouth like a sewer."

She quit Chicken Shack to marry John McVie, Fleetwood Mac's bass player. "I wanted to become a housewife, " she says unconvincingly. The band were preparing to tour America. "They weren't happy with the sound. I knew all the songs because I was listening to the rehearsals so they said, 'What do you think about joining?' I said, 'You must be mad but yes.' A lifetime later I managed to leave."

What changed Fleetwood Mac from a hard-working blues band into global superstars was the recruitment of an American couple, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham and singer Stevie Nicks.

"It was a bizarre bunch of people. Stevie and I are so different. She was this siren, a magic creature on the stage while I was content to be behind the keyboards. Lindsey was a Californian boy, John had been a civil servant in Ealing, while Mick Fleetwood was a wing commander's son, all jolly hockey sticks with a dark humour. And underneath it all was this musical soap opera."

Fleetwood Mac, the first album with the new line-up, was a No1 in America. But by the time they prepared to record the follow-up, Rumours, the band's personal relationships were in tatters. Both couples had split up and drummer Fleetwood was getting divorced.

"The music was all we lived for. That was what tied us together while everything else was falling apart. We were all living in this dream world, doing too many drugs and drinking too much, all busy getting divorced and fighting among ourselves."

Rumours sold 25million copies and is still one of the biggest selling albums of all time. But with success came legendary excess.

Buckingham lived for a year in the Four Season hotel in Los Angeles, Fleetwood embarked on a series of property deals that ended up bankrupting him, McVie drank while Stevie dabbled in magic, took too many drugs, and bounced from boyfriend to boyfriend.

"I did a little bit of everything, " says Chris. "A perfect balance. I have had my moments of insanity but I am fairly level-headed. The most excessive thing I did was staying up for three days with the white powder, liberally washed down by Dom Perignon. I almost had a heart attack."

Chris quit drugs 20 years ago, drink three years ago, but hasn't yet conquered smoking. "I did quit for five years once, then my second marriage broke down so I started again. I've been very unlucky in love, it's been a real drag."

She had a doomed relationship with Beach Boy Dennis Wilson and her second marriage to keyboard player and songwriter Eddie Quintela, 12 years her junior, broke up before she returned to England.

"Both Stevie and I used to moan about how we were married to Fleetwood Mac, " she says. "There was no time for relationships of our own. Sometimes I regret not having children. There was a time 20 or so years ago when it would have been nice, it just didn't happen."

When the band played in London last year Chris went to see them.

"They sounded great, " she says.

"But I didn't even feel a pang. I was looking at them on stage thinking 'Thank God I'm not there'.

"When I went backstage they all looked so tired, I knew I didn't make the wrong move. I won't ever play live again.

"I came out of Fleetwood Mac fairly unscathed, in good health both physically and emotionally.

Financially I'm fine. I am not Elton John but who the hell needs that much money? I'm quite content and solvent." She spends most of her time in her 17th century house near Canterbury, supervising the gardeners, hanging out with her Lhasa Apso dogs, Dougal and George, and cooking roasts for her friends and family. She bought the house in 1990 after her father died and it needed a lot of restoration.

"I love living in Kent, I love being around the people I am around, life is pretty damn good. Tomorrow I am going to switch on the telly and watch some Wimbledon. It sounds trivial but it's blissful after the chaotic life I've led for the past 40 years. I live a very simple life, but it is the one I chose."
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Old 01-21-2013, 06:41 PM
FierySequences FierySequences is offline
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I love this, thx for posting. I, too don't think I've ever read the entire piece.

LOL at her comment "now I have a mouth like a sewer".

Well, there's her answer in plain day. "I will never perform live again". I think (know) Chris is content that 97/98 was her last gigs and it was the right time for her.

She's such a cool headed, sweet soul. I'd Love to be a guest at one of her fabulous dinner parties.
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Old 01-22-2013, 08:36 AM
Ulpian Ulpian is offline
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It's nice to read this interview again.

As you say, it proves to me that she's absolutely done with FM, as we knew she was.

What I love is her comment about her plan for the next day being sitting in front of the TV and watching the tennis. Can anyone imagine her rock contemporaries admitting to that?
-- Mark --
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Old 01-23-2013, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Ulpian View Post
What I love is her comment about her plan for the next day being sitting in front of the TV and watching the tennis. Can anyone imagine her rock contemporaries admitting to that?
Eric Clapton.
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Old 01-23-2013, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveMacD View Post
Eric Clapton.
Really? Isn't he usually *at* Wimbledon rather than watching it on TV?
-- Mark --
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Old 01-23-2013, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Ulpian View Post
Really? Isn't he usually *at* Wimbledon rather than watching it on TV?
Probably. He's always up for tennis.
On and on it will always be, the rhythm, rhyme, and harmony.

THE Stephen Hopkins
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Old 01-23-2013, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by SteveMacD View Post
Probably. He's always up for tennis.
LB too. didn't someone say they met him while watching a tennis match on his phone when he was on tour recently?

"kind of weird: a tribute to the dearly departed from a band that can treat its living like trash"
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Old 01-24-2013, 09:10 PM
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I remember this article the first time around. It was one of my favs from that period. Before this, I never knew the bit about Lindsey living at the Four Seasons for a year. I also didn't know she quit drinking. But that was then. Who knows if that still holds true?

Love the bit about salads instead of chocolate, a mouth like a sewer, and her sitting in front of the tube watching tennis. She really is one of the rarest of rock and rollers.
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Old 10-27-2024, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by aleuzzi View Post
Before this, I never knew the bit about Lindsey living at the Four Seasons for a year.
I don't remember reading this in any article either. But now I just found this one, that mention it was for 2 years. Yes it sounds like one of those Mick's decisions. The difference is that Lindsey never filed for bankruptcy. I wonder why didn't want to buy or rent something.

Mick Fleetwood, the drummer, managed to blow £8m on drugs, drink and failed property deals, bankrupting himself. Guitarist Lindsey Buckingham spent a comparable amount living for two years in Los Angeles' extraordinarily expensive Four Seasons hotel.
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Old 10-27-2024, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by SteveMacD View Post
Eric Clapton.
Wouldn't that be nice?
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Old 10-27-2024, 03:39 PM
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I had not known she started smoking again during her divorce from Eddy. I know she and Stevie quit during the Dance.
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Old 10-27-2024, 06:02 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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this was in 2004. Seems like another decade was enough for her to get totally bored.
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Old 10-28-2024, 07:34 PM
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Finally getting around to reading this. In addition to LB's years at the Four Seasons, here is one that was also new to me --

"Her ex-husband John, meanwhile, had an alcohol-induced seizure and was busted for possession of cocaine and firearms."

Any sauce on this?
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Old 10-28-2024, 07:36 PM
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Well, this is just untrue, isn't it?

"According to Fleetwood, the band never believed its own press anyway. "We're all really accessible people," he explains. E ven Nicks? Isn't she a real prima donna, the J-Lo of her generation? "Absolutely not, not for one moment in her life. Even when she had problems with substance abuse, she was always incredibly connected to the real world. We never had entourages or thugs telling people to 'clear the restaurant now!'"
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Old 10-28-2024, 09:42 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
Well, this is just untrue, isn't it?

"According to Fleetwood, the band never believed its own press anyway. "We're all really accessible people," he explains. E ven Nicks? Isn't she a real prima donna, the J-Lo of her generation? "Absolutely not, not for one moment in her life. Even when she had problems with substance abuse, she was always incredibly connected to the real world. We never had entourages or thugs telling people to 'clear the restaurant now!'"
I'd bet it isn't true.

I do recall hearing stories that when she toured with Petty (maybe the Dylan tour??) she had orders that the staff at their hotels should not look at her or talk to her.

And then of course there's the infamous having-hotel-rooms-painted-pink and demanding-pianos-in-her-suite and all that.

this is a woman who said that she was taught how to be a rockstar by Henley.....
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