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Old 02-21-2018, 04:51 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
No - that’s not it. Since day 1 the liberal media and Democrats have criticized him constantly. Anything bad that happens is his fault. They refuse to give him credit for anything. Their trying to find a way to impeach him. He has to stand up for himself and let people know he not going to be a punching bag.

And GOP never criticized Obama constantly from day 1 did they???
It's difficult to think of much to give Don credit for.
The man really is a child. A very dim child.

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Old 02-22-2018, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
And GOP never criticized Obama constantly from day 1 did they???
It's difficult to think of much to give Don credit for.
The man really is a child. A very dim child.
We are talking about the media, Hollywood, Democrats and the Deep State making a conserted effort to impeach a president from day 1. The public is just barraged by negative news on a daily basis. The Democrats stole the nomination from their best candidate, nominated a weaker candidate and lost the election but they don’t want to take any responsibility for losing. Instead they are just going to put this country through hell over their own stupidity. Trying to steal back the presidency through any means necessary.

Trump has to tell the public what he is doing. The media (except Fox News) will always put him down. Trump is a fighter. He is not going to let them just run over him.
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Old 02-22-2018, 01:00 PM
JohnL JohnL is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
No - that’s not it. Since day 1 the liberal media and Democrats have criticized him constantly. Anything bad that happens is his fault. They refuse to give him credit for anything. Their trying to find a way to impeach him. He has to stand up for himself and let people know he not going to be a punching bag.
Then maybe he should stop giving them so much ammunition on a daily basis? The man tweets constantly without thinking of the impact it will have on us as a country and as a supposedly United States. He isnt being used as a punching bag. He is a wind bag that needs to be removed!! And dont even get me started on his protection of Russia above all else. He has not imposed the sanctions voted on by Congress and he slams every single person around him for looking at him cross-eyed except for Russia.
Love is a word and some entertain it...if you find have won the game baby
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Old 02-24-2018, 02:45 AM
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Originally Posted by JohnL View Post
Then maybe he should stop giving them so much ammunition on a daily basis? The man tweets constantly without thinking of the impact it will have on us as a country and as a supposedly United States. He isnt being used as a punching bag. He is a wind bag that needs to be removed!! And dont even get me started on his protection of Russia above all else. He has not imposed the sanctions voted on by Congress and he slams every single person around him for looking at him cross-eyed except for Russia.
I guess the world loved Obama because he went on an apology tour and gave them more of our jobs. Thank god Trump puts this country first. Twitter helped get him elected. At the very least it shows he paying attention to current topics. As far as Russia is concerned, it’s crap created by the Democrats so they don’t have to take responsibility for making bad choices and losing the election. Trump is not protecting Russia. He is just not following the Democrats narrative because they are saying he colluded with Russia and he knows that is crap. Besides that, why would he do what Democrats wanted him to do when they are trying to steal an election. And some Republicans like Lindsey Graham and John McCain really act like Democrats and want him gone too. Even if he did it wouldn’t matter, they are going to try and impeach him no matter what.
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Old 02-24-2018, 09:34 PM
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Tax cut! YES!
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Old 02-25-2018, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by jwd View Post
Tax cut! YES!
Tax cuts are great but I fear this is the wrong time. The national debt is now over 20 trillion and counting. Soon the largest percent of or GNP will be interest on the debt. The debt is expected to grow to 22 trillion by the end of Trump's first term. It was 9 trillion in 2008 and 11 trillion by 2011. Republicans only care about spending when democrats are in the white house. On the flip side democrats only care about the debt and raising the debt ceiling when republicans are in the White House. Each party is leading to the demise of the United States. Debt is what has destroyed great empires over the centuries. Tax cuts are supposed to be given during a recession to spur economic growth. In 2009 the democrats and Obama did the opposite and spent a trillion dollars on "stimulus." Tax cuts should have happened then. Now that the economy has some legs is the time to cut spending. This tax cut could actually hurt the economy by over-heating it. The market is already falling because of higher interest rates and inflation. When the next recession happens there would be anything to jump start the economy since the taxes were already cut. If you are not living in your means why dont you cut spending if you are reducing revenue? There is no way any country can sustain a 22 trillion dollar debt. In 50 years when world historians look at the demise of the United States they will look at the foolish spending of Congress and presidents of both parties 2000-2018. The world will dump dollars and look to other currencies. All of this spending is coming off a printing press at the Federal Reserve that needs paid back with interest. All great countries who have done this (printing money to finance spending) have crashed and burned. By 2027 China will be the world's sole superpower.
My heart will rise up with the morning sun and the hurt I feel will simply melt away

Last edited by Macfan4life; 02-25-2018 at 01:28 PM..
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Old 02-26-2018, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by JohnL View Post
We have become a laughing stock to the rest of the world.
Not anymore, now it's our turn again.

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Old 02-26-2018, 04:13 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by SisterNightroad View Post
Not anymore, now it's our turn again.
No, I'd say the US still wins.
For every 'Last Week Tonight' that's about Italy John Oliver has done about 50 taking the p!ss out of this sorry Trump presidency.
Italy doesn't come close to the US at the moment as far as laughing stock is concerned, though laughing is still difficult at the moment with recent events over there.

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Old 02-26-2018, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
No, I'd say the US still wins.
For every 'Last Week Tonight' that's about Italy John Oliver has done about 50 taking the p!ss out of this sorry Trump presidency.
Italy doesn't come close to the US at the moment as far as laughing stock is concerned, though laughing is still difficult at the moment with recent events over there.
What right does Europe have to laugh at anyone? Look at Sweden, Germany, France and Great Britain. Look what their policies have done to their own people. Laughing stock??? Take a look in the mirror. No one wants to end up like you. Your nutty political correctness is killing your people right and left. No wonder people are rejecting the cult of globalism.

There is no blinder man then one with a mission. That goes for countries too. You don’t care enough for your people to use common sense.

As far as American laughing stocks are concerned, look at the nutty Democratic Party with its 150 genders, Sanctuary Cities, and people who want noncitizens to have voting rights.... a party that is supposed to stand for freedom of speech but will beat you up if you don’t say what they like.... they’ve got splinters in the windmills of their mind..... off the deep end.... batt shiiiittt crazzzy....

It’s like I’m watching some crazy sitcom filled with lunatics.

Last edited by Jondalar; 02-26-2018 at 04:46 PM..
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Old 02-26-2018, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
No, I'd say the US still wins.
For every 'Last Week Tonight' that's about Italy John Oliver has done about 50 taking the p!ss out of this sorry Trump presidency.
Italy doesn't come close to the US at the moment as far as laughing stock is concerned, though laughing is still difficult at the moment with recent events over there.
Well, let's wait and see who wins before saying that.
I guess I guess since you aren't Italian it's not as much awful to you, but this Sunday I'll have to vote and for the umpteenth time there's not even ONE party or candidate I have the desire to vote for, and on top of that they made the votation in such a twisted manner that a lot of the voters will probably end up having their vote annulled because they didn't sign in the right manner.
While I am aware that John Oliver's program is just satire and not real information, much of what it's said there it's true even if it's presented in an amusing fashion and there are a few inaccuracies, and it's just the tip of the iceberg (the scandal of the "ineligibles" God).

Last edited by SisterNightroad; 02-26-2018 at 05:43 PM..
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Old 02-26-2018, 04:54 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
What right does Europe have to laugh at anyone? Look at Sweden, Germany, France and Great Britain. Look what their policies have done to their own people. Laughing stock??? Take a look in the mirror. No one wants to end up like you. Your nutty political correctness is killing your people right and left. No wonder people are rejecting the cult of globalism.
Ha ha ha. You been watching Sean Hannity again?
Come on, have you ever been to Europe? You have absolutely no clue.
What you are typing is absolute garbage. Complete and utter tosh. Laughable. Ha ha.

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Old 02-26-2018, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Ha ha ha. You been watching Sean Hannity again?
Come on, have you ever been to Europe? You have absolutely no clue.
What you are typing is absolute garbage. Complete and utter tosh. Laughable. Ha ha.
Someone has only one source of (dis)information. Trumpists have no ideology. Trump was a Manhattan liberal a few years ago but has people hoodwinked. Its tribalism now. No ideology left or right, liberal or conservative. Its to protect the tribe at any cost. Facts don't matter. The only role in life is to protect the tribe at all costs. It would be like having a conversation with a coffee table. I miss the old debates liberal vs conservative, etc. Now its just disinformation all over the place. Democracies all over the world are tumbling because of the disinformation pumped into the countries. Look who was elected in Poland, Chech republic, etc. Even Brexit was a Russian pipe dream come true. Thank goodness for the French for turning the tide and not supporting fascist LePage. If she had won, she would have dismantled NATO a personal request of Putin. She was just invited to speak at CPAC which is "supposed" to be a gathering of conservatives. They forgot that she supports government health care and government mandating shortening of the work week (anti-business). She is anything but a conservative but because she is so anti-immigrant the "fake conservatives" welcomed her with open arms. Its total hypocrisy but when you don't believe facts, what do you expect.
The indictments are coming. We are in for one hell of a ride.
Our founding fathers were brilliant men. The system they created was a check and balance on all areas of government. Even if a strongman or dictator was elected the Congress would have oversight to counter the executive branch. Our founding fathers never imagined that member of Congress would refuse to do oversight. Trump has so many conflicts of interests. Only the political party in power in Congress has subpoena power. It would take a change of party to get subpoena power to show Trump's taxes, investments, and tenants in his buildings. That may change in a few months.
My heart will rise up with the morning sun and the hurt I feel will simply melt away

Last edited by Macfan4life; 02-26-2018 at 05:55 PM..
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Old 02-26-2018, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Macfan4life View Post
Someone has only one source of (dis)information. Trumpists have no ideology. Trump was a Manhattan liberal a few years ago but has people hoodwinked. Its tribalism now. No ideology left or right, liberal or conservative. Its to protect the tribe at any cost. Facts don't matter. The only role in life is to protect the tribe at all costs. It would be like having a conversation with a coffee table. I miss the old debates liberal vs conservative, etc. Now its just disinformation all over the place. Democracies all over the world are tumbling because of the disinformation pumped into the countries. Look who was elected in Poland, Chech republic, etc. Even Brexit was a Russian pipe dream come true. Thank goodness for the French for turning the tide and not supporting fascist LePage. If she had won, she would have dismantled NATO a personal request of Putin. She was just invited to speak at CPAC which is "supposed" to be a gathering of conservatives. They forgot that she supports government health care and government mandating shortening of the work week (anti-business). She is anything but a conservative but because she is so anti-immigrant the "fake conservatives" welcomed her with open arms. Its total hypocrisy but when you don't believe facts, what do you expect.
The indictments are coming. We are in for one hell of a ride.
Our founding fathers were brilliant men. The system they created was a check and balance on all areas of government. Even if a strongman or dictator was elected the Congress would have oversight to counter the executive branch. Our founding fathers never imagined that member of Congress would refuse to do oversight. Trump has so many conflicts of interests. Only the political party in power in Congress has subpoena power. It would take a change of party to get subpoena power to show Trump's taxes, investments, and tenants in his buildings. That may change in a few months.
Thanks for your great wisdom. Trump’s not a dictator and never was and he didn’t even know enough about Washington to collude with the Russians, unlike the Clintons. It will get interesting. If you think that people are just going to sit around and let Democrats steal the presidency over some made up crap, you have another thing coming. It will be an all out civil war.
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Old 02-26-2018, 06:48 PM
Hawkeye Hawkeye is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
Thanks for your great wisdom. Trump’s not a dictator and never was and he didn’t even know enough about Washington to collude with the Russians, unlike the Clintons. It will get interesting. If you think that people are just going to sit around and let Democrats steal the presidency over some made up crap, you have another thing coming. It will be an all out civil war.
You do realize trump being impeached would not then make his opponent in the last election president right? Mike Pence would be president. Don’t see how that’s the Democrats stealing an election.
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Old 02-26-2018, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
You do realize trump being impeached would not then make his opponent in the last election president right? Mike Pence would be president. Don’t see how that’s the Democrats stealing an election.
You do realize that nobody voted for Mike Pence and he would of never been elected anyway. You do realize that from day one the public has watched the media and Democrats openly conspire against Trump and try to discredit the election. (Now we are supposed to believe that this is just an honest investigation when you’ve been so obvious about the whole thing.)And you do realize that Democrats already stole the nomination and probably the presidency from Bernie Sanders and they don’t mind doing it again.

Oh and you do realize that Hillary Clinton was caught in lie after lie and nothing happened to her.

People who voted for Trump are just supposed to watch this happen.
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