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Old 12-20-2017, 08:33 AM
Dr.Brown Dr.Brown is offline
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Originally Posted by Macfan4life View Post
Don't you believe that line is about that?
Makes sense, plus she also seems to revisit her experience in the song Goodbye Baby. The lyrics are pretty heartbreaking.

Don't take me to the tower
And take my child away
It was I who was
The hourglass
And the sands of time like
Shattering glass went past me
Like a tunnel to the sea

And I who went to sleep as two
Woke up as one now only you remain
You'll close your eyes and travel back
To the time when the light went fading fast
And the words you'll never, never forget, oh no
As you slipped away

Goodbye baby
I hope your heart's not broken
Don't forget me
Yes I was outspoken
You were with me all the time
I'll be with you one day

And I who went to sleep in tears
Woke up in tears, for all of the years
And I who never, never said goodbye
As I slipped away

Goodbye baby
I hope your heart's not broken
Don't forget me
Yes I was outspoken
You were with me all the time
I'll be with you one day

Goodbye baby
I hope your heart's not broken
Don't forget me
Yes I was outspoken
You were with me all the time
I'll be with you one day

Yes, I'll be with you one day
. .

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Old 01-30-2018, 11:42 PM
iamnotafraid iamnotafraid is offline
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I thought President Trump gave an excellent State
Of The Union speech tonight. One of his best so far.
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Old 02-03-2018, 06:31 AM
JohnL JohnL is offline
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[QUOTE=iamnotafraid;1220294]I thought President Trump gave an excellent State
Of The Union speech tonight. One of his best so far.[/QUOT

Yeah, especially the part where he said "Puerto Rico we love you" and then cut off aid to them that very same day. The man is a self serving pig. And now with the release of the altered FBI memo, he is hopefully sealing his own fate. Next up he will try to fire Mueller. OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!!
Love is a word and some entertain it...if you find have won the game baby
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Old 02-03-2018, 08:58 AM
Dr.Brown Dr.Brown is offline
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Sorry, the obstruction of justice lies in a purely partisan witch hunt as revealed in the released, unredacted memo. I never thought I'd see McCarthyism return, let alone from the left!
. .


Last edited by Dr.Brown; 02-03-2018 at 09:03 AM..
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Old 02-03-2018, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by TheWildHeart67 View Post
Homer, so you are against abortion, or just in Stevie's case?
I wonder if the baby would have been born with medical issues after being conceived when both Stevie ans Don were on massive amounts of drugs.?
I never thought about that until just now.
Sorry, I don't visit Chit Chat much anymore, and didn't see this.

No, I'm not against abortion(and I was adopted, born pre Roe vs Wade, so it's quite possible I might have been aborted).

I might worry that the drugs they were doing might have affected the baby, but I'd be more worried about the child's outcome, after being raised by two complete narcissists. Can you IMAGINE what a spoiled BRAT that kid would be?
Christine McVie- she radiated both purity and sass in equal measure, bringing light to the music of the 70s. RIP. - John Taylor(Duran Duran)
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Old 02-04-2018, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Dr.Brown View Post
Sorry, the obstruction of justice lies in a purely partisan witch hunt as revealed in the released, unredacted memo. I never thought I'd see McCarthyism return, let alone from the left!
Rule 1: Never bring logic into the Chit chat section
McCarthyism is deep state conspiracy with lists and memos of conspirators
Before you use a term you should know what it means
My heart will rise up with the morning sun and the hurt I feel will simply melt away
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Old 02-05-2018, 02:51 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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I see the mop-haired dope criticized our single payer National Health Service in a tweet today. More great international diplomacy from the orange one. He really has no clue. So dim. SAD!

'Where words fail, music speaks'
Mick Fleetwood
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Old 02-06-2018, 08:21 AM
JohnL JohnL is offline
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
I see the mop-haired dope criticized our single payer National Health Service in a tweet today. More great international diplomacy from the orange one. He really has no clue. So dim. SAD!

We have become a laughing stock to the rest of the world. The man says one day that we all need to come together and work for the benefit of each other (in a scripted speech)...and the next day the real Trump comes out and accuses anyone who didnt applaud during his farce of a speech of treason. We will see who the treasonous one is on the end. The man has to be removed from office.
Love is a word and some entertain it...if you find have won the game baby
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Old 02-06-2018, 09:32 PM
iamnotafraid iamnotafraid is offline
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Originally Posted by JohnL View Post


The man has to be removed from office.

Think about that for a moment.
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Old 02-06-2018, 09:43 PM
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I dunno, if you are against Trump's name-calling it doesn't really fit to use name-calling yourself, or criticizing his hair do (or don't as the case might be). I think it just feeds the pointless us vs. them thing, at least to some extent.

I think the U.S. needs at least two parties to continue any claim of democracy. It sure seems like some people totally forget that... I wonder sometimes if what the fanatic wants is one party? Well, that's what the communist countries have, so why don't you just go there? Even as a Canadian I want a healthy and yes, strong, United States, and that means a healthy Republican party and a healthy Democratic party. I used to think maybe you could have used a third party or even a fourth that would stick around, but like gun control, if it hasn't happened at this point then I'd say the people have spoken and chosen. Both Perot and Nader were vilified by different agenda groups, so not gonna happen anytime again soon I'm thinking. So now how do the two parties attract stable maybe boring and middle of the road types that will be able to work with others? I'm thinking the most Canadian preferred prezes you've had would be Eisenhower and on the other 'side' Obama. I suspect though that Obama is too recent to induce yawns and wonder about what the fuss was about, but I predict one day he will be seen as one of your most boringly competent Chiefs. You know, just do the job. Unfortunately I have seen really qualified and boring candidates just don't get very far, big sigh! Bill Bradley lost to Bill Clinton? I never understood that one, how could I possibly comprehend Dubya over McCain or even Reagan over Bush Sr.?

You are a mysterious people, often even to yourselves I think. I am often thrown in with you through friends, family, work, but just because someone seems to represent something I agree with does not mean I am ever going to wave banners, wear hats or buy into the brand all the way. Wherever that kind of thing comes from I am happy to have it stay a mystery. And I still say i think you need better conflict of interest laws, maybe then you could've weeded out wounding candidates like The Hillary and The Donald early on. That I can tell you, believe me.

Well, that's my 1.6 cents Canadian worth for the year. As Bob Dobbs said "Give slack. Get slack." It's still good advice I find.
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Old 02-06-2018, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by iamnotafraid View Post
Think about that for a moment.
Thinking? When people can just react? When experts can be brought in to 'talk about it'?
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Old 02-07-2018, 08:24 AM
JohnL JohnL is offline
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Originally Posted by iamnotafraid View Post
Think about that for a moment.
Are you saying because of who the next in line is? I hope and pray that, if Trump is really guilty of this Russian collusion, then Pence will go with him. I know...then we are stuck with Ryan but I think he is the lesser of all the evils. It just sucks that our choices are so bad. The last election has brought the US political election process to its lowest point ever. I know I am probably dreaming that Trump will be removed from office but one can always dream.
Love is a word and some entertain it...if you find have won the game baby
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Old 02-07-2018, 08:59 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by JohnL View Post

We have become a laughing stock to the rest of the world. The man says one day that we all need to come together and work for the benefit of each other (in a scripted speech)...and the next day the real Trump comes out and accuses anyone who didnt applaud during his farce of a speech of treason. We will see who the treasonous one is on the end. The man has to be removed from office.
I'm waiting for him to take credit for the stock market dip. Since, he has been pounding his chest that because of him it's been rising.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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Old 02-21-2018, 10:37 AM
JohnL JohnL is offline
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Originally Posted by jbrownsjr View Post
I'm waiting for him to take credit for the stock market dip. Since, he has been pounding his chest that because of him it's been rising.
You know that will never happen. He believes that his actions only have positive impacts. God that was hard to even type. The man makes me physically ill. LOL
Love is a word and some entertain it...if you find have won the game baby
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Old 02-21-2018, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by JohnL View Post
You know that will never happen. He believes that his actions only have positive impacts. God that was hard to even type. The man makes me physically ill. LOL
No - that’s not it. Since day 1 the liberal media and Democrats have criticized him constantly. Anything bad that happens is his fault. They refuse to give him credit for anything. Their trying to find a way to impeach him. He has to stand up for himself and let people know he not going to be a punching bag.
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