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Old 07-06-2018, 02:34 AM
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Originally Posted by jwd View Post
Surely he called the police and filed assault charges? Or surely his parents would. It's on video. That's ridiculous.
The video was posted on Twitter. The restaurant fired him and the Green Party expelled him from the party. The boy finally decided to file charges and the man was arrested for stealing. He is the 30 years old, Mexican American and his name is Kino Jimenez. He had participated in anti Trump rallies before.

Fox is the only one posting about it on twitter. It should be all over the news because this is a teenager getting assaulted. However, because Democrats arent looking so great right now, this could really hurt them, so its not getting the coverage it deserves. A lot of people have blamed Maxine Maxipad Walters for this for her rhetoric against Trump supporters.
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Old 07-06-2018, 12:22 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
The video was posted on Twitter. The restaurant fired him and the Green Party expelled him from the party. The boy finally decided to file charges and the man was arrested for stealing. He is the 30 years old, Mexican American and his name is Kino Jimenez. He had participated in anti Trump rallies before.

Fox is the only one posting about it on twitter. It should be all over the news because this is a teenager getting assaulted. However, because Democrats arent looking so great right now, this could really hurt them, so its not getting the coverage it deserves. A lot of people have blamed Maxine Maxipad Walters for this for her rhetoric against Trump supporters.

a) its very convenient the video is only available from that exact moment. You don't know whether there was anything preceding this happening that may have provoked the guy. There's still no excuse for that sort of behaviour but there may have been something in the build up that would have provided some context to his anger. I'm not saying anything of note did happen but its very easy to be selective with clips in order to distort peoples' image of an incident.

b) is that really worthy of news? There are far bigger issues out there in the world. A man gets angry with a kid, takes his hat and throws his drink at him. Big deal- that sort of thing happens every day for a variety of reasons. That Fox picks up on it and makes a major issue of it is really no surprise. There's no accounting for individual idiots.

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Old 07-06-2018, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
a) its very convenient the video is only available from that exact moment. You don't know whether there was anything preceding this happening that may have provoked the guy. There's still no excuse for that sort of behaviour but there may have been something in the build up that would have provided some context to his anger. I'm not saying anything of note did happen but its very easy to be selective with clips in order to distort peoples' image of an incident.

b) is that really worthy of news? There are far bigger issues out there in the world. A man gets angry with a kid, takes his hat and throws his drink at him. Big deal- that sort of thing happens every day for a variety of reasons. That Fox picks up on it and makes a major issue of it is really no surprise. There's no accounting for individual idiots.
Ridiculous! If the shoe were on the other foot, it would be all over the news. Nobody uses children and teenagers like the Democratic Party - high school shootings to get gun control, illegal immigrants children separated from parents to hurt ICE and Trump. You have to be living on another planet to not see how Democrats are always using children as a weapon.

He also called the teenager a n*gg*r. I guess that doesn’t count when a Hispanic says it.

P.S there is an “unnamed source” that claims the boys made remarks before hand but the liberal media won’t report who that source is. Also what the source claimed is ridiculous. People don’t talk that way. It’s the media trying to protect their party again. Hopefully the Democratic Party finishes it suicide before the midterms.

By the way, this man is 30 years old, the kid is 16.
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Old 07-06-2018, 03:52 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
Ridiculous! If the shoe were on the other foot, it would be all over the news. Nobody uses children and teenagers like the Democratic Party - high school shootings to get gun control, illegal immigrants children separated from parents to hurt ICE and Trump. You have to be living on another planet to not see how Democrats are always using children as a weapon.

He also called the teenager a n*gg*r. I guess that doesnt count when a Hispanic says it.

P.S there is an unnamed source that claims the boys made remarks before hand but the liberal media wont report who that source is. Also what the source claimed is ridiculous. People dont talk that way. Its the media trying to protect their party again. Hopefully the Democratic Party finishes it suicide before the midterms.

Whaaaat? Seriously? You are comparing children being shot and kids being separated from their parents en-masse and put in cages with a teenager having a baseball cap taken, being sworn at and having a drink thrown at him.
FFS take a step back and think for a moment

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Old 07-06-2018, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Whaaaat? Seriously? You are comparing children being shot and kids being separated from their parents en-masse and put in cages with a teenager having a baseball cap taken, being sworn at and having a drink thrown at him.
FFS take a step back and think for a moment
What??? seriously?? Uh yes! School Shootings and child separations were taking place before Trump got there but the media didnt dwell on it before. If you dont want your child separated from you then dont cross the border and break the law. Simple as that.

If the roles were reversed, the media would make out the man to be a racist and there would be racial discussions to try and show how racist the Unites States is. The Democrats would use it to keep minorities scared.

Nobody uses children like the Democratic Party. They want people to vote on emotion and not use their brains.
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Old 07-07-2018, 12:00 AM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
What??? seriously?? Uh yes! School Shootings and child separations were taking place before Trump got there but the media didnt dwell on it before. If you dont want your child separated from you then dont cross the border and break the law. Simple as that.

If the roles were reversed, the media would make out the man to be a racist and there would be racial discussions to try and show how racist the Unites States is. The Democrats would use it to keep minorities scared.

Nobody uses children like the Democratic Party. They want people to vote on emotion and not use their brains.

Well, I'm not American but I'm pretty certain the US media has dwelt on school shootings long before Trump (and will continue to do so long after him too). It seems odd to claim otherwise.

Child separations did indeed take place by US border authorities before Trump, but not in such significant numbers. I don't think anybody would deny it may be necessary to separate families in some cases and sent some people to prison. But deliberately using the policy as a deterrent is abhorrent and rightly condemned by people all around the world. There was a 1700% increase in such cases between April and May of this year.

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Old 07-07-2018, 02:00 AM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Well, I'm not American but I'm pretty certain the US media has dwelt on school shootings long before Trump (and will continue to do so long after him too). It seems odd to claim otherwise.

Child separations did indeed take place by US border authorities before Trump, but not in such significant numbers. I don't think anybody would deny it may be necessary to separate families in some cases and sent some people to prison. But deliberately using the policy as a deterrent is abhorrent and rightly condemned by people all around the world. There was a 1700% increase in such cases between April and May of this year.
They werent using school shootings in the past as a weapon against the president of the United States like they are now. They have to find ways of keeping people outraged against Trump so they will be motivated to go vote. Using children is a way to do that.

The policy was not abhorrent. They broke the law. Its their parents fault. Dont come here! Its not supposed to be easy to be an illegal immigrant - does that ever sink into liberals? They need to fight for better living conditions in their own countries, not ours. .... And condemned around the world? Who cares? The media is controlled by liberals around the world who take their que from the Democratic Party. Are people really outraged - not really. Fake outrage is their weapon.
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Old 07-07-2018, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
They werent using school shootings in the past as a weapon against the president of the United States like they are now. They have to find ways of keeping people outraged against Trump so they will be motivated to go vote. Using children is a way to do that.

The policy was not abhorrent. They broke the law. Its their parents fault. Dont come here! Its not supposed to be easy to be an illegal immigrant - does that ever sink into liberals? They need to fight for better living conditions in their own countries, not ours. .... And condemned around the world? Who cares? The media is controlled by liberals around the world who take their que from the Democratic Party. Are people really outraged - not really. Fake outrage is their weapon.
I'm not from the the US, but trust me in saying this has been in our media for ages. Maybe the school shootings are hitting the media more because there are so many of them. And people are horrified, and it's come down to kids trying to make a difference because nothing was changing after Sandy Hook, etc.

You don't need the media to keep the world outraged at Trump. He has his own Twitter account to keep the world scratching their heads.

As for your immigration issues? All developed countries face the issue of illegal immigration/refugees. Breaking the law or not, human compassion when dealing with children is top. These people did not risk life and limb to come for a better life, because they have options at home. They don't.

But I'm sure you'll stand by your beliefs, that's your right.
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Old 07-07-2018, 10:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
They werent using school shootings in the past as a weapon against the president of the United States like they are now. They have to find ways of keeping people outraged against Trump so they will be motivated to go vote. Using children is a way to do that.

The policy was not abhorrent. They broke the law. Its their parents fault. Dont come here! Its not supposed to be easy to be an illegal immigrant - does that ever sink into liberals? They need to fight for better living conditions in their own countries, not ours. .... And condemned around the world? Who cares? The media is controlled by liberals around the world who take their que from the Democratic Party. Are people really outraged - not really. Fake outrage is their weapon.
And trust me, we liberals around the world do not take our que from your Democratic Party. Others countries can think for themselves.
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Old 07-12-2018, 01:46 AM
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Ha ha Stormy Daniels was arrested at Sirens strip club about a half a mile away from where I live for letting client touch her. You would think with all the publicity, she would know better.
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Old 07-13-2018, 10:53 AM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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The people of the UK have made it known how they feel about Don.
Did nobody ever tell him it's not the done thing to embarrass the host when your in somebody else's house? Very rude man.

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Old 07-14-2018, 12:36 AM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post

The people of the UK have made it known how they feel about Don.
Did nobody ever tell him it's not the done thing to embarrass the host when your in somebody else's house? Very rude man.
Some people in the UK don’t like Trump. Some people do. The country sold out its people to political correctness a long time ago but there is hope. Also, they wouldn’t be liberals if they didn’t whine, bitchh and protest. They protest over the opening of an envelope.

Last edited by Jondalar; 07-14-2018 at 12:40 AM..
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Old 07-14-2018, 01:04 AM
iamnotafraid iamnotafraid is offline
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Got to wonder if even half of them know
what they're protesting.

Maybe Roger Waters could borrow that
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Old 07-14-2018, 01:05 AM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
Some people in the UK dont like Trump. Some people do. The country sold out its people to political correctness a long time ago but there is hope. Also, they wouldnt be liberals if they didnt whine, bitchh and protest. They protest over the opening of an envelope.
Trust me, there are very, very few people in the UK that like Trump. Not talking about 'liberals' (liberal means something completely different here in the UK, by the way). Don't believe what Fox News tells you- if you believe them they say there were large numbers of pro-Trump supporters at the marches yesterday (there were actually some small groups of English Defence League white nationalists). There may be some pro-Trump people here, but trust me the vast majority of this country is staunchly anti-Trump. Maybe 98%

How funny was he yesterday- backtracking on everything he said in the interview he gave to the Sun newspaper.
'The US-UK relationship is special. Really special. Totally special. As special as special can get. Ultra- special'. What a goon.

'Where words fail, music speaks'
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Old 07-14-2018, 01:10 AM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Trust me, there are very, very few people in the UK that like Trump. Not talking about 'liberals' (liberal means something completely different here in the UK, by the way). Don't believe what Fox News tells you- if you believe them they say there were large numbers of pro-Trump supporters at the marches yesterday (there were actually some small groups of English Defence League white nationalists). There may be some pro-Trump people here, but trust me the vast majority of this country is staunchly anti-Trump. Maybe 98%

How funny was he yesterday- backtracking on everything he said in the interview he gave to the Sun newspaper.
'The US-UK relationship is special. Really special. Totally special. As special as special can get. Ultra- special'. What a goon.
I wondered where you from, so its the UK. We will never agree. Im glad I switched to Republican and voted for Trump. Hes got enough confidence that people can fly as many balloons as they want. Wont change him. 😊
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