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Old 03-13-2017, 05:56 AM
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A few advisements for a peaceful cohexistence:
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  2. Please resolve any eventual personal quarrel (as in "opinion wars" lead through a barrage of posts that don’t concern the forum) via private electronic mail correspondence with the concerned party.
  3. Try to add a “In my opinion…”, “I (don’t) think/believe…” or “It should be…” to your posts when you deem it appropriate, it can prevent many unnecessary misunderstandings.
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Old 04-18-2017, 05:30 AM
ViscountViktor ViscountViktor is offline
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Default UK General Election

8th June: General Election here in the UK.

Politics never stops does it! Expect to see Labour wiped out and May and the Conservatives get an increased majority. Scotland will be really interesting to watch as well, whether the SNP do better or worse than last time and the implications for independence.
So I close my eyes softly, till I become that part of the wind...
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Old 04-18-2017, 02:50 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Shrewd move by Theresa May. I reckon Labour's seats could be cut to somewhere between 150-200. The biggest winners apart from the Conservatives will be the Liberal Democrats- I think they'll significantly increase their share of the votes and pick up an extra dozen or so seats (including Vince Cable who will stand near to me in Twickenham again). Conservatives might take a couple of extra seats in Scotland but I'd expect SNP to keep most of their huge majority. Scotland will be interesting though.
In general I think a major wipe out would be quite good in a sense for Labour- they need an excuse and an opportunity to get rid of Corbyn. Probably better to get it over and done with now rather than limping along for another few years. On average bookies are offering odds of 1/14 for a Conservative win and one bookie is even going as far as 1/20. Brexit, Trump... no chance of an upset with this one, surely.

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Old 04-19-2017, 01:34 AM
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​I don't think anyone can be certain of anything after what happened last year. I personally think the current Brexit team is a total disaster so I'm praying for some kind of change

Thanks to the moderation team for reinstating these threads. I hope it remains reasonably peaceful in here.
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Old 04-19-2017, 05:19 PM
ViscountViktor ViscountViktor is offline
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ITV doing a debate without May - good on them.
So I close my eyes softly, till I become that part of the wind...
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Old 06-09-2017, 12:36 AM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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...just as I said; a tight election with a hung Parliament

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Old 06-09-2017, 05:58 AM
sue sue is offline
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Hung Parliament with all the uncertainty that brings....
and the possibility of another EU referendum???

Ps....could Mrs May stop having her hair cut, she looks like a Viking warrior.

Last edited by sue; 06-09-2017 at 06:01 AM..
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Old 06-09-2017, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
...just as I said; a tight election with a hung Parliament

​Well I'm over the moon with the result - I'm a big supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, and gaining 41% of the vote from where they were weeks ago, is just amazing! Politics of hope.

Yes things are uncertain with a hung parliament, but nothing could be worse (IMHO) than a far right Conservative brexit team with a hugely increased majority.

Great news for this country - well done the great British public. After a heavy year, everything feels a little lighter today, at least to me.

Weak, wobbly, arrogant Theresa May oh dear....
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Old 06-09-2017, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by MoonSister75 View Post

​Well I'm over the moon with the result - I'm a big supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, and gaining 41% of the vote from where they were weeks ago, is just amazing! Politics of hope.

Yes things are uncertain with a hung parliament, but nothing could be worse (IMHO) than a far right Conservative brexit team with a hugely increased majority.

Great news for this country - well done the great British public. After a heavy year, everything feels a little lighter today, at least to me.

Weak, wobbly, arrogant Theresa May oh dear....
Here, here....well said.....could NOT believe the exit poll.
So much so I had to stay up till 3am.
The trouble is, as you say, arrogant May I think she'll plough on with her
bloody hard brexit regardless.
Unless she is pushed during the summer recess.
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Old 06-09-2017, 10:04 AM
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Originally Posted by sue View Post
Here, here....well said.....could NOT believe the exit poll.
So much so I had to stay up till 3am.
The trouble is, as you say, arrogant May I think she'll plough on with her
bloody hard brexit regardless.
Unless she is pushed during the summer recess.
I'm not really not sure what will happen with Brexit now, but something has to happen, and for some reason I feel much more positive about it today.

Yes the exit poll made it a very exciting night. I'd planned to watch an hour or 2, but I also turned the TV off at 3am. Then found I couldn't sleep and wanted to know what was happening, so got up again and watched until 5am.

I'm not really sure how Theresa May can now stay on as PM in the long term, but maybe she will. I'm just glad she's not in an even more powerful position, and that Labour now have a big increase in MPs. Personally I just feel it's important for Brexit that there is more of a shared power between the parties (although I realise many others would disagree with me)​

And I just have to mention again - Jeremy Corbyn!! What a star that man is
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Old 06-09-2017, 11:57 AM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by MoonSister75 View Post
I'm not really not sure what will happen with Brexit now, but something has to happen, and for some reason I feel much more positive about it today.

Yes the exit poll made it a very exciting night. I'd planned to watch an hour or 2, but I also turned the TV off at 3am. Then found I couldn't sleep and wanted to know what was happening, so got up again and watched until 5am.

I'm not really sure how Theresa May can now stay on as PM in the long term, but maybe she will. I'm just glad she's not in an even more powerful position, and that Labour now have a big increase in MPs. Personally I just feel it's important for Brexit that there is more of a shared power between the parties (although I realise many others would disagree with me)​

And I just have to mention again - Jeremy Corbyn!! What a star that man is

Have to disagree... worst possible result for the country with regards to Brexit negotiations. May can't step down now. The whole point of having an election was because she was an unelected Prime Minister. If she steps down we'd be back in the same position and facing the possibility of another election sooner rather than later. Anyway, if she steps down the successor is likely to be...Boris!

Jeremy Corbyn... a star? Hmmm. I'm sure all those ex-shadow cabinet ministers that felt they couldn't work for him will disagree. Nice bloke but couldn't lead a party out of Hampton Court maze.

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Old 06-09-2017, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Have to disagree... worst possible result for the country with regards to Brexit negotiations. May can't step down now. The whole point of having an election was because she was an unelected Prime Minister. If she steps down we'd be back in the same position and facing the possibility of another election sooner rather than later. Anyway, if she steps down the successor is likely to be...Boris!

Jeremy Corbyn... a star? Hmmm. I'm sure all those ex-shadow cabinet ministers that felt they couldn't work for him will disagree. Nice bloke but couldn't lead a party out of Hampton Court maze.
I think we'll just have to disagree on this one. He ran an incredible 6 week campaign with an incredible result that almost no one predicted. It also showed clearly just how dreadful Theresa May is as a leader, and how she can't be trusted. From all the interviews I have seen with his ministers they seem to be fully behind him and admitting they were wrong in their judgement.
It should be an interesting time to see what happens from here.
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Old 06-09-2017, 05:15 PM
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It doesn't matter what you think of Corbyn, personally, but he has proven he can fight a good campaign and lead his party from the front.
He definitely got on a roll that people joined.

At the start of the campaign when the election was called, by Mrs May, the Conservatives held an 18 percent lead over Labour.
When all the results were in this morning, that lead had been shrunk to 2.4 percent.

So, lead his party out of Hampton Court maze.....mmmm.
I think the above figures answer that.
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Old 06-19-2017, 10:10 PM
AlexD AlexD is offline
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Do any of you in either the U.K. or France feel as if Western Civilization is being threatened by the mass immigration of Muslims into your country? It seems as if every month we see a new #Prayfor[Fill in the blank] trending because of a new radical Islamic terroirist attack in Europe. As an America , it is very sad to see this happening to other Western Civilization countries. A lot of us here want to do something about it, but unfortunately the people who run the country are pushing for this to happen to us.
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Old 06-20-2017, 02:19 PM
FuzzyPlum FuzzyPlum is offline
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Originally Posted by AlexD View Post
Do any of you in either the U.K. or France feel as if Western Civilization is being threatened by the mass immigration of Muslims into your country? It seems as if every month we see a new #Prayfor[Fill in the blank] trending because of a new radical Islamic terroirist attack in Europe. As an America , it is very sad to see this happening to other Western Civilization countries. A lot of us here want to do something about it, but unfortunately the people who run the country are pushing for this to happen to us.
No. Do Americans feel US civilisation is threatened by the constant mass shootings and general gun crime that seems to occur on a daily basis over there? I feel much, much, much safer here.

'Where words fail, music speaks'
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