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Old 09-22-2018, 02:48 AM
AncientQueen AncientQueen is offline
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It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but still Fakewood Mac and SHN - that's totally inappropriate and just ****ty. "Someone - has taken my place". WTF?
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Old 09-22-2018, 04:24 AM
dreamsunwind dreamsunwind is offline
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Lol, I knew they would end up doing Second Hand News. I mean it was terrible, but I just knew for some reason.
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Old 09-22-2018, 04:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Angel75 View Post
I'm speechless that they had the balls to do SHN.....just when you think this new band can't go any lower they do this....I guess Tusk is next?!
nah, they really gotta have balls if they do ISA
she thought she was out there...but nobody saw...
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Old 09-22-2018, 04:37 AM
NotonRodeo NotonRodeo is offline
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That Second Hand News is the most disgusting thing this band has ever did, and that is saying a LOT. Finn was out of tune, and Madame Goat's harmonies sounded more like discords. And his trying to imitate Lindsey's quirky sound effects was just embarrassing. I now have no regrets I have done with this band. Thirty++ years of loyalty just to hear that piece of garbage.
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Old 09-22-2018, 04:47 AM
StevieandChris StevieandChris is offline
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Thanks for posting! I was a bit worried after the Ellen clips but they are going to be just fine on this tour. Excited! The Chain was much better than on TV. Christine sounded better on Little Lies than she did on the BuckVie show. Hysterical that they did SHN.
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Old 09-22-2018, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by elle View Post
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Think of how many people would have seen them on tv tonight for the first time. What an incredibly stupid and selfish move for them to exclude themselves.
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Old 09-22-2018, 08:01 AM
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It was nice to be able to view them from different people's seats in the audience. But the show is just tired in my opinion. The endless GDW has been performed to death. The only entertaining part about it to me was the catwalk. But why doesn't Stevie go all the way to the end of the catwalk and then twirl her way back to the stage? That would be really awesome to see. BTW it was exactly 3 years ago on Sept. 21, 2015(pictured) that she walked the catwalk with Dave Grohl and friend's during, you guessed it, GDW. I wish FM could be the type of band who could give us all new arrangements on each new tour. It's so hard for me to pretend to enjoy this after seeing them perform in their heydays of Tusk and Mirage. Watching them on tv puts me to sleep but in person I feel more excitement because I am in the moment.
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Old 09-22-2018, 08:15 AM
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Stunned they sang Second Hand News.

Thrilled they didn't sing Stop Dragging My Heart Around.

Thankful they sang Little Lies.

Relieved from the reviews I read on line that they did great. I can't take any negative reviews I read on this board seriously, because there's no objectivity, with the exception of a few posters.
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Old 09-22-2018, 08:20 AM
mitzo mitzo is offline
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I thought they were really good on all four numbers but man, is Christine's voice shot. How the hell is going to make it through a long world tour? Sad, really.
"...every time, you don't come..." "my little demon..." oh dear...
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Old 09-22-2018, 08:34 AM
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SHN, wow, just wow.....what part of inappropriate do they not understand?

Chris, how can she agree to these kinds of things? She's probably the only one who might ever interact with Lindsey again and doesn't she know how sh*tty this looks?

My thoughts were the flash and flare really made the show look good, not sound good.

But as soon as SHN started, my jaw dropped.

Last edited by lovethemac1; 09-22-2018 at 08:36 AM..
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Old 09-22-2018, 08:35 AM
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I watched last night. Someone on Ivory Keys was posting video. They did the Chain. It sounded better than on Ellen, but I couldn't stand when Neil sang the line, I can still hear you saying, He was shouting over everybody. Didn't work for me. They did Little Lies, I thought that was an odd choice, considering all the great songs Chris has. Her voice isn't very good now, sad to say. I wonder too how she'll make it thru a whole tour. Watching another video this morning, I can see she doesn't even play on The Chain. Then they did Second Hand News and my mouth fell open. How dare they? It's just wrong. The same 'ol Gold Dust Woman, please a new arrangement. It was the highlight though. Stevie on the catwalk was pretty cool. I didn't like the "wail" she did though. Her voice has no range anymore. Then Don't Stop which was fine. I'm glad I'm not going to see them on this tour. It's just not the same without Lindsey. I wondered if Little Lies was done towards Lindsey. And Second Hand News was an FU to him. But I'm sure he gets paid when they sing it. I also heard Stevie sing at the end of GDW "you can't shake me down" Towards Lindsey perhaps? Or I'm just reading into something not true at all. I also didn't care for Stevie's weird pronunciation of can't. Trying to do an English accent maybe.

I have changed, but you remain ageless
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Old 09-22-2018, 09:35 AM
Murrow Murrow is offline
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How dare they have the barefaced cheek to do SHN!!!!! Lindsey is alive and well and performing. They should leave his songs, apart from co-writes and GYOW, alone and do things like Oh Well instead as in the Billy/Rick era.

Perhaps it was just a fave of Neil’s...
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Old 09-22-2018, 09:45 AM
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Old 09-22-2018, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Murrow View Post
How dare they have the barefaced cheek to do SHN!!!!! Lindsey is alive and well and performing. They should leave his songs, apart from co-writes and GYOW, alone and do things like Oh Well instead as in the Billy/Rick era.

Perhaps it was just a fave of Neil’s...
i actually thought it sounded ok, for a cover band. they are trying to replicate the original recordings as close as possible.

they are not rock band anymore, and were not doing live song interpretations like LB does, just replicating his phrasing and his recorded guitar licks. it was not exciting live music, there were no guitar jams and fun on stage on Little Lies like LB' has been doing on OWTS and BuckVie tours, but it will make unsuspected general audience who have no clue who is or is not or have ever been in the band happy to hear songs they came to hear.

i now think they will skip GYOW all together. that would be interesting!

i found it interesting that like at Musicares, their greatest hits short set had only 1 SN song. and yet they were constantly showing her on video screens. she's the face of the band, with the least big arena hits. half of the set was Christine songs, and 3 out of 5 songs with lead Lindsey vocal. no wonder that Mike C as only replacement couldn't work.

"kind of weird: a tribute to the dearly departed from a band that can treat its living like trash"
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Old 09-22-2018, 09:59 AM
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Default Not bad..

Mike Campbell.. Can he play? Or yes he can. After listening to this very short set, I enjoyed Mike's guitar playing. (Do I prefer Lindsey? Absolutely, but this is where the band is and Mike is excellent).

Overall, I thought the band sounded good, as they should since there are like 1,000 seasoned musicians on stage. I did like the catwalk on Gold Dust, but I'm assuming this stage setup is only for this venue and the tour stage will not have the walk. And I do wish Stevie would switch up the ending a bit. Still good. I'm mean, do we really expect Fleetwood Mac to reinvent these songs at this point.

Besides no Lindsey, my only issue is Neil Finn. I'm not real familiar with this guy's music - and he is talented - but he doesn't fit into Fleetwood Mac and lacks chemistry with Stevie and Chris.

About them doing songs written by Lindsey - they are Fleetwood Mac songs and Second Hand News is a great concert rocker. However, I would prefer no Lindsey songs, including no Go Your Own Way - the Mac has a deep catalog and should bring in some Stevie and Chris deep cuts.

The audience seemed to love them and they were decent - but Lindsey is definitely missed.
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Old 09-22-2018, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by sleepless child View Post
I watched last night. Someone on Ivory Keys was posting video. They did the Chain. It sounded better than on Ellen, but I couldn't stand when Neil sang the line, I can still hear you saying, He was shouting over everybody. Didn't work for me. They did Little Lies, I thought that was an odd choice, considering all the great songs Chris has. Her voice isn't very good now, sad to say. I wonder too how she'll make it thru a whole tour. Watching another video this morning, I can see she doesn't even play on The Chain. Then they did Second Hand News and my mouth fell open. How dare they? It's just wrong. The same 'ol Gold Dust Woman, please a new arrangement. It was the highlight though. Stevie on the catwalk was pretty cool. I didn't like the "wail" she did though. Her voice has no range anymore. Then Don't Stop which was fine. I'm glad I'm not going to see them on this tour. It's just not the same without Lindsey. I wondered if Little Lies was done towards Lindsey. And Second Hand News was an FU to him. But I'm sure he gets paid when they sing it. I also heard Stevie sing at the end of GDW "you can't shake me down" Towards Lindsey perhaps? Or I'm just reading into something not true at all. I also didn't care for Stevie's weird pronunciation of can't. Trying to do an English accent maybe.
I agree, if they're going to do Gold Dust Woman, use a new arrangement; yet at the same time, you pointed out it was the highlight, so in their eyes, they might be thinking leave it as it is, because it's such a crowd pleaser.

No way were they doing songs to send a message to Lindsey. They likely chose the songs they felt most comfortable doing while preparing for the tour, or songs they enjoyed performing the most, or that they felt displayed their harmonies. While I'm stunned they performed Second Hand News, I guess in hindsight it makes sense, as it showcases their harmonies and has great guitar playing. Also, it was a surprise, as I'm sure NO ONE expected d them to play it. Personally, I would have preferred I Don't Want to Know, but they went with a song that features 3 vocalists. It is a FM song, and 4 of the 5 current members recorded it, so even though I'm surprised, there it is. But if they performed SHN, they are definitely going to play Go Your Own Way, no question.

Little Lies makes sense, it was a huge hit and features great harmonies. No way was it directed towards Lindsey. The catwalk sounds interesting but I'm sure it was just for the festival and won't be on their tour, unfortunately. That would be awesome if they shook their stage up and added it, though.
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