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Old 09-12-2023, 11:44 AM
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Question Law and Order

I don't remember if this was asked before. Does anybody know why Lindsey titled his first solo album Law and Order ?
Does it have to do with a song lyric?

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Old 09-12-2023, 12:19 PM
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Lindsey discusses the title in his 1981 Innerview with Jim Ladd. I’m going by memory here because I haven’t heard that thing in about thirty years. The idea of law and order refers to the personal decisions an artist makes to advance or evolve with a sense of purpose and commitment — to forging new artistic paths, to demonstrating behavior that an artist can be proud of (he contrasts his own public persona with that of Chrissie Hynde, who he feels represents a certain recklessness and don’t-give-a-f*ck attitude about her art), and to fulfilling one’s responsibilities (probably referring to his production work for Fleetwood Mac).

He makes his famous dictum during this interview: The sort of behavior that is normal and expected from a rock star would be grounds for committal from a bank teller.

Edit: He also tells Jim why the lyrics for “Shadow of the West” weren’t included on the lyric sleeve. Compositor/printer error!

Last edited by David; 09-12-2023 at 12:22 PM..
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Old 09-12-2023, 03:25 PM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by David View Post
Lindsey discusses the title in his 1981 Innerview with Jim Ladd. I’m going by memory here because I haven’t heard that thing in about thirty years. The idea of law and order refers to the personal decisions an artist makes to advance or evolve with a sense of purpose and commitment — to forging new artistic paths, to demonstrating behavior that an artist can be proud of (he contrasts his own public persona with that of Chrissie Hynde, who he feels represents a certain recklessness and don’t-give-a-f*ck attitude about her art), and to fulfilling one’s responsibilities (probably referring to his production work for Fleetwood Mac).

He makes his famous dictum during this interview: The sort of behavior that is normal and expected from a rock star would be grounds for committal from a bank teller.

Edit: He also tells Jim why the lyrics for “Shadow of the West” weren’t included on the lyric sleeve. Compositor/printer error!
I always thought it was after the show. (joking)
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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Old 09-14-2023, 08:31 PM
WalkAThinLine. WalkAThinLine. is offline
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Here is the quote in question. I slightly trimmed some of the fluff, although you can access the full transcript through the link below.

Someone said, "well why did you call it Law and Order?" And I said, "well first of all, it has nothing to do with the contemporary context in which that term is used now. It has nothing to do with the society aspect." It's more specifically, the theme of how to retain innocence. How do you keep your innocence while experiencing pain? Everyone is born with innocence but as you get older and experience pain, you tend to close off your feelings more; you tend to become more cynical; you tend to become more self-aware, less giving. And the album, in some ways, is asking the question, "how do you keep those innocent eyes through which beauty - real beauty - is seen?"
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Old 10-29-2024, 03:43 PM
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Was Law and Order released like this (double sleeve) or was it kind of a deluxe edition? Seems it was a deluxe or limited edition, cause the post asks about who got it.
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Old 10-29-2024, 04:47 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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Originally Posted by Villavic View Post
Was Law and Order released like this (double sleeve) or was it kind of a deluxe edition? Seems it was a deluxe or limited edition, cause the post asks about who got it.
that was the normal version when I got mine... I still have it somewhere in my archive of LPs
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