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Old 06-08-2008, 01:12 PM
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Heart I've debated some and said Iwoudn't post but I need to be heard...Hillary Clinton.

Hi you guys...

I know we argued/debated this in another section...if anyone was hurt I'm sorry. I am passionate about politics now...because myself and those I love are affected by the story below...

I hope you read with an open mind/heart...

Just I said at the bottom...don't be hurtful...I expect a debate...

I'm just a guy...back at work for an airline that makes headlines everyday...with my co-workers and I suffering under "Corporate America..."

Nana...I hope you can see this...I miss you.

My story was entitled...

An Open Letter Of Love And Support For Hillary Clinton...

Dear Hillary...

That's a picture of my Grandmother and I on a day my Uncle had to go back to the war in Vietnam...after his generous 5 day leave.

I've posted on blogs...spoke loud and clear to all I can reach about how I passionately feel about you as a mother and a woman...and as an outspoken person, speaking for those that don't or can't have a voice. I love when you speak firmly and with conviction. I, as a lower middle class guy, from a lower middle class upbringing...have had my voice...and those similar to me...silenced. It's like I work 5,6,7 days a week to live in my bills and out my family (because in the end...who else is there, really?) and manage to somehow look to the future with hope. I'm poor but I feel so rich because of the blessings I have...and have had...and will continue to have. Please help us be heard Hillary. I have so much to say but, it would be pages so I'll sum it up in little ellipses...My grandmother that raised me died about a month ago...she worked well into her 80s. She paid every last tax...and was rewarded with barely $400.00 a month in Social Security. She was the mother of 4 children...left alone with her kids in the 1940s when her wife beating husband left her. Who did she turn to? The church...and her inner self. She summoned all her courage to survive and move on. She didn't take handouts she didn't ask for food stamps and she didn't quit on her kids...or those she loved...she was on a mission...and didn't leave until the misson was complete. She didn't have a voice...who would listen? She worked as a maid, waitress, cafeteria "coffee lady" and then would go home and string beads all night to make an extra quarter or two to buy her kids their Easter shoes. She was yet another poor, Irish Catholic, uneducated statistic. Or so it seems. Her only son was on the front lines in Vietnam. She raised me when my father was simalar to her husband...a violent abusive guy. She took me in as an infant...protected me...and taught me about values, ethics...and what was important in life. She was always praying for somebody. She was a lot like you Hillary, actually. The differences are your worlds. My grandmother's world was very small...but those in her "small world" were affected by her very much. She fed the poor. Visited widows or mom's that lost their sons or daughers...or she would drop in on the lonely. She donated what she had to Big Brother Big Sister...and to the Home for the Little Wanders. She taught me about being happy...and working hard...and always, always remembering I was made the same as, poor, blind, black, white, tall ect... In her small world she reached out and protected, nurchured and guided those she loved to "always doing the right thing".
I'm a disabled guy. I work for a huge airline. I celebrated my 10 year anniversary this May. My BIG by a BIG republican CEO and his cronies have robbed men and women like me that have made this airline what it is...or was. It's corrupt. I took 2 massive paycuts...was stripped of many benefits...and I look a 3 week leave for a re-occurring serious kidney condition requiring surgery. They have denied me FMLA from their Chicago headquartes 3 times in the last 2 months submitted by my 12 year physicain. I've had FMLA in place before by my company. They don't see my "serious health condition" serious enough to warrant a day or two off every once in a while to deal with the pain of trying to pass massive, multiple kidney stones, the size of my pinky nail...serious enough. They don't find that my pain and the toxic levels of my blood cause by backed up urine. They know of my disability (not my kidneys) and continue to tamper with me. I've had my doctors fax evidence of surgeries, the seriousness of my damaged kidneys that I have operated on about every two years! I'm scared. I've been out of work with no money now for TWO MONTHS!!! They are now deeming my return to work certificate that was very detailed "that I'm fit to work now" fax from my 12 year physician as...not enough evidence of my health being good enough to work. I'm living off of my 1,000 dollar "retirement savings" now. Waiting for my BIG AIRLINE COMPANY to make up their mind about me. I think Hillary would benefit all of us that are dammned by BIG CEOs. The way the administration is set up now is to outsource tons of jobs in American based companies to places like India and the Phillipines. I think people from all countries deserve to make a living...and do the best they can...BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF AN AMERICAN'S JOB!!! All our reservation centers have been sent overseas. You have NO IDEA the frustration from passengers and us employess have to deal with over their errors and the language barriers. NOW they want the saftey of all to be in jeapordy but outsourcing the jobs of Airplane maintenance to China and such...If I were you, and you fly...I'd be scared too. BIG ASS REPUBLICAN CEO'S FILLING THEIR POCKETS AND THE POCKETS OF THEIR CRONIES AT THE EXPENSE OF YOU, ME AND ALL OF US THAT CAN NOT MAKE ENDS MEET!!! It's a big CRIME...and a lot of LIES and COVERUPS.
I lost my sister about 2 years ago. She had so many difficult disabilities to care for. She lived in a state run place. My mom, grandmother, sister, myself...everyone would see/interact/love/visit/enjoy her everyday! They closed the place just after she passed because they deemed it too costly here in Massachusetts (a big THANK YOU TO MITT ROMNEY) to have a state run faciity for people and families to receive desperately needed health care and attention. The people from there are scattered everywhere...some were completly mainstreamed into help...nothing. Many have passed. I'm sad.
Another BIG Republican Economy Reform Failure.
Men and women...Americans and other beautiful people are dying everyday for a "WAR ON TERROR"...That is comlete's a war for oil to suck more money from the voiceless, middle class to poor folk to pay for. It's "DADDY'S WAR" It's fruitless, dumb, wrong...and it was over before it started. Would anyone come here if there was a Civil War? Look at what George said at a HUGE celebration for Isreal! Doesn't that scare you?
My grandmother and my mom have been my warriors of love forever. Without them I'd be gone right now. I'm thinking of Nana, Ma and all the other "unsung heros" of the world. I'm thinking of all the women ignored for all these years. Behind every great, strong a greater, stronger woman. A mom, a wife etc... Women are the real strength. They are the support behind their husbands, children and families from time immormoral. I'm thinking of you Hillary. I'm thinking about you helping out a guy like me...just making his way and still managing to smile...because I have love and family. It's not about money, gas, foreign's about what's right...who's the strongest for everyone...and giving back a voice to a "nobody" like me...

I think HIllary could put a stop to the crimes happening in our own country...all the way from the people we elected (or bought their way into office) to the criminal CEOs of the crime ridden hate filled streets...
I'm ending with this...I have no benefits...nothing to fall back on. I have no more pension...I have no more has been robbed by the likes of George, Mitt and the others that do their best to benefit people like them...and screw people like us. Look really hard at Hillary's website and maybe you too will find a way for the world to you know someone really, really great said..."we're crying out for love..." and "'d like to save me..."
God Bless...

PS...God's demands on us are small. He wants us to honor one your best...and enjoy the blessings from him...our planet, nation ALWAYS DO WHAT'S RIGHT. Hillary's right...the other's are yet another BUSH crime.

Link to one of the places that took my story...CNN!

You guys...I don't know what your stance is...maybe this is in the wrong section...I want it "OUT THERE"...for all of us that have been silenced...or have had their opinions and hopes dashed.



Republicans...don't take offence...please...let's hear some positive or negative post from you too...don't bash people's ideas...let's debate.

...and those who don't like this...


Just thinking of those in support for Clinton, Obama and McCain...
Are you voting Democrat or Republican just because that's the way you were raised? Are you voting for Hillary because she is a woman? Are you voting for Obama because he's black and trendy? Are you voting for McCain because he's a war hero...a POW...a Republican...that knows all about war?

I'm looking forward to you responses.

I love you all....

Last edited by SaidSomething; 06-08-2008 at 01:14 PM..
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Old 06-08-2008, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by SaidSomething View Post
I think HIllary could put a stop to the crimes happening in our own country...all the way from the people we elected (or bought their way into office) to the criminal CEOs of the crime ridden hate filled streets...
Ridding the streets of violent crime & thuggery (my single biggest social concern) would be great. How can Clinton do that?
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Old 06-08-2008, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by David View Post
Ridding the streets of violent crime & thuggery (my single biggest social concern) would be great. How can Clinton do that?
Good question...
For example...from CNN profile.

"Voted for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. Voted for requiring extensive background checks at gun shows. Supports licensing and registration of handguns, mandatory trigger locks for handguns, holding adults responsible for their children's use of guns, raising the youth handgun ban from age 18 to 21, limiting gun sales to one per month and allowing the Consumer Products Safety Commission regulate guns. "

"Our immigration system is in crisis. The laws we currently have on the books are inadequate and no longer serve our best interests. As a nation, we place a premium on compassion, respect, and policies that help families, but our immigration laws don't reflect that.

Hillary has consistently called for comprehensive immigration reform that respects our immigrant heritage and honors the rule of law. She believes comprehensive reform must have as essential ingredients a strengthening of our borders, greater cross-cooperation with our neighbors, strict but fair enforcement of our laws, federal assistance to our state and local governments, strict penalties for those who exploit undocumented workers, and a path to earned legal status for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and willing to meet a high bar.

Hillary strongly believes we need to do more to know who is in our country by securing our borders and ensuring that employers comply with the law against hiring and exploiting undocumented workers. She supports deploying new technology that can help stop the flow of undocumented immigrants into the country and an employer verification system that is universal, accurate, timely, and does not lead to discrimination and abuse by employers.

Along with these changes, Hillary believes we need to repair those broken portions of our immigration system that irrevocably damage families and force citizens and lawful immigrants to choose between their newly adopted country and living with their spouse or children. We have a national interest in fostering strong families. This is why she introduced an amendment during consideration of the immigration reform bill that would have taken steps to protect the sanctity of families. Our American values demand no less.

And Hillary understands that our immigration policies have a direct impact on American workers. She opposes a guest worker program that exploits workers and creates a supply of cheap labor that undermines the wages of U.S. workers. Hillary believes all workers deserve safe conditions and decent wages. She supports an Ag Jobs program, which will keep our agricultural industry vibrant while enabling agricultural workers to receive the fair wages and labor protections they ought to receive.

When Hillary is president, comprehensive immigration reform will be a top priority.

Hillary has advocated for policies to help smooth the transition of legal immigrants once they arrive in the U.S. so that they can add to our economy and culture.

She championed the Legal Immigrant Children's Health Improvement Act, which would give states the option to provide federally funded Medicaid and SCHIP benefits to low-income legal immigrant children and pregnant women.
She wrote the Access to Employment and English Acquisition Act to meet the growing demand for English language courses and other job skills.
She strongly supports the DREAM Act, which provides a path to citizenship through military service or higher education for children who were brought to the U.S. by their parents.
She offered an amendment to make family reunification the guiding principle of our immigration system. "

More from Hillary...

From her days as a staff attorney for the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) working as an advocate for children with special needs to her leadership of the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, Hillary has been a passionate advocate for providing greater educational opportunities to all children. Her work for CDF helped pave the way for the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, the first time children with special needs were guaranteed the right to a free, appropriate public education. Her work in Arkansas led to tangible results: teacher salaries doubled, class size fell significantly, learning standards and assessments were implemented, and students were given much greater access to higher-level science and foreign-language courses. Hillary also brought Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, a model parent education program, to the state in order to better prepare all children to start school.

As the nation's First Lady, Hillary promoted the Prescription for Reading program, encouraging pediatricians to "prescribe" that new parents read to their children. She helped create Early Head Start in order to prepare students from low income backgrounds for school. She also spearheaded the administration's efforts to grow an after-school program from a pilot program of $1 million to a $1 billion program, serving children in all 50 states. As a senator, Hillary worked to reform and fully fund No Child Left Behind. She helped enact legislation to recruit and retain teachers and principals to high-need areas. She has been committed to strengthen and fully fund our special education system. She also helped fight off efforts by the Bush administration to slash afterschool funding by 40 percent. As president, Hillary will fight for each and every child in America to have access to the highest quality schools so that they can fulfill their potential and reach their dreams.

Early Childhood Education

Hillary knows that parents are our children's first teachers, and the early years have a tremendous impact on their lives. That is why she will invest heavily in proven strategies to get all children ready for school, including:

Nurse home visitation programs to help new parents develop parenting skills.
Quality child care and Head Start.
Pre-kindergarten for all four-year olds.


Hillary also knows that we have to improve our K-12 system in order to ensure that every child is prepared to compete in an increasingly global economy. As president, she will:

End the unfunded mandate known as No Child Left Behind.
Meet the funding promises of IDEA to ensure that children with special needs get the attention and support they deserve.
Recruit and retain thousands more outstanding teachers and principals, especially in urban and rural areas.
Cut the minority dropout rate in half.
Create "Green Schools" in order to reduce energy costs and eliminate environmental hazards that can hinder children's development.
Expand early-intervention mentoring programs to help one million at-risk youth aspire for college and job success.
Identify at-risk youth early on and provide $1 billion in intensive interventions, such as early college high schools and multiple pathways to graduation, to get them back on track.
Double the after school program to ensure that 2 million young people have a safe and stimulating place to go between 3 and 6 p.m.
Invest $100 million in a new public/private summer internship program.
Provide opportunity for 1.5 million disconnected youth in job programs linked to high-growth economic sectors.

College Access

In the 21st century, a college education is more important than ever. Hillary believes it's time for a new bargain with the American people -- a bargain that gives all Americans willing to work hard the tools they need to get ahead. Her plan will make college more affordable and accessible so that every American who has earned it and wants to go has the chance to get a college degree. As president, she will:

Create a new $3,500 college tax credit.
Increase the maximum Pell Grant.
Strengthen community colleges through a $500 million investment.
Create a graduation fund to increase college graduation rates.
Increase to $10,000 the college scholarship for those who participate in AmeriCorps full-time for one year.
Get rid of the red tape in financial aid.
Hold college costs down and hold colleges accountable for results though an online college cost calculator, a college graduation and employment rate index, and truth in tuition disclosure.
Challenge selective colleges to expand access for students from low-income communities.
Hillary's PlansUniversal Pre-K
Youth Opportunity Agenda
Plan to Address the Drop-Out Crisis
Making College Affordable for More Families
Protecting Families From Predatory College Loans
A Champion for Educators and Children
Hillary's Plan to Strengthen the Arts
Giving Every Child a Chance
Scientific Integrity and Innovation
Innovation Agenda
Hillary’s Statement on the Bush Administration’s Announcement of More Flexibility Within No Child Left Behind
Plan to Address the Student Loan Crisis
Worker Retraining Initiative

Strengthening the Middle Class Providing Affordable and Accessible Health Care Ending the War in Iraq Promoting Energy Independence and Fighting Global Warming Improving Our Schools Fulfilling Our Promises to Veterans Supporting Parents and Caring for Children Restoring America's Standing in the World A Champion for Women Comprehensive Government Reform Strengthening Our Democracy Reforming our Immigration System Creating Opportunity in Rural America."

Maybe take a look at what she "has" done as a can find many of these answers on the internet.

Thank you for your question.

By the way this is the unedited portion from my story...

"I think HIllary could put a stop to the crimes happening in our own country...all the way from the people we elected (or bought their way into office) to the criminal CEOs of the crime ridden hate filled streets...
I'm ending with this...I have no benefits...nothing to fall back on. I have no more pension...I have no more has been robbed by the likes of George, Mitt and the others that do their best to benefit people like them...and screw people like us. Look really hard at Hillary's website and maybe you too will find a way for the world to you know someone really, really great said..."we're crying out for love..." and "'d like to save me..."

Last edited by SaidSomething; 06-08-2008 at 06:15 PM..
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Old 06-09-2008, 01:48 AM
BombaySapphire3 BombaySapphire3 is offline
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Hillary is a very intelligent and determined woman and I have no doubt she will work with our next President Barack Obama who shares many of her goals in whatever capacity she is in.
Children of the world the forgotten the eyes of the world you have done so much for me. ..SLN.

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Old 06-09-2008, 03:26 AM
iamnotafraid iamnotafraid is offline
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I wonder what she thinks about all the pardons her husband gave as he was leaving office?

I wonder why they bombed the "aspirin factory" during the Clinton administration?

Why did she vote for the war in Iraq, since she saw the very same intelligence reports President Bush had (and the rest of our allies for that matter)?

Why can't she just admit she lied about the "coming in under sniper fire" incident?

And sadly, that's just the beginning.
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Old 06-09-2008, 05:51 AM
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Originally Posted by iamnotafraid View Post
I wonder what she thinks about all the pardons her husband gave as he was leaving office?

I wonder why they bombed the "aspirin factory" during the Clinton administration?

Why did she vote for the war in Iraq, since she saw the very same intelligence reports President Bush had (and the rest of our allies for that matter)?

Why can't she just admit she lied about the "coming in under sniper fire" incident?

And sadly, that's just the beginning.
I'm glad you asked those questions. I'm not sure of her seeing the "same" intelligence reports. Her vote was NOT for the war in Iraq. If you check facts on your statements...and do some research NOT based on rumor...or 1/2'll find your answers.

Thank you so much again, for your input.
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Old 06-09-2008, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by BombaySapphire3 View Post
Hillary is a very intelligent and determined woman and I have no doubt she will work with our next President Barack Obama who shares many of her goals in whatever capacity she is in.
Wow! I hope that's the case. If not, "I" feel...that we're screwed.

Thank you for not coming in as a line of attack.

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Old 06-09-2008, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by SaidSomething

The way the administration is set up now is to outsource tons of jobs in American based companies to places like India and the Phillipines. I think people from all countries deserve to make a living...and do the best they can...BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF AN AMERICAN'S JOB!!! All our reservation centers have been sent overseas. You have NO IDEA the frustration from passengers and us employess have to deal with over their errors and the language barriers. NOW they want the saftey of all to be in jeapordy but outsourcing the jobs of Airplane maintenance to China and such...If I were you, and you fly...I'd be scared too. BIG ASS REPUBLICAN CEO'S FILLING THEIR POCKETS AND THE POCKETS OF THEIR CRONIES AT THE EXPENSE OF YOU, ME AND ALL OF US THAT CAN NOT MAKE ENDS MEET!!!
Obviously I am sorry about the way in which your health and job position has worked out. I hope you get back to doing a job that you enjoy soon.

I feel, but you may not, that there is an inconsistency in this section of your post. You work for an airline that does business with people all over the world and makes money from people all over the world. Isn’t it right, therefore, that it should share its jobs and suppliers across the world too? I do.

I can understand the concerns people have about jobs being relocated but that is what multinational companies are about. We, as citizens demand cheap food, cheap fuel, cheap airtravel, cheap clothes. Businesses have to find the cheapest raw materials and the lowest labor costs. Off shoring of jobs is just part of that drive to lower costs.

I’m sorry to say it isn’t a Republican conspiracy, or in fact an Obama one, it is simply free market economics. And it hasn’t changed one bit since Adam Smith wrote ‘The Wealth of Nations’ back in 1776, it’s just that the US hasn’t experienced the less attractive aspects of the free market to this extent before. That's the difference I think.

Last edited by Stew_Matthews; 06-09-2008 at 09:56 AM..
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Old 06-09-2008, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Stew_Matthews View Post
. . . I’m sorry to say it isn’t a Repulican conspiracy, or in fact an Obama one, it is simply free market economics. And it hasn’t changed one bit since Adam Smith wrote ‘The Wealth of Nations’ back in 1776, it’s just that the US hasn’t experienced the less attractive aspects of the free market to this extent before. That's the difference I think.
Exactly. Moreover, if you do not like capitalism, then you are living in the wrong country.

Finally, not all CEO's are republicans. But, the CEO has a fiduciary duty to the shareholders to make the company as financially well set as possible. Do I personally think that pay should rise. Yes, I do. But, I have never run a multi billion dollar international company. I do know this though, If all employees of, say Delta, were given a 30% raise, the result would be a 50% percent or so raise in prices because any cut in pay for the top five could never compensate for amount of the increase in pay and the taxes and other expenses that go with it.

Note -- I am not talking about fraud or criminal activity.

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Old 06-10-2008, 01:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Stew_Matthews View Post
Obviously I am sorry about the way in which your health and job position has worked out. I hope you get back to doing a job that you enjoy soon.

I feel, but you may not, that there is an inconsistency in this section of your post. You work for an airline that does business with people all over the world and makes money from people all over the world. Isn’t it right, therefore, that it should share its jobs and suppliers across the world too? I do.

I can understand the concerns people have about jobs being relocated but that is what multinational companies are about. We, as citizens demand cheap food, cheap fuel, cheap airtravel, cheap clothes. Businesses have to find the cheapest raw materials and the lowest labor costs. Off shoring of jobs is just part of that drive to lower costs.

I’m sorry to say it isn’t a Republican conspiracy, or in fact an Obama one, it is simply free market economics. And it hasn’t changed one bit since Adam Smith wrote ‘The Wealth of Nations’ back in 1776, it’s just that the US hasn’t experienced the less attractive aspects of the free market to this extent before. That's the difference I think.
Thank you for your know I'm going to beg to differ.

My airline a few years ago was worldwide #1 and it's shrinking everyday. I just have a problem with an American based company...that has been here for ever in the airline industry...that started in America...and yes, we travel the world...however, don't you think quality=quality? By this...say, you love grapes. You die for them everyday. You finally get some of a street corner...and they smell like poison...would you eat them? Probably not. The outsourcing of jobs have made the cusomers and the agents and upper management and the papers and news...and everybody unhappy. I, swear...I love my job. I've got no where to go anyway...I take pride in my work. Not to say the outsourced doesn't but, back to the grapes. You wouldn't eat the more than you would outsource your passengers saftey...and "the thing" that keeps them coming back to your airline. I't dumb. When it all started almost 8 years didn't work then...and it really isn't working now.

You guys are cool...

I'll blog more but, I'm zzzzzz

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Old 06-10-2008, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by SaidSomething View Post
Thank you for your know I'm going to beg to differ.

My airline a few years ago was worldwide #1 and it's shrinking everyday. I just have a problem with an American based company...that has been here for ever in the airline industry...that started in America...and yes, we travel the world...however, don't you think quality=quality? By this...say, you love grapes. You die for them everyday. You finally get some of a street corner...and they smell like poison...would you eat them? Probably not. The outsourcing of jobs have made the cusomers and the agents and upper management and the papers and news...and everybody unhappy. I, swear...I love my job. I've got no where to go anyway...I take pride in my work. Not to say the outsourced doesn't but, back to the grapes. You wouldn't eat the more than you would outsource your passengers saftey...and "the thing" that keeps them coming back to your airline. I't dumb. When it all started almost 8 years didn't work then...and it really isn't working now.

You guys are cool...

I'll blog more but, I'm zzzzzz

Again, I am not attempting to argue with you for some intellectual entertainment, but I think you miss the point. The airline industry in the US has shrunk because of competition. In the recent past US airlines used to block book ‘slots’ at European airports e.g. Heathrow. It meant that no other airline could land irrespective of whether other airlines wanted to use the airport. This meant that the likes of American Airlines and United (with British Airways) ran a virtual cartel. Virgin airlines forced the issue in Europe, whereas in the past, people like Freddie Laker went out of business. The upshot was that the industry was made more competitive through regulation and only those with the best ‘value for money’ tariffs have survived. No airline can be the cheapest to every destination – it can’t be done and you know that.

I ignored the safety thing first time ‘round because I didn’t like the assertion you made that people outside the US don’t care about aircraft safety. Fact is, the safest airline is Quantas and they aren’t American. Planes aren’t dropping out of the sky across the world and there is no evidence to suggest that an engineer in Hong Kong can’t do a job as effectively as someone in New York.

I live in Chicago and can see the pain that United airlines staff are facing. But it is economics – full stop. If BA offer $600 return to London and United $800, people want the cheapest and no fancy in flight meal will change that I'm afraid.
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Old 06-10-2008, 03:32 PM
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I agree.

And, the price of fuel is the no. 1. thing ruining the airlines now. And, fuel likely will only get more expensive. So, either the formerly $200 or so flight from Chicago to Manhattan will have to go to $300 or so soon on all airlines. Or, they will go broke and be foreced to cut dangerously into seemingly uncutable areas. I mean there are only so many $25 extras the public will pay for

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Old 06-10-2008, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by strandinthewind View Post

I agree.

And, the price of fuel is the no. 1. thing ruining the airlines now. And, fuel likely will only get more expensive. So, either the formerly $200 or so flight from Chicago to Manhattan will have to go to $300 or so soon on all airlines. Or, they will go broke and be foreced to cut dangerously into seemingly uncutable areas. I mean there are only so many $25 extras the public will pay for
As you know my background is in the oil industry but even I can see the profiteering going on.

Actually I don't see the oil price as being the issue per se, but rather the way in which airlines (except BA/Virgin) buy fuel. I once explained in a thread that organisations bid for oil and buy it in advance. That way they get a better deal and can budget effectively. BA/Virgin hold about 9 months supply at any time. The issue with American airlines is that they buy kerosine daily at market rate and they do so because at some stage they worked out that the few dollars they might lose when the sale price changes is offset by the huge cost they would have had to pay to store the fuel. Makes sense if the movement in the oil price is $10 per year. But when the change is $40 they are stuck paying premium rates and two problems occur. The first is that they can't 'lay' the costs off quickly enough - they may have booked seats for months to come. Secondly they don't have the infrastructure to store fuel purchased at a cheap price.

The short term outlook is that the only way to balance the books is to send out 'full' planes and that means reducing schedules/fights.
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Old 06-10-2008, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by strandinthewind View Post

I agree.

And, the price of fuel is the no. 1. thing ruining the airlines now. And, fuel likely will only get more expensive. So, either the formerly $200 or so flight from Chicago to Manhattan will have to go to $300 or so soon on all airlines. Or, they will go broke and be foreced to cut dangerously into seemingly uncutable areas. I mean there are only so many $25 extras the public will pay for
Ticket Agent: "It's a four hour flight. Do you think you will require the use of the lavatory during those four hours? Fine, let me tell you about our lavatory pricing, we can do pay-as-you-go, or you can participate in our Rewards program where you use your mileage for lavatory privileges. Toilet paper may be purchased from one of the flight attendants for a small additional fee" etc
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Old 06-10-2008, 04:49 PM
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The bottom line is she did vote for it. In her defense, the intelligence was manipulated. But she condoned a rush into war.
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John McVie Signed Autographed Card SuperStars MusiCards #176


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