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Old 03-18-2007, 01:05 AM
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doodyhead doodyhead is offline
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Default lions, tigers and bears

I too bought it when it first came out. There was not much to compare it too. Wouter Vuijk's comparison is valid. I also thought "Bitch'e Brew " by Miles Davis. The cover bears little relation to the contents. I had read Magister Ludi by Hermann Hesse and thought perhaps that there was a linkthere with " The Glass Bead Game". It was big news that Peter had left the music business and was somehow divesting himselves of fame and fortune. His plaing is strong and unblusey. The last cut oens with such a searing barrage of notes that jar the senses. The stories of it being recorded in nine hours , then edited down to the 30 or so minutes has always led me to want to hear what was cut. Erie, compelling, unsatisfying yet enervating. I lost my vinyl copy in my divorce some 20 years ago but managed to pick up the japanese release of it a few years ago. It is so apart from anything else he did. I think that it was a period piece in that it was free improvisation in a time when there was a movement of that in music. very un mainstream.

It might have also been done just to satisfy contract obligation for annother record with a business group he had no fondness for.

has anyone ever heard the recordings done in germany during the alleged "acid session" . I have always wondered if this was like "End Of The Game"

vinnie c
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