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Old 07-19-2003, 12:49 AM
Lori Lori is offline
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Dayton, PA
Posts: 72
Talking Okay, I'll admit to being ancient...

...but just this one time!

Hey there, Bonnie Moe - how the heck are you? I'm so thrilled to hear of your little family addition - and I'm sure she is just the cutest baby ever to toddle the earth! I am hoping that you meant me when you spoke of "Lori A." Can all of you fellow "ancient" Ledgies believe that for those of us who were posting during the Dance tour, we all have "known" each other for about 6 years? Amazing...

Well, Bonnie...remember my "little" girl, Aislinn, who used to LOVE "Fleetwith Mac?" She is now 8 and 1/2 years old, and almost as tall as I am! She still loves her some Mac now and again, though. She will be in 3rd grade this fall. And Dominic, who was a newborn baby when I started posting here, just turned 6 last week and will be in kindergarten. And I don't know if you know, but I had another baby during the time that the Ledge was "on hold" for awhile back in 2000...well, her name is Madeleine and she is 3 1/2 years old! Believe it or not, we are now making another attempt to add to our family, so wish us luck! It was so much fun announcing a pregnancy on the Ledge before (I remember Lis Adelson, Jasmit, Spirit, and I were all pregnant "together ) - I hope I get to make another announcement sometime soon! Ledge Babies are very special indeed!

So nice to see so many names from the past again...Hi Stewy...Hi John B (Joe)...Hi Patti! Les, Vianna, Barbara, Janet (Hi Jan!!!)...I pop in now and then, so I do read ya'll's posts even if I don't get an opportunity to post myself. Anthony - I remember you and all of your "gang" from the old chat room...Spirit and I used to chat at the same do know that LauraTN now has a baby boy, don't you? I think she's posting occasionally on the Stevie board. And HAYLEY!!! How are you doing Hayley-girl? I miss you, and am glad to hear your life is going wonderfully. Sony, huh? Well, it sounds like you are making all of your dreams come true. So, it's you and Luke, huh? Now would probably be a bad time to bring up all of the ways I used to try to "shock" him in the Lindsey chat, huh? Just teasing - please say "Hi" for me. Though, being your cyber-mom (if I may still have permission to think of myself that way), I am slightly mortified that you two did not even think to ask my permission about this whole thing - hehehe. It really is hard to believe how you and Luke and Sarah and many others around here are now adults...though I can say that you all have seemed to turn out just terrific!

I don't get much Ledge time these days, what with 3 kids, a house, a hubby, and homeschooling to boot, but I do check email every day, so if anyone is interested (and Hayley, I would love to hear from you), please give me a shout at I'd love to reconnect and hear from some of you guys!

Take care, all!

The phrase "working mother" is redundant.
-Jane Sellman-
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