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Old 01-28-2004, 11:36 AM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
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Originally posted by Merf

He's going to need Edwards to win the South though. The dems around here where I live are still like:

"Whatever, I ain't votin' for no damn yankee!"

So Edwards as VP could help the Dems greatly. Unfortunately, Edwards was just on CNN saying that he would not except a VP nomination. However, i have a feeling he will be changing his tune in a couple weeks. If Edwards doesn't win SC, he's going to have to start looking at that VP nod a little more closely, methinks.
You know what? Screw the South. The South sold its soul to the Republicans anyway. John Kerry is absolutely right in saying he doesn't need the South to win. The South needs a lesson.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. If John Kerry hadn't won New Hampshire, the pundits would be writing his eulogy right now. But he did as expected. That, however, doesn't mean the race is over. Dean is recovering. He still has a great chance. Edwards should pack up his nice-guy bull**** and go join the Republican Party or something. So should Lieberman. Why is he even in the Democratic Party!!???
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