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Old 07-11-2008, 05:05 PM
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Default Perhaps I'm Just Not Shallow and Vapid Enough

I work at a grocery store six days out of the week, usually staying up front and bagging. As a result, I spend much of the day in close proximity with middle aged women, who, to put it nicely, won't be appearing on the cover of Glamor any time soon. Some of them are really overweight, but frankly, I don't give two ****s either way. Most of them are really nice to me, and just want someone to talk to to pass the time, since being a cashier can be grindingly tedious.

I've noticed that most of the male service clerks at the store where I work prefer to bag for the younger women, and not for the older and more "awkward" ones. On days where we don't have enough baggers, none of the older female cashiers have anyone to bag for them, but all of the younger ones do. Pardon me for rambling, but this situation kind of irritates me. Why is my generation so damned shallow and vapid? I find it hard to believe that a young man will refuse to bag for an older woman, simply because she isn't "good looking."

Call me screwed up, but my parents taught me to respect people based on how they behaved, not on their physical appearance. And that meant if I saw a 70 year old cashier handling $250 of groceries by herself, I'd go over and help her, even if she had varicose veins and was missing half of her teeth. And if I hear one more person describing a perfectly healthy human being as "fat" just because he/she is slightly thicker around the waist than an Auschwitz survivor...well, I'm gonna scream!

Rant over.
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