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Old 06-06-2003, 09:54 PM
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Bonnie Bonnie is offline
Junior Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Rochester, MN, USA
Posts: 2
Default Check-in for ancient Ledgies? ;-)

Does anyone remember me? LOL! It's Bonnie Moe. Is there a post for long-lost Ledgies to check into? I joined the old Ledge back in '97 and used to live around Chicago, and now live in MN.
I used to work for Waldenbooks, then IBM, now I am a licensed day-care provider, so I can stay home with my DD.
I used to write Stevie/Linds stories (the SCANDAL and HORROR! LOL!, I know) and was not able to visit these newer Ledge's as much as I would have liked. We had a baby 16 month's ago, Katrina Grace, and as soon as I figure out how to post a picture, I will. Just imagine the cutest, most adorable baby in the world, and that's her. ;-) Anyway, would JANET S. and Dani please e-mail me, since I don't have your addresses anymore and would like to chat with both of you! Hi Vianna, and Chili, Lori A. and Lauren, too! I saw Villavic's name on the Stevie ledge when I checked, so it's nice knowing some other old-timers are still here. I feel older every day, especially after I realized how long it's been since I've visited. I guess Fm better put out more stuff, so I can stay in the loop. Anyway, I better run. Guess I need to find that People mag tomorrow with other errands. Take care and talk to you later!

- "It's a shame that you wanted me - you didn't try." - Stevie Nicks

- "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for a beer."
"If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights."
-Josh and Donna, "The West Wing"
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