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Old 06-29-2010, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by jannieC View Post
You know, because of the field I am in, I do work with extremely NON-judgmental and empathetic people. Of course, that's a good thing, but it also contributes to my idea that most everyone either is or should be that way too. I know that I have to work really hard at it because of what I do, and I shouldn't sound holier-than-thou because I do have my own biases. So, you're right- everyone has some level of judgment-passing (I'm hurrying- at work-can't think of better words right now). What bugs me is when someone passes a judgment (either in an obvious way or a subtle way) and then doesn't acknowlege or own up to their feelings. All that being said, this is a Fleetwood Mac fan message board and not a place to wax poetic on empathy, diversity, and so on.

For what it's worth, I do believe one can be a supportive friend and still be able to SAY, "you know you seem to be awfully unhappy about your weight and I notice you sure do eat a lot..." or some variation of that. I don't think that we should tippy toe around people. But to comment on Anne Wilson's unflattering wardrobe choice felt catty and mean spirited to me, hence my responses.
is it possible to be a shrink without having your own values inform your work? that's an honest question, i'm not picking on you. i think about this a lot, and i really don't think it's possible to be nonjudgmental. it's possible to be a nonasshole, but i equate being nonjudgmetal with being overly permissive; if you don't pass any judgment on someone's behavior, doesn't that give them a free pass to do whatever? even if, instead of drawing the line between good behavior and bad behavior, you draw it between healthy behavior and unhealthy behavior, that's still a judgment call. so is the expectation that shrinks be nonjudgmental valid?

Originally Posted by iamnotafraid View Post
Taking a break from playing guitar.....

JannieC are you slapping me in the face again?
Catty, mean spirited..........ouch.

If you really knew me, I know you wouldn't think that way about me.
And I do stand by my statements, though if you could read my mind
they aren't as mean as maybe they read.

My apology to Buttercookie (and to Zombie?) was because I care what
they think. Not to mention you Jannie. The clothes statement might have
seemed harsh, and maybe I should have used better words. But there is
truth to what I said. All that said, it wouldn't hurt if I lost 10 to 15 lbs.
so you're saying you're mean AND fat. got it.


Oh well, back to guitar playing. Maybe Heart needs a lead guitarist for the
new tour?

Watch my back Carrie.
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