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Old 07-27-2008, 12:06 PM
michelej1 michelej1 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by TrueFaith77 View Post
I It's so weird to me that I just fell in love with the Mac 2 years ago (I think) and yet that love just keeps getting fueled by NEW stuff: Under the Skin, Bass Performance Hall, Crystal Visions (CD and DVD), Soundstage, two Jeremy Spencer albums, Madison Blues and the shorter version, The Blue Horizons Christine Perfect, plenty of Lindsey on YouTube, Stevie in concert (I missed Lindsey for personal reasons ), Lindsey and Stevie performing on the talk show circuit (I still have them on Ellen on my dvr; I have to transfer that to DV-R and mp3 -- when I do, I'll be happy to share the sound mp3's with ANYONE who wants it), all the rumours in the press to keep track of, and I even feel like I'm neglecting some things. And now: "Gift of Screws" is near. I can't wait. But I CAN wait.
Wow, it's a surprise to hear that you only became a fan 2 years ago. The way you write, it feels like you must have been loving FM for much longer. That's wonderful to know that they are still attracting new fans who admire them as much as the veteran FM lovers do. Also, when you string all the products in one paragraph like that, it DOES seem like we have gotten a lot in a very short time. Even though it always feels like it's not enough.

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