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Old 06-04-2008, 03:20 AM
LukeA LukeA is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Originally Posted by Blondie85 View Post
Honestly, now that Obama is the nominee , and this is for Hillary supporters, will you vote Democratic or Republican ?

Personally, I'll vote Republican if she isnt on the ticket. I can't stand Obama and his supporters. For some reason his slogans drive me crazy: "Yes we can" , "Change we can belive in". What a joke.
If you're voting largely based on slogans, you're just as moronic as the idiots who voted for Bush because they'd rather have a beer with him than Gore/Kerry.

Oh, and if you consider yourself a Democrat, yet would rather vote for McCain, than Obama- guess what. You're not a real Democrat, and you'd rather stomp your feet and exhibit your sour grapes rather than vote/work to help advance this country for the better of the common (Democratic belief) good.

Oh, you also have other issues to work out, t0o (DavidMN broached one prominent one that sadly impacts many people's choices)
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