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Old 06-01-2008, 08:34 AM
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RavenOfRhiannon RavenOfRhiannon is offline
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Posts: 586

Loved it!!!

Was it predicatble? Sure. To me, it was like having an extra long episode on the big screen (which was especially good near the end...and those who have seen it know what I am talking about)
Was it too focused on Carrie? No, it really is her story, and I think they did well by the other characters. If anyone got the shaft it was Charlotte. Her character did not have any real drama to go through. Her function as The Cheerleader of the group was amped up, and that's about it.
J Hud was a nice addition, and I adore her, but I don't thing she was needed.
A couple of things about the showing I went to: My boyfriend stedfastly refused to go see the movie. So I called up my frreind Corby. He came over to the house and we watched the final episode on dvd while drinking cosmos. When we got to the theater, many seats were taken, so we ended up in front of a straight couple. The man obviously didn't want to be there (ladies, don't drag your boyfriend/husband/f*ck buddy to see this or any other chick flick, he just ruins it for the rest of the patrons. Leave him at home and bring a girlfriend, like I did) and talked through the whole movie ('What the Hell kind of movie did you bring me to?')
As we left the theater, we ran into a couple of other guys we knew and (snap) like that, we were all over at our favorite restaurant drinking more cosmos and talking c*ck. It really was such a great day...
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