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Old 08-20-2007, 07:25 AM
nicepace nicepace is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Location: Cape Cod, Mass.
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Originally Posted by Gailh View Post
They seemed to suggest Christine used the drugs to keep Dennis with her. I knew he used her financially - didn't he once wreck her Rolls Royce to the point it had to be written off. (I don't know if that's a term you use in the US but in the UK it means the insurance company decides it's beyond repair)

In the U.S. we use "total" -- as in, that car was totalled in the accident. It's short for a "total loss."

As for Chris and Dennis Wilson, all I can say is Chris is much better off with nobody than she would be with Dennis. What a shame that someone as talented as he was would throw his life away by using drugs.

I have no intention of reading this book, but I'm glad for threads like this one that keep me informed on what it says about Christine.
-Joanne (from Cape Cod)
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