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Old 07-08-2007, 07:31 PM
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Miss Vicky Miss Vicky is offline
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Default Just to Add My $0.02 to the Cauldron...

First of all, I have not read this book nor do I have any intention of reading it.

However, I do have some opinions on the matter and have never been one to hold my tongue when I have something to say.

First of all, I feel that neither Lindsey nor Carol Ann are victims in this situation. While I have nothing but the utmost respect for Buckingham as a musician (and, as a fan, it's hard for me to accept that my idols can do wrong), it's difficult to believe that he was not abusive. Carol Ann Harris is not a lone voice in her accusations. On the other hand, I find it difficult to have any sympathy for someone who allows him or herself to be abused. I believe you are only truly a victim of domestic violence the first time it happens. After that, if you choose to stay with your abuser, you should share in the blame for what becomes of you. I know that people make the argument that victims of abuse essentially become psychological prisoners to their abusers, but abusive relationships rarely, if ever, begin that way. Things start out great, then slowly start to turn bad, then gradually get worse and continue in that downward spiral and anyone who is too weak to see the light and pull themselves out will get sucked in. But it's up to the individual to find the strength and get out before the current is too strong.

But enough of metaphors, I'm beginning to ramble. As much as I believe in the right of everyone to share their story, the case of Carol Ann Harris to me goes beyond that of a battered woman seeking to tell the world what happened, instead it smacks of someone trying to capitalize on an unfortunate situation. Let us not forget that this is not the first time that she has tried to air the dirty laundry. Many years ago, she also appeared on the television talk show Geraldo - an episode that focused on battered women. Again, don't get me wrong, the woman has every right to give her account of what happened, but it's obvious to me that she didn't go on television just to say that she had been battered. She went on television in hopes of making some sort of name for herself - even going as far as using the opportunity to sing a song before the nation-wide audience that the show provided. And if the rumors are true that she's been trying to publish this book for ten years now, that would put her original attempt right at about the release of The Dance, when any association with the band would be at its most profitable.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, that what she has done - especially now given what he's done with his life in the years since their relationship - is totally without class. On the other hand, if her accusations are indeed true, than he deserves any backlash that may (however doubtful it may be) come of it. My only sympathies are for Kristen and the children.

Last edited by Miss Vicky; 07-08-2007 at 07:33 PM..
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