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Old 10-09-2006, 01:05 PM
deluge deluge is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 71

So I used to do some stuff with sports photography in a previous life, and this was a lot of fun getting some shots of behind the scenes and of the show and putting together a short photo album to tell the story visually.

I've learned from the school of hard knocks that my camera phone never gets any good photos! It isn't you as a photographer, it is the limitation of the camera phone combined with relatively low lighting. There are some small digital cameras these days that can get the job done for you, and their form factor is helpful for getting the camera in the venue and being a little more discreet than having a 35mm camera with a detachable lens... that is what the venues almost always say they don't want. This is the first time every that I've brought in a 35mm camera, and it helped alot to have it in terms of being able to get a series of rapid fire continuous shots.

If I had it to do over again:

1) Even though I just stayed seated in my hotel lobby chair and wasn't intrusive, I wouldn't have taken a photo of Lindsey and his wife there. I saw them and had my camera and just instinctively fired off a quick photo, like when I used to do news. But in retrospect, flash is intrusive, and being a big fan, I feel a little bad about hitting them with a flash. If I had it to do over again, I would have just waved hello.

Knowing that some folks here enjoyed seeing the behind the scenes photos like that, I feel a little better about it. And I guess to some degree, when you're a famous rock star, a flash bulb by a fan here and there comes with the territory.

2) I would have taken some photos at the show without flash. The flash has a harsher affect - shows off his wrinkles and lines, etc, makes him look older and a bit washed out. A few photos with natural lighting would have looked nice for an 8x10 for my office! I got one of Bono like that last year at U2, and it is just so cool! Regardless, I am going to frame one of my favs that I got of Lindsey and put it side by side with a framed photo of Bono, and another of Michael Jordan in my office. Three of my favorite heros!

Last edited by deluge; 10-09-2006 at 01:34 PM..
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