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Old 03-04-2006, 12:52 PM
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David David is offline
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Originally Posted by jools
After the dissapointment/letdown of the Say you will album and tour.
(i did enjoy the concert though, but wish the set list could have been different)

Ideally this is what i would have liked to see.(ok i know Christine is now not touring, but .......)

The BTM lineup to have continued.
The Dance not to happen, but more tours from the BTM line up.

I am fed up with linsey buckingham
As far as i am concerned, he thinks he is god, he believes that he is Fleetwood Mac and no one else matters,

I would have insured that they would continue to sing songs from the 60's lineup.

Ok the BTM line up may not have sold as many records, but i think they would have enjoyed it a lot more
My problems with the Mask Tour:

1. On the final leg, Stevie Nicks was bloated, lethargic, toneless, enervated & ridiculous-looking. She singlehandedly ruined large portions of the show.

2. Rick's performance style struck me as flippant & yet paradoxically unsure. It may have been a case of Oedipul conflict with the "father." A few years later, when he played lead guitar for a Stevie Nicks solo tour, he was cool & hip & understated & much more charismatic, maybe because the "father" had been removed from the picture & hence was no longer burdening the psyche.

3. Way too much hardware onstage & off. Fleetwood Mac has never sounded good to me in such a setup onstage. The essence of programming should consist in transparency rather than opacity.

4. Large arena shows with an aging band have always seemed somewhat grotesque to me. (Young guys & girls can blast through the oppressiveness of an arena atmosphere & create stirring, believable energy, but not the old fogeys.) This criticism applies to the band today. It's just my way of seeing, & my response. In 1990, Fleetwood Mac should have played a much more informal, relaxed series of shows in smaller venues (although they did play some small theaters on the tour, like the Aladdin).

5. The tour was way too similar in sound & ambience to the previous tour (the Shake the Cage Tour). The drive to create a new atmosphere had dried up.

6. You had three good singers onstage: Billy, Chris & Rick. So where were all the sparkling harmonies? We should have heard Billy & Chris sing beautiful ballads together, with two-part harmonies & acoustic guitar accompaniment; or Billy & Rick sing macho harmonies, Waylon & Willie style, on classic country material. The possibilities were there, but nothing was delivered.

Note: I saw three shows: Cal Expo, Mountain View & Oakland, & have about twenty more on audio or video.
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