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Old 09-04-2005, 01:48 PM
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GypsySorcerer GypsySorcerer is offline
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Originally Posted by Brwn_eyes0511
The majority of people out there have had or could have the opportunity to have a job somewhere...last time I checked, Wal-Mart or McDonalds were looking for help, and they aren't that picky either! Hey it may not be much, but it is a job!
Low-paying jobs like the one you mentioned aren't enough to survive on. Have you checked the cost of rent lately? Housing is extremely unaffordable, especially in urban areas. Most of their paychecks go to rent, which leaves little money to live on. Additionally, those jobs rarely provide their employees with health insurance.
Originally Posted by Brwn_eyes0511
Now I'm not going to be heartless and say I don't give to the poor or feel for them...because I do! But I have never given someone begging on the side of the road a single dime of my money! Because, sadly enough I don't trust them enough to know what they will spend it on! I have gotten them food before and brought it back to them and would be glad to do that any day!
What they spend it on is between them and their conscience. The conservative mantra of "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" doesn't work. I used to buy into that, but if you try do some reading and research, you'll see how flawed the argument is. And by reading, I do not mean Ann Coulter.
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