Thread: Weed?
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Old 01-09-2005, 02:42 AM
Posts: n/a

ok, first off....i've had and have many a good time on it. i can remember times where i was laughing so hard in a corner of room that i thought my stomach was gonna burst! and music? ohhh music can suck you in! and fm can be the instigator for sure!

the thing is that alcohol is legal and i think it gets people into more trouble than weed. it's perfectly "acceptable" to go to an establishment (bar, restaurant, doobie doo etc) and partake in a glass, shot, bottle, whatever your preference is...and then get in the car and drive. but - oh no! God forbid you smoke a little something and we've got a major all hell breaks loose. whatever. how many times do you hear on the news that someone was killed in an accident due to marijuana? yeah, i'm sure it happens, but it's rare...and where? i think because it's "illegal" people just condition themselves to think it's wrong and bad for you without knowing the truth. i'm not saying you gotta roll out of bed and reach over for a little toot. i never got off doing that. In moderation, i think it's beneficial.

some of you posted that you either fell asleep or got sick. i'm too lazy right now to go back and see who wrote that they had gotten really sick after drinking wine and then smoking. yeah, it's gonna do that to you if you're already drunk. one really shouldn't partake if one's got a lovely alcohol buzz going on and not used to it. and yes, the old stuff or not-great quality weed is definate gonna put you to sleep. it shouldn't be brown and brittle. it's old. get rid of it! and i don't mean smoke it! unless you wanna catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzs. at least that's what i've heard

i have actually found a nice buzz after having just a few beers and then a little something else. and i mean just a little. people think they gotta do so much of it to get anything. ease up! moderation! yet, i've actually smoked with people that claim to not get anything....and they've inhaled. i end up believing them when they're behavior has remain unchanged. go figure. ???

all i have to say is that it's quite capable of opening up your senses. that's for damn sho! fo sheezy!

Last edited by joe; 01-09-2005 at 03:00 AM..
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