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Old 01-27-2004, 04:57 PM
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strandinthewind strandinthewind is offline
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Originally posted by dissention
I've been noticing you get all these articles from Faux News...

I smell a vast right-wing conspiracy...
Now Now Now - I pull from all sources!!!! Besides, if you do not read all sources how do you know opposite views!!

Actually, I think Fox News is okay, but they are far from "fair and balanced." I think, on the other hand CNN is the fairest and most balanced. I had this discussion with a friend awhile back and they were like, well Fox just tells it like it is. I was like no they don't. I mean for like the past three months they had an article (sometimes two) on the front page slamming Dean (granted he makes it easy). It does not take a rocket scientist to see Fox was doing this because Dean was the D front runner at the time. Moreover, I have no problem with Fox news being slanted to the right. I just have a problem with them implying "fair and balanced" means they present an unbiased approach

Also, depsite what anyone says, I still think Bill O'Reilly is not that conservative

Plus - I love that you and goldie must go there to read the articles Maybe I'll site next!!!!!!

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