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Old 01-24-2004, 07:27 PM
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Originally posted by Mad4stevie
As I have stated before, consistency is a big thing for me. And I don't see a heck of a lot of it in the extreme left. Just my moderate conservative viewpoint!

For example: I don't see how it is logical that the rich aren't paying their share of taxes when the wealthiest 1% (those making over $300K/yr) are paying approx. 34% of all income tax received by the government. And the wealthiest 5% (those making over $125K/yr) are paying more than HALF (53%) of all income tax received. To me, the argument that "poor people pay more than rich people" does not seem to follow if only 5% of people are paying more than 50% of the taxes.

My source: The IRS
I think the reason that people say the tax cuts benefit "only the wealthiest of the wealthy" is because it sounds good. People, esp. poorer people, lump together all rich people and in general hate for whatever reason (some true some not) all rich people and/or think somehow that if you make $200,000 a year you have money to burn, etc. While making $200,000 certainly wouldn't suck and I am not saying these people are having missed meal cramps like the truly poor do, it certainly in today's world does not provide that person with money to burn. For example, $240,000 a year gets you $20,000 a month, which after taxes (state, federal, county, etc.) is $10,000 a month. Once you subtract a house payment (probably about $2,500 (a modest house in most big cities), property taxes (car and land) $1,000, student loan $750 (assuming grad. degree), car payment $500 (for one regular 30,000 car not a Benz), living expenses, etc. - you can see the $10,000 goes quickly and that is not even including luxury items like a vacation, clothing, child care, etc.

Again, people always bitch about the tax cuts, yet as I said before, I know no one, rich or poor, who pays the IRS one dime more than they have to. I mean if people are so worried about it, I say they should put their money where their mouth is and pay the IRS more or don't take tax credits/deductions that are similarly based on wealth - the IRS certainly will take it

Finally, I think all of this class warfare tripe is cruel to all. I mean it is almost like if we just taxed everyone who makes over $200,000 at 99%, the same politicians would bitch about the remaining 1% saying it was based on greed

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Last edited by strandinthewind; 01-24-2004 at 07:31 PM..
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