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Old 01-11-2004, 07:34 PM
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Originally posted by gldstwmn
Oh, sorry. Didn't see your edit. First of all, let me start by saying that I find it amusing that when the right has nothing better to say, they bring up Clinton. I've stated the purpose for my comparisons between the Bush and Hitler regimes in several threads. You can look for them. Frankly, I don't see what Clinton has to do with that.
Interestingly, the Clinton Administration used the ATF far more than Bush has. Although I agree with its legality and really do not question its use at Waco, Ruby Ridge, or with Elian Gonzales, to me the use of these stortroopers was far more Hitleresq than anything Bush has done. But, that is just me. I know the reply may be the Iraq thing, but I view that as a necessity and to me all facts point to the invasion of Iraq not anywhere near Hitler's invasion of Poland as I mentioned earlier.

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