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Old 10-31-2023, 08:04 PM
WalkAThinLine. WalkAThinLine. is offline
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Originally Posted by Penguin Emeritus View Post
I'd say there was maybe more hurt on John's end, rather than animosity...? IMO he seemed hurt by how stevie had sort of turned on them and removed herself in her anger at Mick.

Weston seemed a bit peeved that Mick wouldn't take his call and hear the nice things he was gonna say about his book...and Welch was just giving his take on how he'd felt throughout his time in the band, which at times seemed frustrating.

It was a really good documentary though...

I largely agree with that. There did seem to be a lot of resentment on John's end when the firing of Bob Weston and even Danny Kirwan was brought up. There was certainly a lot of hurt when McVie discussed the circumstances of Green's departure.

Also keep in mind that a year prior to the documentary's filming Welch sued the band for alleged unpaid royalties. The lawsuit was still ongoing by the time Welch was interviewed and the case wasn't settled until 1996.
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