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Old 10-13-2023, 10:54 AM
anusha anusha is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 115

I'm super impressed with some of the songs on this bootleg -- Heartbreaker is really so good. It's a shame it never found a home on any of the subsequent FM/LB releases. And you can see how Frozen Love really sticks out as a fully realized song. But you do see how BN might never have found an audience without the addition of Mick, John and Christine -- the BN songs don't always have a finished sound to them, especially when played live. FM brought a rounder sound to BN, and also the chemistry they had as a group musically was an X factor that you couldn't get from either entity separately. The two forces uniting really was a Reese's peanut butter cup moment.

As for Stevie saying BN was better rehearsed than FM -- I'm sure they were. It's literally all they did. But in 1984, she was riding a huge wave of solo success and was not keen on FM at all, so she was also trying to say that FM weren't all that -- if she hadn't hit rock bottom during RAL, maybe she would have just gone all in on a solo career at some point. TITN being a big success was a big incentive to stick around (a cycle that would repeat with the success of The Dance and relatively poor reception of Street Angel).

Lindsey clearly has a complex about not feeling appropriately recognized for his contributions to the band, and it has manifested itself as him being less vocal about the contributions the other members of FM made to the band's success. It's not right, but it's a character flaw that has been apparent for a long time, and it's not likely to change. Not when Stevie is out there co-headlining auditoriums and having the market power to boot him from FM. Their twisted dynamic has done neither of them favors as human beings. I do think LB has done more work (therapy?) and been forced to deal with more of the real world (family/marriage), so is not cray-delulu, but neither of them is a role model for kindness or humility.
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