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Old 09-09-2021, 01:20 PM
anusha anusha is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 114

I just saw LB in concert this week, and while his solo work is not always as accessible lyrically, I have to say that the last 15 years of output has been more often great than not. Seeing him and his band really playing with so much passion and vitality is worth him not being in FM anymore. I would just as soon they never reunite.

I think it's never say never, in that for some ungodly sum of money, maybe it would happen, but I think it most likely won't. Stevie is still super pissed and holds the strings as far as FM touring as a big moneymaker. Maybe if one of them dies, the others will do something together, but that's the best we can hope for. Sadly.
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