Thread: The Reagans
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Old 12-06-2003, 04:13 PM
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Originally posted by strandinthewind
The whole Reagan bashing issue aside, it was just an awful production. I couldn't watch it for that reason.
That's due in part to the fact that they chopped it up worse than Leatherface would to non-virginal teenagers.

Originally posted by Rob67
I am a moderate conservative (a realist, if you will) and I have to agree that the miniseries is definitly slanted. If you step back and take an unbiased look at the Reagan presidency, you will see some flaws but also some great moments.
Of course it is slanted. I think everyone would be preaching to the choir if they tried to say it wasn't. However, it is no more slanted than Fox News, it is no more slanted than the recent Jessica Lynch movie, and it would be no more slanted than a miniseries about Bill Clinton. The same thing that you said about the Reagan presidency having flaws but also great moments would certainly apply to Bill Clinton, but no conservative would ever admit it. If Fox television ever produces a Clinton movie, I'd bet my life that the costumes would mainly consist Devil costumes and they would try to recruit Osama for the lead role.

Let's face it: Reagan some okay things, but he certainly did NOT perform s well as Republicans would have you believe. He wasn't the brightest crayon in the Crayola box and I think it's painfully obvious. He made many remarks that made no sense and many that completely disregarded facts. He took actions that were, in my mind, absolutely ridiculous, yet he is considered one of the greatest presidents. I don't agree, but that's just part of my "liberal agenda."

Originally posted by Rob67
On the program, these authorities of the Reagan presidency debunked the movie's depiction of Ronald Reagan as callous to AIDS, oversimplistic in labeling people "commies"
Sorry, but both of those facts are true. I refuse to believe that Reagan was just "slow" in reacting to the AIDs epidemic, I feel no need to whitewash his actions (or lack thereof) in Republican baloney. As for labeling people as commies, that's common liberal knowledge that the Republicans won't acknowledge.

Originally posted by Rob67
As Mr. Reagan struggles with the last stages of Alzheimer's disease, "The Reagans" mini-series is certainly in bad taste.

And if Bill Clinton was in the last stages of cancer or even Altzheimer's, the conservative-ruled media would hold restraint in a biopic?

Sorry, all of this just proves that the Republicans and conservatives of our country are hypocrites with no grasp on reality. I'm actually surprised that they stopped taking away health benefits from struggling, single parents to fit this Reagan uprising into their schedule. Excuse me while I go chastise homeless people for not paying taxes and propose new laws that would take away Medicare benefits from the poor and elderly who suffer from Altzheimer's. Ah, but first I must propose my vigorous beliefs on why Reagan should replace that crippled devil Roosevelt on dimes.

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