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Old 06-02-2021, 11:33 AM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by HomerMcvie View Post
But $tevie SAYS $he's not the boss!!! $he's really let her ego go wild since her Mom died. $he is a snake. Hi$$....

Originally Posted by sue View Post
Lindsey is the only one go forward.
Stevie can’t write and prefers Divadom, in her Ivory tower, Christine (sorry) is too old, John’s had enough.
So this is where there were some interesting quotes from Walter Egan in that podcast that elle provided a link to.

He talks about his (previously talked about by him) wild crush on Stevie and how they sorta were 'dating' or 'hanging out' together for about a month during the making of his first album (and that his hit from it, Magnet and Steel, was about her). All kinda the usual.

But then throughout he works in these casual, sort of passive-aggressive comments about her. It didn't really surprise me, the way he did it, because it seems like anyone remotely around Herself tiptoes carefully in what they say because if She doesn't like it, they will be banished from her graces (and possibly forced to walk back what they said, a la Waddy).

So anyway he talks about how much he "loved that girl" ie, the girl who Stevie was in those days, and how nice she was. Then he adds that he's "sure she's still a nice person, way deep down inside" ...clearly implying that she's not so nice anymore on the outside.... He says that it must be hard being that famous and so in the public eye that 'of course it must change you' in all sorts of ways. He says that she now has a "fortress around her" so no one can really just get in touch with her. He does manage to get backstage when she plays nearby (sounds like he's around Nashville).

He described what it's like going backstage-- there's no chance of any real one-on-one time, "you're in a room with a million people" and you just basically have to stand there waiting and hoping that she notices you and comes and talks to you. He mentioned how you sort of try to subtly get her attention so she'll come over. And when she does, you only get a few brief minutes with her (part of this is beyond her control in that there are sooo many people and everyone wants some piece of her time. So I do get in that sense that having a Karen or someone to be the 'bad cop' who hustles her along is kinda necessary, because people will get nasty and pissy if they don't get any chance to talk with her. It would seem like you'd feel better about that though if the QUALITY of the time you did get with her was high quality.. ie that she didn't just treat you like any other meet-and-greet peon).

He did say that he and LB loosely keep in touch and they do usually go out for dinner or something when LB is in town. He commented that once they got stratospherically famous it just changed everything and it's its own world, and you can, at best, just pop into it every once in a while. My sense when he was saying this was the machinery that surrounds them (LB's "Big Machine") takes over, and for some people, the ego stuff too.

Last edited by bombaysaffires; 06-02-2021 at 11:37 AM..
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