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Old 10-01-2020, 07:34 PM
UnwindedDreams UnwindedDreams is offline
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Originally Posted by BigAl84 View Post
This article is a train wreck.

Clearly she uses the death of her parents to justify her behavior, it's got nothing to do with some connection with her deceased parents. History and previous anecdotes tell us that of all people, it would be her parents that would advise her to calm down and work it out with Lindsey. Definitely not burn it to the ground in the last chapter of your collective lives.

The latest edition of who can Stevie attatch herself to - Cameron Crowe. He's been getting a ton of press for the anniversary of Almost Famous, so it's no suprise that he's the latest flavor of the month over at Camp Santa Monica to direct her music video.

Never suffered from depression, eh? I guess 1992-1995 never happened. What happened to all that talk about coming off coke, getting put on klonopin, getting severely depressed about the state of your career and weight gain. I mean, that was a good 15 minute segment of Behind the Music in itself.

What Fleetwood Mac records did you reconvene with Fleetwood Mac for? The beginning stages of Say You Will are quickly approaching the 20 year mark. It's been 17 years since it's release. You've declined to participate in every formal plea to make an album since, with the exception of the Extended Play EP. What the literall h*ll are you talking about?

You're suprised about the Lindsey fallout? you mean you're suprised you lit the moltov cocktail and threw it over the fence? And how ironic she wouldn't talk about it at the time, but she has no problem talking about it when shlepping her latest project to the press. You have to squeeze in those juicy Lindsey bits to sweeten up the pot, eh? The same way she exploited RGB to talk about her own inflated self.

That Fleetwood Mac tour was an effing bomb, she knows it, the band knows it, everybody knows it. If that tour was so special the way they talked it up, why aren't they releasing a film of that tour instead of Stevie's solo tour from 4 years ago. She'll talk about Lindsey before mentioning the "new band" version of Fleetwood Mac. This is also the second time she's referred to Fleetwood Mac "breaking up" so again the whole "new band" pitch Mick used to sell that tour was in fact, coomplete garbage. There was no effing interest in carrying on as a band. It was strictly about the tour and the money. Straight from Mike Campbell's mouth - he's sent over demos to her and doesn't even get a phone call back.

Just remember, records take too long to make and don't make enough cash...
Unless it's her solo album and it's all about her.
Unless she can attatch Harry Styles to it and then it will sell more copies.
Unless she can exploit Lindsey's heart attack and draw from the well of "Lindsey-Stevie" drama that she's exploited for years to gain herself attention (when talking up Fleetwood Mac tours she was more than happy to agree to)
Unless she can exploit RGB to talk about herself when promoting her latest project.
I wanna say that your post was excellent. The only disagreement I have was that the Evening with Fleetwood Mac In Concert Tour 2018-2019 was not a financial bomb. They charged high and mostly did well.
But if you're an artist, then it was a bomb. If you're an artist, you play your own work. People become songwriters to sing their own songs. Stevie talks about not doing the same old, but she sang all of the same songs she always does.
When Lindsey wasn't around for the Tango/Shake the Cage and 1990 BTM tours, they at least played new songs. On the 2013 tour, they played new songs and gems. On Unleashed, they did Oh Well, SYLM, a great version of Stand Back, and Monday Morning.

She brought Lindsey up without being asked about him. And why is a person insane for commenting about Lindsey on her RBG post? The person got their comment acknowledged as high up as it could've been that's for sure!
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