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Old 03-23-2020, 04:23 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Italy
Posts: 5,243

I've been into voluntary confinement since a little while before the government officially declared lockdown in my country because I have aged parents. When the worst is gonna come many will tend to just think about themselves; the advice I can give you is: you can only control yourself but in this situation a single person can make the difference, so follow the rules (even if you have opinions), select your informations, use well social media, try to mantain a positive attitude and above all stay human, because the well-being of others depends from yours. We can't overcome this separated. It's gonna be hard but resist, don't lose hope and stay home as much as you can.

P.S. There is historic eveidence that Spanish flu either originated from France or Kansas.
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