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Old 02-26-2020, 08:24 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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Originally Posted by TrueFaith77 View Post
I thought it was a terrible film, and am disturbed by its popularity.

On Facebook, a friend's mother asked me if I disliked it because it demonstrates "class differences" (considering how well she knows me, the question is bewildering -- I saw NASHVILLE with her in theaters!)

The answer to that charge is clear: the movie portrays the struggling classes as cretinous and the rich as vaguely suffering from mental challenges. In other words, it's phony.

A stranger on Twitter said the movie has the best editing, cinematography, and screenplay of the year! Oscar-speak. sigh. I responded that the editing failed to raise suspense (e.g., the coffee table sequence) or clarity (e.g., who killed whom at the end, and why?). The cinematography, I believe translates as "I want that house!" The screenplay? I think it's "OMG, there's a guy in the basement!"

Hateful film. And no fun. And I'm easy.
I didn't think it was phony. I thought it was a dark comedy on a, "what if this happened". I will say when the "protagonists" kept getting everything they wanted, I thought, "Oh crap, I'm going to hate this downfall." I didn't. What I loved about it was the fact that the down-slide wasn't typical. I thought the author had quite the sense of humor.

I tend not to politicize things, so I don't have a point of view of: This is too liberal or conservative. Or, it mocks a certain group/class.

As far as phony, I work for a lot of rich people and some of them act exactly like that. Especially, with their children.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"

Last edited by jbrownsjr; 02-26-2020 at 08:42 AM..
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