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Old 06-22-2019, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Macfan4life View Post
By pretending he did not exist by stepping into his shoes and singing his songs. It sounds so cover band. And you know what many of the attendees (notice I did not use fan) may have not even noticed it was not Lindsey up there. I don't think they should ever mention his name. I was in the minority on this board but with Lindsey's wife's feelings that its horrific to mention him from the stage after what they did to him. You don't throw someone out the window and then 5 months later pretend to care with 2 statements from the stage. Now they have 2 new members. There are all kinds of older stuff they could do. This would never happen but imagine if Stevie got fired yet the band pretended the new female singer filled her shoes as she sang Stevie's songs. It would go over like a train wreck. I am consistent on both sides of this coin. Imagine if Keith Richards got fired from the Stones. Imagine his replacement coming on state to sing Little T&A. The entire crowd would booo and throw food.
The masses are there for all the hits. Look at the set list. If not from Rumours, they are all commercially released singles. The crowd does not care or notice that Lindsey has been replaced except for a few core fans and music reviewers in Europe.
That is exactly how I feel. If Stevie had been fired and they brought in a new singer fans would be in an uproar. They could have gotten one of the best singers out there (Tina Turner, Grace Slick , Cyndi Lauper etc) and they still would have bitched and bitched that no one can sing Stevie's songs etc. The same can be said for Lindsey. If her songs are so scared why aren't his? He has a voice and a guitar playing style that isn't easily replicated.

The decade he was gone produced 3 tours a platinum GH album and a new studio album that went gold, a box set that I think went platinum and then a studio album that flopped.

The Tango tour was successful because they had the strength of the hit singles behind them before they hit the road. It wasn't like they toured right after the album's release. There was enough time for multiple hit singles to hit the airwaves.

The BTM tour was successful because they had the 87-88 success not too far behind and you still had SN and CM in the lineup. The album is mostly forgotten by all but the die hard FM fans. The Time era crashed and burned and is not fondly remembered.

When Lindsey returned they had their first number 1 album in 15 years and then SYW made top 5 in first week of sales.

I don't care how many tickets they sold this tour it doesn't change the fact that since 2009 we have had 4 GH tour and no NEW album to speak of. It would be different had this tour they threw out many of the staples and focused on lesser known tracks as well as some of the hits they haven't performed either at all or in a very long time ( As Long as You Follow, Love In Store, Save Me etc)

Look at last years Journey / Def Leppard / Peter Frampton tour. Very successful but none of them had anything new to promote and in Journey's case all they played was Steve Perry's hits but with the new singer doing them. Virtually anytime a classic rock act goes on tour they sell tickets regardless of how many original members or classic lineup members are in the band.

Every allegation they made about Lindsey can be thrown right back at them from tour delays , to stale set lists to not playing pre 75 material.

Anyone who thinks this current tour is anything more then a GH cash grab is deluding themselves. There is nothing new , fresh or exciting about hearing 70 somethings play songs they have played over and over for 40 plus years in the exact same way. You may have new members but if they aren't singing new material then what you have is almost like an expensive cover band. SN had a golden opportunity to shake up her FM set for this tour by dropping 2-3 of her hits and doing songs like Angel, That's Alright, Beautiful Child etc) but instead she chose to play the same songs she has done for years and then cover Peter Green on Black Magic Woman.

On one of the FB groups there have been reports that SN will be doing a 2020 tour?. So if you didn't get your fill of Landslide, GDW, Dreams etc then you may have a chance to hear all those songs again next year.
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