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Old 03-13-2019, 04:15 PM
bombaysaffires bombaysaffires is offline
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Default O'Reilly blames millennial at Fleetwood Mac show



Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly relayed a bizarre tale of his Baby Boomer experience alongside "narcissistic" millennials and their smartphones during Monday night's sold-out Fleetwood Mac concert at Madison Square Garden.

O'Reilly, 69, posted a video to his personal website Wednesday detailing his shock at how "millennial-generation Z people" stood and danced for the entire 2 hour and 10 minute concert in New York City Monday night. The former top-rated Fox News host tied young Fleetwood Mac fans' narcissistic phone selfies and reckless dancing to the wider embrace of socialism across the country. Portions of O'Reilly's story make it unclear if he has attended concerts before, including his dismay at numerous "confrontations" he said were caused by drunken millennials.

O'Reilly praised singer Stevie Nicks and the rest of the classic rock band's performance, but criticized the "me, me, me, me, me" concert mentality of millennials that he claims prevented some Baby Boomers from being able to see the show while seated. O'Reilly commended the band for being "non-political" but said the large swath of millennial women were likely in attendance because Nicks and bandmate Christine McVie are "feminine icons."

"It occurred to me there's a change happening in America," O'Reilly began. "So the crowd was equally divided between Boomers, Baby Boomers like me, who grew up with Fleetwood Mac. And then millennial, generation Z young people, primarily women, who admire Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie as feminine icons."

"The millennials -- generally speaking but I didn't see one without -- watched the show with this in their hand," O'Reilly said, holding up his smartphone. "It's like they're texting every song and they were taking some pictures but in the Garden it's hard to take pictures...millennials are taking selfies and bending over like pretzels to try to get them and the stage."

O'Reilly then managed to connect the dots between Fleetwood Mac, millennials, smartphones and socialism's spread across the country.

"The music of Fleetwood Mac is classic, it's timeless. And there are some songs where you want to jump up and dance and that's fine. That's fine. But the millennial, generation z people would never sit down. From the time it started until the time it ended they were standing up. There were people behind them, some of these people were 75-80 [years old] and they couldn't see -- and the millennials didn't care."

"I saw confrontations," O'Reilly continued intently, casting doubt on whether he's ever been to a rock concert before. He detailed his involvement in a "confrontation" with a drunken millennial who was distracting O'Reilly and his friends. "I said 'hey sir, you're blocking our vision.' I gave him a look. And then I stood up, all 6 foot 4 of me and he ran away."

"The people who were standing and dancing they couldn't care less about if anybody could see or what they were doing. And some of these people were like gyrating. You know what this is, what this is all about? This is all about narcissism," O'Reilly added, again holding up a smartphone. "And this is what's happening, because this thing is, you know, It's part of your hand, an extension of your body. And if these narc -- if these millennials or gen Z people or whatever -- if they lose this or they don't have it? Well that's big!"

O'Reilly parted ways with Fox News in 2017 after settling sexual harassment claims with several women in 2017. O'Reilly has consistently denied the harassment claims. And in Wednesday's video about his Fleetwood Mac concert experience, he was still pointing blame elsewhere. O'Reilly said Democratic Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are not to blame for socialism's spread, but is tied to young people's embrace of narcissism, which he first realized at Monday's MSG concert.

"The younger Americans under 40 are really addicted and so everything is coming through this, it goes 'bing, bing,'" O'Reilly said, touching his phone and then his head. "Everything centers around you. Because people are texting you. Instagram'ing you. Facebook'ing you. Whatever you're doing. You, you, you, you, you. Therefore the mentality becomes, it's all about me. Narcissism."

"I'm telling you this socialism thing, this is what happens. It's not Ocasio-Cortez or Bernie Sanders," O'Reilly concluded. "It's give me mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. I'm entitled to it. It's a narcissistic point of view. The government is to provide me with education, medical care, housing, food, whatever. Give it to me. And if somebody has more than me? I'm taking it from them. Because I'm the center of the universe, I'm a narcissist. I learned that at the Fleetwood Mac concert."

The New York Post's Page Six section reported former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was in attendance Monday night, even hanging out backstage with Nicks before the show.
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