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Old 02-26-2018, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
Ha ha ha. You been watching Sean Hannity again?
Come on, have you ever been to Europe? You have absolutely no clue.
What you are typing is absolute garbage. Complete and utter tosh. Laughable. Ha ha.
Someone has only one source of (dis)information. Trumpists have no ideology. Trump was a Manhattan liberal a few years ago but has people hoodwinked. Its tribalism now. No ideology left or right, liberal or conservative. Its to protect the tribe at any cost. Facts don't matter. The only role in life is to protect the tribe at all costs. It would be like having a conversation with a coffee table. I miss the old debates liberal vs conservative, etc. Now its just disinformation all over the place. Democracies all over the world are tumbling because of the disinformation pumped into the countries. Look who was elected in Poland, Chech republic, etc. Even Brexit was a Russian pipe dream come true. Thank goodness for the French for turning the tide and not supporting fascist LePage. If she had won, she would have dismantled NATO a personal request of Putin. She was just invited to speak at CPAC which is "supposed" to be a gathering of conservatives. They forgot that she supports government health care and government mandating shortening of the work week (anti-business). She is anything but a conservative but because she is so anti-immigrant the "fake conservatives" welcomed her with open arms. Its total hypocrisy but when you don't believe facts, what do you expect.
The indictments are coming. We are in for one hell of a ride.
Our founding fathers were brilliant men. The system they created was a check and balance on all areas of government. Even if a strongman or dictator was elected the Congress would have oversight to counter the executive branch. Our founding fathers never imagined that member of Congress would refuse to do oversight. Trump has so many conflicts of interests. Only the political party in power in Congress has subpoena power. It would take a change of party to get subpoena power to show Trump's taxes, investments, and tenants in his buildings. That may change in a few months.
My heart will rise up with the morning sun and the hurt I feel will simply melt away

Last edited by Macfan4life; 02-26-2018 at 05:55 PM..
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