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Old 02-26-2018, 04:44 PM
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Jondalar Jondalar is offline
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
No, I'd say the US still wins.
For every 'Last Week Tonight' that's about Italy John Oliver has done about 50 taking the p!ss out of this sorry Trump presidency.
Italy doesn't come close to the US at the moment as far as laughing stock is concerned, though laughing is still difficult at the moment with recent events over there.
What right does Europe have to laugh at anyone? Look at Sweden, Germany, France and Great Britain. Look what their policies have done to their own people. Laughing stock??? Take a look in the mirror. No one wants to end up like you. Your nutty political correctness is killing your people right and left. No wonder people are rejecting the cult of globalism.

There is no blinder man then one with a mission. That goes for countries too. You don’t care enough for your people to use common sense.

As far as American laughing stocks are concerned, look at the nutty Democratic Party with its 150 genders, Sanctuary Cities, and people who want noncitizens to have voting rights.... a party that is supposed to stand for freedom of speech but will beat you up if you don’t say what they like.... they’ve got splinters in the windmills of their mind..... off the deep end.... batt shiiiittt crazzzy....

It’s like I’m watching some crazy sitcom filled with lunatics.

Last edited by Jondalar; 02-26-2018 at 04:46 PM..
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