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Old 03-13-2016, 04:07 PM
welcomechris welcomechris is offline
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Originally Posted by welcomechris View Post
Oh I see, It's OK when olive makes a separate "RIP _____ _____" but when I do it "we don't need all these separate threads"

Wow. It's clearly just personal attacks.

And olive, before you make an offensive response to me, understand all I'm saying is that when I did exactly what you did (made a thread saluting a music hero) I was attacked.

Everything aside, RIP Keith[/QUOTE

I told you when you were demanding the 24 karat before it was released to "pi$$ off"

And is it my fault I am loved and admired

I am not interested in your constant need for attention, and control of this message board as if it was your own

The relentless posting of content from old blogs ,self made phoney demos.

I do not want to be dragged into your drama

I do not know you
Or want to know you.

For the last time Leave me out of it
You're a liar! A huge liar! I never made demos. FOR THE LAST TIME, all I said was that when you make a thread like this, it's OK. When I make it, it's not. OK??? Enough with your drama. I don't make the drama, it's the people on this thread that have a problem with everything. I never "demanded" you to send me the 24 karat songs pre-release, I asked. And you never said "piss off" you said FAR worse. Unnecessary cussing. You over react to everything. You didn't need to respond to that. You start things yourself

It wasn't really well said. You just attacked me again too. What I said before had NOTHING to do with my blogs - and I never claimed this thread to be mine or acting as so. Show me where that happened. I have huge respect for the leaders of this board. They do a lot of work for our entertainment.

You are a very rude person! And don't respond to that by saying "I feel threatened and under attack" because it's just annoying at this point.
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