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Old 12-03-2015, 01:08 PM
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SisterNightroad SisterNightroad is offline
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Originally Posted by iamnotafraid View Post
I'm pretty sure our leader had said terrorism is contained.
At least this latest batch right before the Paris attacks.

What's strange is he and other Democrats can't seem to say the
words Muslim or Terrorism. And they most certainly won't
link the two together.

Doesn't that bother you?


Let's pretend for a moment that we didn't have guns in private citizen's
hands. Does anyone think that this would have stopped this most recent
attack in California? Really? There are other options. And most of them
are worse.

And now under this administration we have the big players heavily involved
in the Middle East. Once they're there watch them turn against Israel. That
is where this is all going.

Read the Holy Bible and you'll see how this story is going to end.
* Integralist Muslim.
However since the dawn of time all the wars, especially those made in the name of religion, are truly made for money and power.