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Old 10-20-2015, 03:26 AM
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Default "Star Wars - The Force Awakens"

Hands up all the Star Wars nerds out there!!!

I thought it might be fun to start a thread about the upcoming installment in the Star Wars franchise, episode VII - "The Force Awakens". Now that the posters and all three trailers have been released and there's only two more months left to go before release day, this would be a nice time to discuss what we've seen so far and what we HAVEN'T seen.

The trailers have all been very vague, including this new "official and final" trailer, as to what the plot line entails. The only thing I can surmise is that 30 years have passed and a new evil regime has formed within that time period, led by Adam Driver's character Kylo Ren, who seems to be a Sith/Vader worshipper and/or someone who has tapped into the Dark Side of the Force. What his intentions are is still a mystery. Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth from "Game Of Thrones") is playing Captain Phasma, leader of some sort of new Storm Trooper brigade, and John Boyega plays one of those troopers, who apparently crash lands on a "Tatooine-esque" planet (if not Tatooine itself) and uses it as an opportunity to escape the regime he used to work for. Apparently he meets a girl named Rey and an X-Wing Pilot named Poe and with the help of Han and Chewie and other new people, try to stop the bad guys from doing whatever they are planning to do...

LOL! Um...yeah, that's all I can seem to figure out. It's still unclear how any of these characters relate to each other and our favorite heroes from the original Trilogy. It appears Han will play a bigger part than Leia or Luke based on how much the trailers have focused on him. Leia merely got a millisecond worth of screen time in the final trailer only...and where the HELL is Luke??? You get to see his mechanical hand reach out from his cloak and pet R2-D2 in the final trailer, but you never see his's more than likely HIM but we don't really KNOW if it is.

Han, Luke and Leia are probably going to be relegated to supporting characters in this movie, seeing as how most of what we've seen has revolved around twenty-something, skinny and attractive actors and actresses, which is to be expected. A lot of people have been speculating that Luke won't have very much screen time in this episode. I guess we'll see. If the original three are merely supporting, then you can bet the other familiar faces, C-3p0, Chewie and R2-D2 are going to get even less screen time, which is also to be expected. It is, after all, a brand new story with new main characters to focus on. So I'd imagine seeing our old friends in this will be more of a "familiarity" sort of thing in regards to "bridging the gap" between the events of episodes 4, 5 and 6 and this new trilogy.

Then again, maybe they WILL have a much bigger part than expected. Part of me really wishes it to be so...but I'm not getting my hopes up. Regardless, with Harrison, Carrie, and Mark well as J.J. Abrams at the helm, this film has, at the very least, GOT TO BE BETTER than George Lucas' boring and lame ass prequels, wouldn't you say?

So what does everyone else think? Are you excited? Worried? How do you think this film will fare compared to the prequels and even the original trilogy (which can't be beat, in my opinion)? What are your speculations as to plot lines or who is related to who, character-wise? Let's start a discussion thread and get wild and crazy with our speculations these next two months while we wait. I have some theories of my own but want to hear what you all have to say before I chime in.

And (as always) everything I type in this forum is merely my opinion.
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