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Old 03-12-2015, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by michelej1 View Post
I think it would be impossible to think that the Annie Leibovitz bedroom photo shoot took place in your home. If you write that it did, then I do believe you are lying for a particular reason.

My problem is always that she INSISTS that every single word is true. And it just isn't.

THAT Rolling Stone story is just... If you'd merely read her book about it, you'd come away with a completely different perspective than the way Annie, Stevie and Lindsey talked about it.

"I can’t pick you up today, angel. I forget to tell you, we’re shooting the cover of Rolling Stone with Annie Leibowitz here at my house. Come on over right after work, OK? The band’s driving me insane.

[she looks at herself in the mirror and reflects]

Sheesh, I look as though I’m twelve years old… with attitude. In Lindsey’s eyes, that might not be such a bad thing!

[she pulls up to Lindsey’s house]

Taking a deep breath - always wise before an encounter with Fleetwood Mac - I knocked softly. Lindsey threw the door open and yelled, “Thank God you’re here! They’re driving me crazy!” He stopped talking and looked me over slowly. “Hey, little girl, looks like you’re looking for your daddy. I like it, Carol. You should wear this stuff more often.”

I could tell by the gleam in his eye that he meant every word and I felt confidence flood through me as he pulled me into the house. Mick got up from the couch, leered, and began making a few suggestive ‘schoolgirl’ remarks of his own. John and Christine started laughing as Mick and Lindsey each took one of my arms and played a tug of war with me caught in the center. Stevie sat silently, apparently not thrilled by my arrival and the happy reception I was getting.

[she sits down and looks at the band’s clothing]

Leaning over, Lindsey whispered into my ear, “This cover is going to be totally cool. Annie has the five of us lying on my bed… very incestuous.” He looked at my raised eyebrows and laughed. “It’s Fleetwood Mac, Carol - are you surprised?”

[Annie calls them all in to Lindsey’s spare bedroom and CAH stays on the couch, flipping through magazines and listening to the laughter]

In less than an hour the shoot was finished, and forty five minutes after that the house was empty except for Lindsey and me. He pulled me up from the couch and led me into the bedroom. As he showed me the Polaroids that Annie’d left for him, I could see that the cover shot was amazing.

It was a classic shot which really did tell the story of the Rumours album. I knew the underlying big message as I looked at it: incest!

[Lindsey then asks her to go to Europe with him, and says how much he misses her and can’t bear to be apart from her]

[she fears that it might be a bit much considering they’ve only been together five months]

I knew how hard it could be on a relationship when you’re jet-lagged, eating bad food, and dealing with winter weather. And it wouldn’t just be Lindsey and me. We’d be with the entire entourage of band, roadies, and technicians. Not to mention Stevie Nicks.

Will my being there with him make the uneasy truce between them break down and become an all-out war? I thought nervously.

I knew that the working relationship between Lindsey and Stevie was very precarious, and thus the balance within the band itself. Of course, I told myself, with or without me on the road, that’s a storm waiting to break. One look at Lindsey’s pale, gaunt face and the wistful look in his eyes made me lock my fears away and cover his face in kisses as I said, “yes, yes, yes… I’ll come!”

These are Lindsey and Stevie's memories of the same day:


Buckingham's memory of the session centers on something different: After Leibovitz finished, everyone got off the mattress except himself and Nicks. Wearing only their bedclothes, the two of them stayed where they were and just held onto each other. The wounds of their breakup were still raw. Says Buckingham, "After all that we'd been through, knowing that we loved each other - somehow, we just couldn't get up." For five minutes, maybe more, Buckingham and Nicks shared a silent embrace. Leibovitz and the rest of the band milled around until finally Mick Fleetwood returned to the mattress and whispered to the entangled pair: "Guys, you're freaking everyone out."

"The [Rolling Stone cover] shoot was over and everyone else got out of the bed, except for Stevie and I. We laid there for about an hour hugging, and it was freaking everybody out."

"For Stevie and me, the wounds and animosities were still very fresh,"¯ he says. "So the idea for the photo wasn't all that funny. We had to compartmentalize our feelings to keep the band functional, and at the end of the session, we had this moment of not being able to avoid all that had been lost. We embraced for about fifteen minutes, and Mick finally came over and said that people were starting to get uncomfortable. I don't know how healthy all this display of our personal life was, but that's showbiz."


"Afterwards, Lindsey and I got to talking about how amazing it was that not so long ago I was a waitress and he didn't have a job, and now we were on the cover of ROLLING STONE with this huge record. And we lay there for two hours talking and making out. Finally, Annie had to tell us to leave, because she had rented the room for only so long. But in one afternoon she put Lindsey and me back together and also planted the seed for Mick and me, which happened a year later. You want to know the power of Annie Leibovitz, there you go."


When questioned about the veracity of what she said re. the RS shoot, she said this:

"Okay - this is a ridiculous. If you want to reread pages 55 & 56 in Storms, you'll see that I write that I arrived at Lindsey's AFTER my workday at the studio which ended @ 6:00pm on the day of the Rolling Stone cover shoot which means I got there a little before 7:00pm. They'd been shooting all day - so whatever went on between Lindsey and Stevie during that day before I got there, I have no personal knowledge of - and as his new girlfriend at the time certainly wouldn't have been informed of it. When I walked in, everyone was in the living room as I described and then they all went back for another 45 minutes or so with Annie to shoot before the shoot was wrapped. I wrote of MY experiences and what I personally saw and lived through. To call me a liar over something that is so stupid is not only wrong but defamation."

Again, that doesn't gel because SnL (according to everyone else) embraced AFTER the shoot was wrapped, not during the day while CAH was apparently at work.


Eventually, I asked her about that quote she gave which says:

"The mood in the room would change from light to dark whenever they were together. The sheer tension between them was overwhelming; it literally stopped people in their tracks. They could say the most mean and hurtful things to each other. Not because they meant it, because I don't think they really did, but just because they wanted to cut the other one down. The big thing, though, was that Lindsey still loved Stevie. I know he did. Through all the time he was with me, he never stopped loving her. No matter how insane she made him, I don't think he was over the fact that they weren't a couple anymore. fie blamed himself for their break-up, and I think she blamed herself as well. They had that in common, although it was an unspoken bond between them."

A totally different impression than what the book gives but more accurate, I feel...

Anyway, her response?

"Hi Nicole, This quote was taken from a Joe Bosso phone interview and he misquoted me. He apologized to both myself and my Publisher - but I love Joe and he wrote a beautiful article about my book in a very important magazine and we became friends after I'd called him about the misquote in the article - and I think he's an amazing writer. I could go into more detail about it, but I find this entire "discussion board" exhausting."

"There’s nothing going on between you and me except that there will always be something going on between you and me. Until the day we die"
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