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Old 03-19-2014, 06:16 PM
Wendy Welch Wendy Welch is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 108
Default Must Disagree

Must disagree with your timeline. Stevie and Lindsey were already joining the band when Bob left and Mick and FM begged him to stay too.

All of your facts are not correct because I still have the original contracts, no matter what you have read on the internet.

Also, please, I must clarify one thing to this site. I never meant to imply that only Bob's fans and friends were blocked. Just that they were the people that contacted me. I am sure there are others too. I would hope you would be a little more inclusive with all FM fans.

I have never been called a lunatic before, but that's your opinion and there's always a first time, but you can go on my facebook and see what many have said over the past 1 1/2 years about it, besides the personal messages I have received, especially just recently. So I don't believe I have made this up or that one person has made me think that quite a few people have not been accepted on The Ledge.

And if you re-read my comments previous to saying that Chris played in the band earlier, I was not saying that that was untrue. Just that most people don't know that Chris was on a few cuts and they also don't know when Bob really joined the band prior to the summer of 71 as stated. Please don't misunderstand my comments as I hope I have cleared them up above.

Last edited by Wendy Welch; 03-19-2014 at 06:25 PM..
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