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Old 12-01-2013, 01:46 PM
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aleuzzi aleuzzi is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: May 2003
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I'll go even one step further than what is mentioned above and say that the foursome do not strike me as a working unit. The trio--John, Mick, and Lindsey--does, but as a group of four I just feel it. All I feel is absence, "a less than" vibe, in Christine's absence.

When she left, it was, in a sense, an opportunity to redefine the band sound and really take some musical risks that led the a way from the pop I formula and hit parade expectations fans had had for them. But their live shows never really opened up in this way. With the exception of an incredible new version of Tusk on the Unleashed tour, I didn't sense that the band was really innovating or creating new music. Just working with the remaining members treading commercially viable waters.

The new EP material is a further disappointment. Not only is the music unadventurous, it seems borderline generic--something I would never expect from Lindsey's much vaunted production skills. The collaborative relationship between Lindsey and Christine brought out the best in both musicians and I'd like to see that relationship at work again.
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