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Old 04-08-2012, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by HomerMcvie View Post
(not sad)
My FIRST Easter alone. It's kind of extended family(aunts, uncles, cousins) has always been so close....and it's like we're drifting apart. I have one aunt and cousin(her daughter) that I'm extremely close to, but the rest of them are drifting away. For the first time ever, we weren't(the 3 of us) invited to Easter(which they always host). Maybe they're not having it...we don't know, but it's strange. And last year, they only came to one summer holiday that I hosted(I always host the 3 summer holidays, since I've got the "summer house"). We just wonder if one of us did something wrong, or what. We've jokingly said, "well, f*ck em!", but it's still strange.... Oh well.
Oh, and I'm alone, because my cousin had to work today, and won't get off until this evening, so we just said screw it...

It's depressing when families drift apart. Mine totally splintered when my Grandpa died 15 years ago. We went from this amazing, inseparable, crazy, fun group to everybody refusing to see one another. It's all so stupid, too. My Aunts are all just oil & water, but they used to put all that aside for my Grandfather... and had a fantastic time with each other when they just got over themselves. But you can't make people do what they don't want to do. Just gotta get used to the new normal I guess.
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