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Livia 02-12-2004 02:01 PM

American Idol
The official thread of AI3 - and here's a little funny to kick things off:

AI in the workplace

I love Fantasia. She's unique, she can "sang," and her name rocks!


wondergirl9847 02-12-2004 02:06 PM

I couldn't care less about AI anymore. Last year, I was sucked into rooting for Clay *Barf* Aiken, who turned out to be a jerk.

I'm sticking with Justin...:) I miss the charm and non-egos on AI 1.

LMAO at that guy smackin' her upside the head!!! :lol:

dissention 02-12-2004 02:27 PM

I *looooooooooooooooove* Fantasia.

Girl has some pipes and, finally, there is someone with a UNIQUE voice on that show. Until she came along, they all sang the same damn songs and they all sounded like each other, but this gal picks good stuff and sounds original. The other contestants should take notice.

strandinthewind 02-12-2004 02:29 PM

My fav. was the one that looked like Mickey Rooney in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" "Misssyy GOOWWWW WWWHIITTWWWYYYY -- YYOUUUUU GOO TOO FFAAWWWRRRRR TTHHHIIISSSS TTWWWIMMEEE" :laugh:

dissention 02-12-2004 02:30 PM


Originally posted by strandinthewind
My fav. was the one that looked like Mickey Rooney in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" "Misssyy GOOWWWW WWWHIITTWWWYYYY -- YYOUUUUU GOO TOO FFAAWWWRRRRR TTHHHIIISSSS TTWWWIMMEEE" :laugh:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


darklinensuit 02-12-2004 03:12 PM

I like Fantasia, but I preferred the dancer (was her name Debbie?) and the crying woman with the big hair (was her name Michelle?). The sixteen-year-old was good, too. I thought it was a strong group of eight; IMO the weakest were the Wind Beneath My Wings guy and that guy who made it into the top three.

- Jake

dissention 02-12-2004 03:19 PM

That girl who sang Patsy Cline was horrific. She almost popped my eardrums.

darklinensuit 02-12-2004 03:22 PM


Originally posted by dissention
That girl who sang Patsy Cline was horrific. She almost popped my eardrums.
I didn't love her but thought the other two were far worse.

- Jake

dissention 02-12-2004 03:26 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
I didn't love her but thought the other two were far worse.

- Jake

Oh yeah, the two guys couldn't sing at all. I'm still shocked that Surfer Dude got into the top three. You know it was tweens that voted for that schmuck.

GardenStateGirlie 02-12-2004 03:32 PM

I voted for Diana. I like her a lot already and she can sing and has an amazing stage presence...not to mention she's absolutely adorable and quelle surprise! She's a clothed 16 year old!

The one girl sounded like the goat from last year. Mr. Walking In Memphis, IMO, wasn't really that stellar. Must have been the hair and his eyes that got America voting for him.

Merf 02-12-2004 04:17 PM

Re: Ugh...

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
I couldn't care less about AI anymore. Last year, I was sucked into rooting for Clay *Barf* Aiken, who turned out to be a jerk.

OK, Christy... :wavey: Let me know, I have to know why you think Clay is a jerk. He is from Raleigh and went to school in Charlotte, (my home) and I know many people who know him or "know people who know him." He has always come off as a very nice and genuine guy. Did you have a run-in with him or something?

I'm just curious.

wondergirl9847 02-12-2004 04:28 PM

He's a smarmy character is why I don't like him anymore. I rooted for him and voted on AI2, thinking, "Oh, he seems so humble and nice." Pffttt!! I saw a video of him on the net when he was on some show (Crap, wish I could remember which show, a news show, about the AI tour). Anyways, he was acting like a complete jackass and diva-ish about an audio technical thing. It was ridiculous.

Also, he's said some hateful things in articles about Justin. His die-hard fans are nuts too. I mean, they need serious mental help. Also, he acts very holier than thou in articles.

Sorry, I don't mean to offend any Clay fans, I just don't like him at all anymore. JMO.

darklinensuit 02-12-2004 05:15 PM

Re: Meredith...

Originally posted by wondergirl9847

His die-hard fans are nuts too. I mean, they need serious mental help.

Here's to the celebration of Mac fan sanity that is this board.:nod: :laugh: :wavey:

- Jake

wondergirl9847 02-12-2004 05:23 PM

Yeah, but we don't believe that Stevie is God. :distress:

darklinensuit 02-12-2004 05:32 PM

Re: LOL!!

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
Yeah, but we don't believe that Stevie is God. :distress:
Of course not. I KNOW she is, and you (mistakenly) think Lindsey is.:wavey:

- Jake

GardenStateGirlie 02-12-2004 05:39 PM

Re: Re: LOL!!

Originally posted by darklinensuit
Of course not. I KNOW she is, and you (mistakenly) think Lindsey is.:wavey:

- Jake

Don't forget Christy's undying love for Justin Guarini ;) :D (kidding, girl! I will forever bust on you for that one :laugh: )

darklinensuit 02-12-2004 05:40 PM

Re: Re: Re: LOL!!

Originally posted by GardenStateGirlie
Don't forget Christy's undying love for Justin Guarini ;) :D (kidding, girl! I will forever bust on you for that one :laugh: )
I think her fantasy is to braid his head to Lindsey's.:) :wavey:

- Jake

GardenStateGirlie 02-12-2004 06:03 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: LOL!!

Originally posted by darklinensuit
I think her fantasy is to braid his head to Lindsey's.:) :wavey:

- Jake

It'll be like a two for one deal. Christy, you can't go wrong! But, I might have to fight you for the Liddy Buck....I don't want any JUSTIN hair though...

wondergirl9847 02-12-2004 06:07 PM

You two....
are sick puppies!! LMAO!!!

I don't think ANYONE on this earth is God.

If Justin had been around back in the Rumours years, they could have had a battle of the fros. :laugh:

GardenStateGirlie 02-12-2004 06:11 PM

Re: You two....

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
are sick puppies!! LMAO!!!

I don't think ANYONE on this earth is God.

If Justin had been around back in the Rumours years, they could have had a battle of the fros. :laugh:

Well, I'm sure we've been called worse...and I know I am...Jake definately knows he you :laugh:

Only one problem with your BATTLE OF THE FROS theory. Justin Guarini wouldn't have been around with his pop songs...Lindsey would have turned his amp up and started playing....goodbye, guarini...that's how that would have went down :nod:

Merf 02-12-2004 08:26 PM

Re: Meredith...

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
Also, he's said some hateful things in articles about Justin. His die-hard fans are nuts too. I mean, they need serious mental help. Also, he acts very holier than thou in articles.

Hey again Christy, :wavey:

I don't mean to start a war about this-- but could you tell me where/when he said hateful things about Justin. Do you know where I can find these articles? I've read a lot of Clay's interviews and I've never heard him really mention Justin at all, except maybe bundled together with Kelly as well, or "past AI finalists."

About Clay's fans... yes, I believe they are very devoted. (Claymates- :laugh: ) My brother's best friend's Mom is one. ;) But I highly doubt that they believe he is a god. Clay is very religious and I doubt he would want that label put on him by his fans. I'm sure the label you are talking about is in jest or admiration, just like how you say "Lindsey is a guitar god." Same thing. ;)

Again, I'm not a "Claymate," but I have nothing against him and I've never come across anyone with such "Clayhate" as you. I think he's talented and I am happy for all his successes, and all the money he has given to charity (specifically, his autistic foundation) and to his former school (my university, UNC-Charlotte).


I think that Clay's fans need mental help just as much as any fans need mental help-- Clay, Kelly, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, FLEETWOOD MAC, Hilary Duff or anybody else! :lol:

wondergirl9847 02-12-2004 09:13 PM

Well, I'll have to go a'searchin' for the articles where he dogged JG. I'll try to find them for ya.

I don't hate him, I just don't like his high and mighty attitude now that he's had so much success.

I'm also bitter at how he was hyped so much and Justin was crapped on by RCA and his CD was not promoted.

Another thing I am mad that his charity work is touted out for everyone to fawn over. Justin Guarini's fans raised quite a bit of money for Habitat for Humanity and Justin matched it and NOBODY wanted to do a news story on THAT. He wouldn't have done it anyways.

wondergirl9847 02-12-2004 10:15 PM

Here ya go...

In this article, his "tone" that I am reading is condescending towards certain people AND he says that Justin's smoothness gives him the willies. :rolleyes:

Fine, if you don't like Justin, but to say something mean like that in an article...CLASSLESS.

Also, Justin has NEVER, EVER, EVER said one bad thing about Clay or any other AIer. He's been overly positive in his comments about everyone. Clay has said that Justin only came in 2nd because of his looks.

Also, he never seems to say he loves his fans or appreciates their support. He called them "weird" in one interview. Yeah, really nice. :distress:

Hawkeye 02-13-2004 12:30 AM

That 16 year old girl reminded me alot of Stevie belting out Rhiannon. I got THE MUSIC IN ME I GOT THE MSIC IIIIN MEEEE. She's the best person to ever be on American Idol by far. well I still got love for Ruben. I actually think he's had the best post-idol song anyones had yet with Sorry 2004.

darklinensuit 02-14-2004 01:23 PM

I predict that the second group of eight will be very weak. I thought the two brothers were bad at the auditions.
But I think that woman whom Simon called fat will be in this next round, and I like her. I hope she makes himn eat his words.

- Jake

cliffdweller 02-14-2004 07:47 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
I like Fantasia, but I preferred the dancer (was her name Debbie?) and the crying woman with the big hair (was her name Michelle?). The sixteen-year-old was good, too. I thought it was a strong group of eight; IMO the weakest were the Wind Beneath My Wings guy and that guy who made it into the top three.

- Jake

I agree, the Wind Beneath My Wings guy was no good and Michelle made me cry! She was so genuine and excited, you could tell she really loves to sing and not just for a bunch of arrogant "look at me shake my ass" reasons.

skcin 02-15-2004 11:08 AM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
I predict that the second group of eight will be very weak. I thought the two brothers were bad at the auditions.
But I think that woman whom Simon called fat will be in this next round, and I like her. I hope she makes himn eat his words.

- Jake

Yes! The redhead, right? I hope she does well, she seems very rocking! I am rooting for the Bulgarian girl (no, NOT that creepy chick who sounded like a man at the auditions!) - the young one who said her family came here before she was born, or when she was a baby or something like that. My dad is from Bulgaria & I want to see her do well! She's not in the 2nd round, though...


darklinensuit 02-15-2004 11:55 AM


Originally posted by skcin
Yes! The redhead, right? I hope she does well, she seems very rocking! I am rooting for the Bulgarian girl (no, NOT that creepy chick who sounded like a man at the auditions!) - the young one who said her family came here before she was born, or when she was a baby or something like that. My dad is from Bulgaria & I want to see her do well! She's not in the 2nd round, though...


The one with the man's voice (Bullwinkle's Natasha meets Donatella Versace meets Old Man River) was from Cypress. I still think she was the worst out of everybody, with Scatgirl in second.

Did you see they're planning a special that will include the She Bang guy?:laugh:

- Jake

dissention 02-16-2004 09:22 AM

Re: Here ya go...

Originally posted by wondergirl9847
Fine, if you don't like Justin, but to say something mean like that in an article...CLASSLESS.
Let's not forget the comments Justin made on some of those E! 101 Greatest... lists. Some of them were pretty scathing. ;) :laugh:

skcin 02-16-2004 10:01 AM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
The one with the man's voice (Bullwinkle's Natasha meets Donatella Versace meets Old Man River) was from Cypress. I still think she was the worst out of everybody, with Scatgirl in second.

Did you see they're planning a special that will include the She Bang guy?:laugh:

- Jake

No, she's Bulgarian, but she said won a singing competition in Cypress (it must have been pretty bad if she won, holy crap!) Actually, I shouldn't defend her - what am I doing...I mean to say, yes, she's a manly Greek woman, not Bulgarian, lol! The first thing I thought of when she opened her mouth was Maya Rudolph's impression of Donatella on SNL - LMAO! Did anyone see it last week - Donatella had Courtney Love (played by Drew Barrymore) over, it was hilarious!

The SheBang guy was the best, he's famous now for being terrible. I lol when I saw Tiff's (enchantedsln) pic of him as her signature here.


darklinensuit 02-16-2004 12:13 PM


Originally posted by skcin
No, she's Bulgarian, but she said won a singing competition in Cypress (it must have been pretty bad if she won, holy crap!)
My mistake. Hell, if Bulgaria wants her, it can have her.
I loved her dramatic head movements as she sang.:laugh:

- Jake

dissention 02-16-2004 12:15 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
My mistake. Hell, if Bulgaria wants her, it can have her.
I loved her dramatic head movements as she sang.:laugh:

- Jake

"Wheeeeeeeerrrrrreee did yoooooooooouuuuuuuu sleeeeep last niiiiiight? And doooooooooo yoooooooouuu luuuuuuuuuuuuv huuuuuuuur? Do yoooooooooouuuuu luuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvv huuuuuuuuuur?"


Bulgarians should not do Cher. I thought she was a man at first with some really low hanging...

darklinensuit 02-16-2004 12:17 PM


Originally posted by dissention
"Wheeeeeeeerrrrrreee did yoooooooooouuuuuuuu sleeeeep last niiiiiight? And doooooooooo yoooooooouuu luuuuuuuuuuuuv huuuuuuuur? Do yoooooooooouuuuu luuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvv huuuuuuuuuur?"


Bulgarians should not do Cher. I thought she was a man at first with some really low hanging...

I never knew it was Cher. I can name maybe five Cher songs, and that's enough for me.

- Jake

dissention 02-16-2004 12:20 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
I never knew it was Cher. I can name maybe five Cher songs, and that's enough for me.

- Jake

It was Cher done by a she-thing. Where does one get a voice like that? Doesn't make tourists want to vacation in Bulgaria, that's for sure.

darklinensuit 02-16-2004 12:24 PM


Originally posted by dissention
It was Cher done by a she-thing. Where does one get a voice like that? Doesn't make tourists want to vacation in Bulgaria, that's for sure.
Don't generalize. Deaf tourists can be more than happy.

- Jake

dissention 02-16-2004 12:25 PM


Originally posted by darklinensuit
Don't generalize. Deaf tourists can be more than happy.

- Jake


She'd drive everyone out of her own country, so there'd be nothing for tourists to tour.

skcin 02-16-2004 06:27 PM


Originally posted by dissention
"Wheeeeeeeerrrrrreee did yoooooooooouuuuuuuu sleeeeep last niiiiiight? And doooooooooo yoooooooouuu luuuuuuuuuuuuv huuuuuuuur? Do yoooooooooouuuuu luuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvv huuuuuuuuuur?"


BWAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAA! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


PS - Bulgaria is very beautiful, but I must admit it was a bit painful listening to some of my drunken cousins sing old folk songs :o

Livia 02-17-2004 05:09 PM

Briana likes Fleetwood Mac:

USA Today

(Contains spoiler info on tonight's performances)

Correction: The girl who sang "Some Kinda Wonderful" last nite is the FM fan....

GardenStateGirlie 02-17-2004 08:26 PM

Tonight is sucking big time. I'm about to turn it off and they're only half way through. This? Is horrendous. :distress:

dissention 02-17-2004 10:00 PM

Every single one sucked tonight. It was unbearable. If this is the best talent out there...:rolleyes:

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