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Bonnie 06-06-2003 09:54 PM

Check-in for ancient Ledgies? ;-)
Does anyone remember me? LOL! It's Bonnie Moe. Is there a post for long-lost Ledgies to check into? I joined the old Ledge back in '97 and used to live around Chicago, and now live in MN.
I used to work for Waldenbooks, then IBM, now I am a licensed day-care provider, so I can stay home with my DD.
I used to write Stevie/Linds stories (the SCANDAL and HORROR! LOL!, I know) and was not able to visit these newer Ledge's as much as I would have liked. We had a baby 16 month's ago, Katrina Grace, and as soon as I figure out how to post a picture, I will. Just imagine the cutest, most adorable baby in the world, and that's her. ;-) Anyway, would JANET S. and Dani please e-mail me, since I don't have your addresses anymore and would like to chat with both of you! Hi Vianna, and Chili, Lori A. and Lauren, too! I saw Villavic's name on the Stevie ledge when I checked, so it's nice knowing some other old-timers are still here. I feel older every day, especially after I realized how long it's been since I've visited. I guess Fm better put out more stuff, so I can stay in the loop. Anyway, I better run. Guess I need to find that People mag tomorrow with other errands. Take care and talk to you later!


wondergirl9847 06-06-2003 10:00 PM

Hi Bonnie
I'm sure you don't know me...I wasn't around for the "old" Ledge, but WELCOME back to the "NEW" Ledge!!

GardenStateGirlie 06-06-2003 10:10 PM

Hi Bonnie!! Congrats on the baby!! I was here back then posting under a different name... StephanieNicks_98. I do remember you! Hope you'll get the opportunity to check out Fleetwood Mac on this's been AMAZING!

tamaraluvsFM 06-06-2003 11:37 PM

Welcome back!!
Hi Bonnie!
I am not sure as you will recognize this name as I posted back then under a now defunct name, which blew up as I had not posted in ages! I belonged to the infamous writing group and still have my BN story somewhere, as all the other smut we loved! lol.
Congratulations on the new baby! She must be amazing! I remember you being at the bookstore as you were our locator of the new FM books arriving.... I know many you mentioned are still here but I have not heard from Dani in ages! We emailed for a while until I went overseas.
Glad your back! Welcome to the new Ledge and everyone is just as friendly as before.:D
And yes share those baby pics!!!

aka Tamara :wavey:

Barbara 06-07-2003 04:16 AM

Old Ledgie
Hi Bonnie -
I remember you very well - it's good to see you and hear that you're able to stay home with your little one. Hope you visit often.

Patti 06-07-2003 10:29 AM

Me too!
Hi Bonnie, yes I remember you and I, too, am coming back after a few years' absence. Just too much excitement going on to stay away!

While I'm here, HI to Barbara, Karen and Les! Missed you guys!


Les 06-07-2003 07:26 PM

Hi Bonnie, it's great you found your way back here again. Congratulations on the baby.

Hey Patti! Great to see you around here again!

LoriB 06-07-2003 11:15 PM

hey bonnie,
i remember you!! congrats on the baby!
I was away for awhile too-and have just come back and its awesome to see so many familiar people still posting here!! The Ledge was my life during "the Dance" heyday(i posted under TheMacRulz) and i remember all the stories and the excitement of racing home from work and then spending the rest of my evening glued here!! Do you remember Toni?? She really loved writing stories too and i still have all the printouts of all the stories she wrote--it was so sad and shocking when we all found out she had passed away on Mother`s Day back in 98 i believe. Anyhow--glad you are back!!

tamaraluvsFM 06-08-2003 07:28 AM


Originally posted by LoriB
Do you remember Toni?? She really loved writing stories too and i still have all the printouts of all the stories she wrote--it was so sad and shocking when we all found out she had passed away on Mother`s Day back in 98 i believe.
Wow I remember that day. It was one of the saddest days. She was our story group motherhen and queen of the naughty-naughty. She is definitly missed. Thanks for the memory as I will say a nice prayer for her today at church. Welcome back!

aka Tamara :wavey:

clooney 06-11-2003 03:02 PM

Hi Bonnie. I also used to post back in 97. I was also wondering about Janet S. Are you there Janet? Does anyone know where she might be?

go6car 06-11-2003 08:41 PM


I'm not sure anyone remembers me, but I was a real oldie, posting on the first board under the name "X" (how original, LOL). Then, there was another poster that stole my "X" and I became "First X" (equally as creative!). Anyway, I've been away for a VERY long time, but have now thoroughly enjoyed posting again and indulging in my MAC obsession with y'all!

Welcome back!


terrivac 06-12-2003 09:02 AM

Welcome back, I too just started to post again. I was part of the board back in 1997 but didn't post much then either. I stopped posting just before the old board shut down. I came back when the new board came up and registered but never posted and I guess the password they gave me stopped working so I just spent the time reading the stuff here. I just recently reregistered and started posting even though I have been here all along. I have been a huge fan for over 25 years so it is nice to be back here with people who have the same passion for FM that I do.


hayley 06-12-2003 10:12 AM

Hi Bonnie!!!

I remember you... AND your stories... ;) CONGRATULATIONS on the new baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's amazing to think of how much time has passed since the heyday of all of that- I was a fifteen year old freshman in high school when I started posting on the Ledge... now I live in a completely different city, with a great job at a major record company... I can't believe how long it's been, and how much everything and everyone has changed- how much this board has changed!


Sarah 06-13-2003 11:50 PM

yeahh!!! I miss the '97 ledge. missing posts were great.. and the "I M STEVIE NIX" posts.

welcome back, yous guys.


Janet 06-15-2003 02:17 AM

Hi Bonnie! Its Janet S here:)

Its been a LONG time!!

Im so happy to hear you have a baby! I can't wait to see pics! Did you get that house all built too?! I remember you going through that!

I haven't heard from anyone. Angela is MIA. Dani I haven't heard from since I moved *( I live on my own now)*. I haven't heard from Pam or Missy either. I still talk to Maureen and Tammy is around too which is wonderful! Other people are around too like Regina. I haven't heard from Shayne. I moved and just lost contact with people because things were crazy before and after.

I do remember Toni, she died the week before Mothers Day correct? I still think of her around that time because that was such a sad, rainy day and I took that REALLY hard!

Well, Im just so happy that everyone is coming back!

Stories, what stories?? LOL! THey are burned and gone forever aren't they?! LOL

Please stay in touch. My email is

Janet 06-15-2003 02:20 AM

Hi Hayley! I remember you as well and you were so young! Now you must be like 21. I was 19 when I started and Im going to be 26 ( eek!)

But its nice to see you as well, even if we did butt heads back in the day ( I think I finally learned online ediquette) LOL. ( but never learned to spell!)

hayley 06-15-2003 08:22 PM


Originally posted by Janet
Hi Hayley! I remember you as well and you were so young! Now you must be like 21. I was 19 when I started and Im going to be 26 ( eek!)

But its nice to see you as well, even if we did butt heads back in the day ( I think I finally learned online ediquette) LOL. ( but never learned to spell!)


I never considered us as butting heads... I had such a thick skull, though, that even if I was butting heads with someone, it never hurt! I'm nearly 21, yep. It's crazy. I have a full-time job, I live with Luke- former Ledgie- who I've been with for nearly three years... things change! But it's always so great to come back here every once in awhile and see familiar faces.

And... I always remember you as quite a good speller, at least when it came to typing quickly all about how hot Lindsey was in chats... !

johnb 06-22-2003 09:20 PM

Hey Moe,

It's Joe.

Funny how we can't see or hear each other, but we somehow form relationships on these boards, eh?

Glad to hear the baby's cute. I was certainly shocked to read that a mommy considers her little girl cute . . .

Hope to read your stuff on this forum. If I ever get with it, I may even write a thing or two; my admiration for Mr. Buckingham's talents has grown to the point where I need to start expressing it again.

Ah, fan worship. It brings out the cornball in all of us. And ain't it great!

See ya, Moe. (Now stop reading and get back to that baby! I'm sure you haven't finished nibbling on her belly yet!)

johnb (or John B., or whatever the heck my handle was way back when . . .)

mysticfox 06-23-2003 10:15 AM

Checking in.....
I used to post under "Nightbird". eons ago. I think I had another nickname before that, but I don't remeber it! lol. I used to post pre-Dance days. With two kids under 11 and another brand new baby just 4 mo. old, I don't have time to post much. But I always lurk and keep up on all the Mac stuff. I really love the new album.

Stewy 06-24-2003 10:55 PM

I'm back, too..nice to see ya'll again!!
Hey Bonnie!! Congrats, Girl!! Way To Go!

How's it up there in the great white north? I'm still in Chicago. Heading to the concert Thursday Nite at the Allstate! YAHOO!!!!!

Lorie, JohnB, Lauren, Janet, Hayley (hey, there ya been?), Les, Barb, Chili,! I know I'm missing more than a few people here...but I never in my dreams thought there'd be this many people from '97 back here. I'm amazed!!

I know I've really missed out. Missed you guys...alot!

Anyway - all's fine here. Looking forward to the concert since I missed the Dance - HAD to go this time!!

TC all...and be back soon...


Vianna 06-26-2003 10:56 AM

Yo, Bonnie!
Yes, I remember you=:-) and the stories-I loved 'em! I think I still have a few I printed out at the time...

Congrats on the baby! She has a pretty name.

I think I've bought my house since the last time you posted-not sure-anyway I've been living in my house now for 3 years and love it. So much better than apartments.

Hi to the rest of you, too!


GardenStateGirlie 06-26-2003 11:14 AM


Originally posted by hayley
I have a full-time job, I live with Luke- former Ledgie- who I've been with for nearly three years... things change! But it's always so great to come back here every once in awhile and see familiar faces.
Hayley!!! Wow! I remember you!! If my memory serves (which it often does not), you used to live out in the central portion of the US. I remember you saying you'd never seen the ocean before (I think that was you!!) I'm almost 20 now and I'm half way through college---we were soooo young when we posted here back then. Will you be seeing Fleetwood Mac on tour?? Our man is lookin' mighty fine and playing AMAZINGLY!!! Hope to talk to you soon! (former StephanieNicks_98 aka Marissa :D )

Gypsy-Rhiannon 06-26-2003 02:41 PM

God I feel old! LOL!


Les 06-28-2003 11:38 AM

Re: I'm back, too..nice to see ya'll again!!

Originally posted by Stewy
How's it up there in the great white north? I'm still in Chicago. Heading to the concert Thursday Nite at the Allstate! YAHOO!!!!!
Hey Stewy! I assume you're still our only Stewy and that you submitted one of those Chicago reviews in the concert review archives. Thanks for the review, glad you had such a great time! :)

Farrah 06-28-2003 05:41 PM

Hi Bonnie -- I'm still around, from time to time ... started posting way back in the day (1997). :)

AnthonyMI 06-29-2003 03:18 PM

i guess I should check in then....
I started coming way back in '97 in about October? I used to be addicted and prolly posted 5 times a day. I also hung out in the OLD Talk to me Chat room (the one that crashed all the time and booted you every 5 minutes and HATED my old Macintosh computer) with my ledgie friends Scott Boucher (from Vermont), Erica M. (AKA "17", from Connecticut now inthe armed forces and who knows where) and LauraTN (from in Nebraska). some point in about 99 or 2000 I actually realized I had a problem and was taking everything to seiously and basically stopped coming up until a few months ago when the new album came out and I was looking for the remixes of the album. NOw i get a LOT more sun and I think my heart is healthier not sitting around on my butt all night posting and chatting. I also grew up and went to college in that time and now have a "life" and work. But man....those were fun times talking about the Mac like they were my family. LOL!

If Erica, Scott or LauraTN read me! I would like to know what happend to ya'all

Stewy 07-01-2003 01:22 AM

The Only One? I Hope So... LOL
Hey there Les,

Yeah - I think I'm still the only one brave enough to keep my original Ledgie name. Stewy really isn't that great a name...but I have to rely on name recognition here.

I indeed write that very brief review (which I still did not proof well) and had a WONDERFUL time, indeed.

Thanks for remembering..


hayley 07-11-2003 01:20 PM

You were my birthday twin!! This year it'll be twenty-one for me... HAAA!

I was at Allstate that Thursday too!! I live in Chicago now- left home to go to school downtown, and now I live in the city and work out for Sony Music out in Rolling Meadows. It's so nice to see you!!

Marissa- yes, that was me! I lived in Kansas until I left for Chicago to go to college. I'm proud to say I have now seen the ocean! Luke and I have taken two wonderful trips to the San Diego/Coronado area and have enjoyed the sites.

I have seen FM- five times! Twice in the front row at Columbus (opening night) and Moline, plus Nashville (where I have a horrible picture of Luke and I taken w/ the band at the m/g), Grand Rapids, and one of the Chicago shows.

It's called overindulgence... yes, that's right. ;-)

GardenStateGirlie 07-11-2003 05:47 PM

Re: Stewy!

Originally posted by hayley
You were my birthday twin!! This year it'll be twenty-one for me... HAAA!

I was at Allstate that Thursday too!! I live in Chicago now- left home to go to school downtown, and now I live in the city and work out for Sony Music out in Rolling Meadows. It's so nice to see you!!

Marissa- yes, that was me! I lived in Kansas until I left for Chicago to go to college. I'm proud to say I have now seen the ocean! Luke and I have taken two wonderful trips to the San Diego/Coronado area and have enjoyed the sites.

I have seen FM- five times! Twice in the front row at Columbus (opening night) and Moline, plus Nashville (where I have a horrible picture of Luke and I taken w/ the band at the m/g), Grand Rapids, and one of the Chicago shows.

It's called overindulgence... yes, that's right. ;-)

More like it's called HELL YEA SONY! Hook your employee's up!! I'm dyin' for some more's been since Philly...AHHHH!!!! Hope you have fun at the rest of the shows you go to and remember....DETAILS!!! :nod:

Stewy 07-17-2003 01:23 PM

Good Lord!! Hayley's gonna be 21!!!!
OMG am I feeling old!!! Our little Hayleygirl is all grown up!!

I'm feelin' it,too!! I've got to say that I really wish I was 21 again...that was a blast...but I have to pretend I'm an adult now....I'm kicking up there to 36 this year. ACK!! What an year!

If I had known you were going to the Chicago show I would have had to meet up with you!!

Anyway, I'm glad you're in school here....where at downtown? There's so many places down's just a maze of schools...

Ummm...and you're working for Sony, huh? Get any good music perks??


CarneVaca 07-17-2003 02:36 PM

Hi, I'm still CarneVaca.

Lori 07-19-2003 12:49 AM

Okay, I'll admit to being ancient...
...but just this one time! ;)

Hey there, Bonnie Moe - how the heck are you? I'm so thrilled to hear of your little family addition - and I'm sure she is just the cutest baby ever to toddle the earth! I am hoping that you meant me when you spoke of "Lori A." Can all of you fellow "ancient" Ledgies believe that for those of us who were posting during the Dance tour, we all have "known" each other for about 6 years? Amazing...

Well, Bonnie...remember my "little" girl, Aislinn, who used to LOVE "Fleetwith Mac?" She is now 8 and 1/2 years old, and almost as tall as I am! She still loves her some Mac now and again, though. :) She will be in 3rd grade this fall. And Dominic, who was a newborn baby when I started posting here, just turned 6 last week and will be in kindergarten. And I don't know if you know, but I had another baby during the time that the Ledge was "on hold" for awhile back in 2000...well, her name is Madeleine and she is 3 1/2 years old! Believe it or not, we are now making another attempt to add to our family, so wish us luck! It was so much fun announcing a pregnancy on the Ledge before (I remember Lis Adelson, Jasmit, Spirit, and I were all pregnant "together ;) ) - I hope I get to make another announcement sometime soon! :nod: Ledge Babies are very special indeed!

So nice to see so many names from the past again...Hi Stewy...Hi John B (Joe)...Hi Patti! Les, Vianna, Barbara, Janet (Hi Jan!!!)...I pop in now and then, so I do read ya'll's posts even if I don't get an opportunity to post myself. Anthony - I remember you and all of your "gang" from the old chat room...Spirit and I used to chat at the same do know that LauraTN now has a baby boy, don't you? I think she's posting occasionally on the Stevie board. And HAYLEY!!! How are you doing Hayley-girl? I miss you, and am glad to hear your life is going wonderfully. Sony, huh? Well, it sounds like you are making all of your dreams come true. So, it's you and Luke, huh? ;) Now would probably be a bad time to bring up all of the ways I used to try to "shock" him in the Lindsey chat, huh? :laugh: Just teasing - please say "Hi" for me. Though, being your cyber-mom (if I may still have permission to think of myself that way), I am slightly mortified that you two did not even think to ask my permission about this whole thing - hehehe. It really is hard to believe how you and Luke and Sarah and many others around here are now adults...though I can say that you all have seemed to turn out just terrific!

I don't get much Ledge time these days, what with 3 kids, a house, a hubby, and homeschooling to boot, but I do check email every day, so if anyone is interested (and Hayley, I would love to hear from you), please give me a shout at I'd love to reconnect and hear from some of you guys!

Take care, all!

Lori :wavey:

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