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FuzzyPlum 07-13-2018 10:53 AM

The people of the UK have made it known how they feel about Don.
Did nobody ever tell him it's not the done thing to embarrass the host when your in somebody else's house? Very rude man.

Jondalar 07-14-2018 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1232570)

The people of the UK have made it known how they feel about Don.
Did nobody ever tell him it's not the done thing to embarrass the host when your in somebody else's house? Very rude man.

Some people in the UK don’t like Trump. Some people do. The country sold out its people to political correctness a long time ago but there is hope. Also, they wouldn’t be liberals if they didn’t whine, bitchh and protest. They protest over the opening of an envelope.

iamnotafraid 07-14-2018 01:04 AM

Got to wonder if even half of them know
what they're protesting.

Maybe Roger Waters could borrow that

FuzzyPlum 07-14-2018 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232589)
Some people in the UK don’t like Trump. Some people do. The country sold out its people to political correctness a long time ago but there is hope. Also, they wouldn’t be liberals if they didn’t whine, bitchh and protest. They protest over the opening of an envelope.

Trust me, there are very, very few people in the UK that like Trump. Not talking about 'liberals' (liberal means something completely different here in the UK, by the way). Don't believe what Fox News tells you- if you believe them they say there were large numbers of pro-Trump supporters at the marches yesterday (there were actually some small groups of English Defence League white nationalists). There may be some pro-Trump people here, but trust me the vast majority of this country is staunchly anti-Trump. Maybe 98%

How funny was he yesterday- backtracking on everything he said in the interview he gave to the Sun newspaper.
'The US-UK relationship is special. Really special. Totally special. As special as special can get. Ultra- special'. What a goon. :blob1:

Jondalar 07-14-2018 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1232592)
Trust me, there are very, very few people in the UK that like Trump. Not talking about 'liberals' (liberal means something completely different here in the UK, by the way). Don't believe what Fox News tells you- if you believe them they say there were large numbers of pro-Trump supporters at the marches yesterday (there were actually some small groups of English Defence League white nationalists). There may be some pro-Trump people here, but trust me the vast majority of this country is staunchly anti-Trump. Maybe 98%

How funny was he yesterday- backtracking on everything he said in the interview he gave to the Sun newspaper.
'The US-UK relationship is special. Really special. Totally special. As special as special can get. Ultra- special'. What a goon. :blob1:

I wondered where you from, so it’s the UK. We will never agree. I’m glad I switched to Republican and voted for Trump. He’s got enough confidence that people can fly as many balloons as they want. Won’t change him. 😊

FuzzyPlum 07-14-2018 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 1232591)
Got to wonder if even half of them know
what they're protesting.

Maybe Roger Waters could borrow that

To borrow a line from last night's late night British TV show 'The Last Leg':
'All in all he's just another prick with a wall'


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232593)
I wondered where you from, so it’s the UK. We will never agree. I’m glad I switched to Republican and voted for Trump. He’s got enough confidence that people can fly as many balloons as they want. Won’t change him. ��

Sadly no. The Trump baby balloon was due to fly near one of his Scottish golf courses today but he's taken out an injunction to stop it from flying.

jwd 07-14-2018 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1232592)
Trust me, there are very, very few people in the UK that like Trump. Not talking about 'liberals' (liberal means something completely different here in the UK, by the way). Don't believe what Fox News tells you- if you believe them they say there were large numbers of pro-Trump supporters at the marches yesterday (there were actually some small groups of English Defence League white nationalists). There may be some pro-Trump people here, but trust me the vast majority of this country is staunchly anti-Trump. Maybe 98%

How funny was he yesterday- backtracking on everything he said in the interview he gave to the Sun newspaper.
'The US-UK relationship is special. Really special. Totally special. As special as special can get. Ultra- special'. What a goon. :blob1:

Don't worry about it. He's not your KING!

Jondalar 07-15-2018 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by jwd (Post 1232616)
Don't worry about it. He's not your KING!

Right on!!! Does anyone really expect other countries to be happy about Trump when we are no longer footing the bills for them or giving them our jobs.

jwd 07-15-2018 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232620)
Right on!!! Do anyone really expect other countries to be happy about Trump when we are no longer footing the bills for them or giving them our jobs.


FuzzyPlum 07-15-2018 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232620)
Right on!!! Does anyone really expect other countries to be happy about Trump when we are no longer footing the bills for them or giving them our jobs.

He's a threat to the stability and well-being of the world. Therefore we all have a vested interest. There's a big world that exists beyond your borders.

Jondalar 07-15-2018 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1232628)
He's a threat to the stability and well-being of the world. Therefore we all have a vested interest. There's a big world that exists beyond your borders.

He’s a threat to globalist, liberals and to people who use the United States to foot the bill. This president will not kiss butt and do an apology tour. He likes America and it’s people. He is just what America needs.

lovethemac1 07-15-2018 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232632)
He’s a threat to globalist, liberals and to people who use the United States to foot the bill. This president will not kiss butt and do an apology tour. He likes America and it’s people. He is just what America needs.


Jondalar 07-15-2018 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by lovethemac1 (Post 1232638)

Quit watching CNN, the Fake News network.

secondhandchain 07-19-2018 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232632)
He’s a threat to globalist, liberals and to people who use the United States to foot the bill. This president will not kiss butt and do an apology tour. He likes America and it’s people. He is just what America needs.

NO he's a traitor and an embarrassment to this country. I'm paying more in taxes this year (fact) and the deficit will hit 1 trillion next year WAY more then they initially thought. He's A LIAR and causes **** storms EVERY GOD DAMN day. When he was campaigning he went around saying the "real" unemployment rate was 40 percent and the Obama was lying. MAGICALLY he now boasts how the unemployment rate went from 4.6 when he took office to where it is today. WHAT THE F happened to the 40 percent rate he was quoting. LIAR He will say anything. UGH Hated around the world. Hated. The funnies part is that you think this BILLIONAIRE from New York likes Americas people. BWAAAAAH I've have listened to this absolute a hole on Howard Stern for years. He does NOT like people who aren't rich like him. What a joke!

secondhandchain 07-19-2018 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232644)
Quit watching CNN, the Fake News network.

Your'e like a walking Fox/trump cliche quoter. "CNN, fake news. apology tour blah blah blah". Meanwhile his sons Oday and Qusay are flying around with secret service racking up hundreds of thousand of dollars in secret service bills paid for by the taxpayers while they open golf clubs. SICKENING.

iamnotafraid 07-19-2018 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1232741)
Your'e like a walking Fox/trump cliche quoter...SICKENING.

The only thing here that's sickening is you attacking
a member of this forum yet again.

Seriously stop with the hate. They make medicine
for your type of nerve condition. Talk to your doctor
about it.

lovethemac1 07-19-2018 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232632)
He’s a threat to globalist, liberals and to people who use the United States to foot the bill. This president will not kiss butt and do an apology tour. He likes America and it’s people. He is just what America needs.

How’s he working for you now??? Not kiss butt????......except for Putin’s. And he threw your America under the bus. Good luck.

FuzzyPlum 07-19-2018 08:32 AM

I've tried my best not to comment these last few days...but I can't hold it in any longer.
If it wasn't potentially so serious I'd p!ss my pants laughing. What a goon. What a lying, slimy goon. Lying to associates, the press etc is one thing, (quite obviously) lying to the whole of your country is another thing. But this is not new. Even so, there are still plenty of you that just wont accept it, no matter what. Sad!

Jondalar 07-19-2018 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1232740)
NO he's a traitor and an embarrassment to this country. I'm paying more in taxes this year (fact) and the deficit will hit 1 trillion next year WAY more then they initially thought. He's A LIAR and causes **** storms EVERY GOD DAMN day. When he was campaigning he went around saying the "real" unemployment rate was 40 percent and the Obama was lying. MAGICALLY he now boasts how the unemployment rate went from 4.6 when he took office to where it is today. WHAT THE F happened to the 40 percent rate he was quoting. LIAR He will say anything. UGH Hated around the world. Hated. The funnies part is that you think this BILLIONAIRE from New York likes Americas people. BWAAAAAH I've have listened to this absolute a hole on Howard Stern for years. He does NOT like people who aren't rich like him. What a joke!

No he is not a traitor or an embarrassment. He is a patriot. He is trying to fight for Americans but unfortunately he is not getting much support. The liberal news media is the real embarrassment. Donald Trump is being filtered through their eyes and it just exposes how biased and manipulative they really are.

Watching tv, the night of the election, you would of thought someone died. Half the country voted for Trump but there was not a single reporter representing us. The next night news reporters were on air with Democrats in front of millions of people trying to come up with narratives to impeach Trump. We watched this happen, and now you want us to suspend reality and forget all that and believe that the liberal media and Democrats were not out to get Trump. They’re just good honest folks doing their job. Total bulls****!!!! If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it a duck and it’s very obvious that 95% of the media is just another branch of the Democratic Party and has been out to get Trump from day1.

Now we know you think Trump supporters are stupid. You try sooo hard to tie Trump to Putin with the hopes that we will have developed amnesia and turn on him. It’s not going to work. Why? Because we can’t relate to you. Democrats live in their own world of identity politics, 900 genders, loving illegal criminals, hating Christians, hating police, hating free speech... you’re not really classic Democrats anymore. It’s like they have their heads permanently stuffed up their own assses and they only see what they want to see. Democrats don’t represent working people anymore - one big reason why you lost the election, but you forget that.

Democrats motto is to resist, resist, resist... and they are in it to win it because they’ve lost everything. They lie, use children, unidentified sources.., anything that they think will cause an emotional response that may sway a Trump supporter. They want a rush to judgement. They want people to use their emotions and not their brains.

I got a big raise this year at work and my 401k is doing excellent, better than ever. The economy is doing excellent despite Democrats hoping it will crash.

Trump has had the mainstream media, Hollywood, half of the Republicans and all the Democrats against him. He has done a great job especially considering what he has had to go through.

(Typed this on phone so all over place, sorry)

Jondalar 07-19-2018 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by lovethemac1 (Post 1232758)
How’s he working for you now??? Not kiss butt????......except for Putin’s. And he threw your America under the bus. Good luck.

He is working great. He is working for me and my country, not for your country. I’m sure your news media isn’t too happy about that.

Jondalar 07-19-2018 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1232741)
Your'e like a walking Fox/trump cliche quoter. "CNN, fake news. apology tour blah blah blah". Meanwhile his sons Oday and Qusay are flying around with secret service racking up hundreds of thousand of dollars in secret service bills paid for by the taxpayers while they open golf clubs. SICKENING.

And you’re like a walking Antifa member ready to bash someone over the head who doesn’t think like you. I LOVE FREE SPEECH! Oh I’ve just outed myself as a Republican.

Jondalar 07-19-2018 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 1232742)
The only thing here that's sickening is you attacking
a member of this forum yet again.

Seriously stop with the hate. They make medicine
for your type of nerve condition. Talk to your doctor
about it.

Thank you kind sir, but I’m not a snowflake. These people are just getting really frustrated because I’m not drinking their kool aide. I remember when they told Americans how bad Hillary was going to beat Trump. I never bought that narrative and I’m not going to start buying their narratives now. They can’t stand that.

Jondalar 07-19-2018 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1232759)
I've tried my best not to comment these last few days...but I can't hold it in any longer.
If it wasn't potentially so serious I'd p!ss my pants laughing. What a goon. What a lying, slimy goon. Lying to associates, the press etc is one thing, (quite obviously) lying to the whole of your country is another thing. But this is not new. Even so, there are still plenty of you that just wont accept it, no matter what. Sad!

LOL I knew you were lying in wait... typical fuzzy 😊

secondhandchain 07-19-2018 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232790)
And you’re like a walking Antifa member ready to bash someone over the head who doesn’t think like you. I LOVE FREE SPEECH! Oh I’ve just outed myself as a Republican.

Why do you people pull out the Antifa crap to make a point about liberals being violent. They are a miniscule group of college student Anarchists. I've been to protests with thousands upon thousand of people and NOT ONE arrest. Such a weak and lame comparison.

FuzzyPlum 07-20-2018 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232788)
Half the country voted for Trump but there was not a single reporter representing us. The next night news reporters were on air with Democrats in front of millions of people trying to come up with narratives to impeach Trump.

Fake news.
Trump lost the popular vote and not everyone voted. Considerably less than half of the US voted for Trump.

Jondalar 07-20-2018 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1232798)
Fake news.
Trump lost the popular vote and not everyone voted. Considerably less than half of the US voted for Trump.

Popular vote doesnt mean anything and you know it. The fact that she had all the money, 95% of the media and Hollywood on her side, was an experienced politician makes Trumps win all the more impressive and historic. Probably the biggest upset in the history of presidential politics and that was not reflected in coverage.

About the popular vote vs winning the election, I guess getting votes by supporting illegal immigrants only works if those anchor babies move out of California when they grow up, which it seems like many didn’t. All those thankful recepients of citizenship can stay in California and collect and thankfully they won’t affect our presidential elections. Democrats forgot about that.

Jondalar 07-20-2018 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by secondhandchain (Post 1232796)
Why do you people pull out the Antifa crap to make a point about liberals being violent. They are a miniscule group of college student Anarchists. I've been to protests with thousands upon thousand of people and NOT ONE arrest. Such a weak and lame comparison.

The KKK is a minuscule group of people but it gets pulled out all the time and used against the GOP. This is not the 1940s, so it’s very lame.

As a former Democrat, I can tell you, that many of us have left the Democratic Party because of the way they act and use identity politics. Many are walking away from it.

FuzzyPlum 07-20-2018 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232799)
Popular vote doesnt mean anything and you know it. The fact that she had all the money, 95% of the media and Hollywood on her side, was an experienced politician makes Trumps win all the more impressive and historic. Probably the biggest upset in the history of presidential politics and that was not reflected in coverage.

About the popular vote vs winning the election, I guess getting votes by supporting illegal immigrants only works if those anchor babies move out of California when they grow up, which it seems like many didn’t. All those thankful recepients of citizenship can stay in California and collect and thankfully they won’t affect our presidential elections. Democrats forgot about that.

I am well aware of your voting system.
I just felt it pertinent to challenge your view that half of America voted for the goon...they didn't. I don't however dispute he won fair and square (albeit with a bit of foreign help).

Jondalar 07-20-2018 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1232801)
I am well aware of your voting system.
I just felt it pertinent to challenge your view that half of America voted for the goon...they didn't. I don't however dispute he won fair and square (albeit with a bit of foreign help).

With a bit of foreign help??? A narrative created by fake news. Apparently Russian interference wasn’t that important to Obama, Janet Lynch and Susan Rice since they knew about it long before the election and put a stop to investigating it. Of course they thought Hillary was going to win. Now that Trump is president it’s isuddenly a big conspiracy.

jwd 07-20-2018 06:38 PM

One thing that has become very apparent to me, is that we have, in the good ole' USA, a very corrupt and biased mainstream media. THAT, is A LOT scarier to me, than anything Trump has said or done. God help us all!

secondhandchain 07-21-2018 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1232800)
The KKK is a minuscule group of people but it gets pulled out all the time and used against the GOP. This is not the 1940s, so it’s very lame.

As a former Democrat, I can tell you, that many of us have left the Democratic Party because of the way they act and use identity politics. Many are walking away from it.

Oh no Republicans don’t practice identity politics at all… What a joke.

jwd 07-21-2018 11:10 PM

Maxine, this is not the right message. SAD.

jwd 07-21-2018 11:47 PM

Who elects people like this......oh never mind.

Jondalar 07-25-2018 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by jwd (Post 1232816)
One thing that has become very apparent to me, is that we have, in the good ole' USA, a very corrupt and biased mainstream media. THAT, is A LOT scarier to me, than anything Trump has said or done. God help us all!

The mainstream media is part of the Resistance. They are just another branch of the Democratic Party. They’ve lost sooo much respect because they don’t even try to hide it anymore.

Jondalar 07-25-2018 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by jwd (Post 1232858)
Maxine, this is not the right message. SAD.

She is such a joke. Thank God she is out and about though. She definitely helps Trump.

FuzzyPlum 09-08-2018 04:22 PM

NY Times op-ed
Current betting:

Mike Pence 2-3
Betsey DeVos 2-1
Jeff Sessions 5-2
Mike Pompeo, Steve Mnuchin, John Kelly, James Mattis 4-1
Nikki Haley 10-1
Javanka 15-1

Jondalar 09-08-2018 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1236055)
NY Times op-ed
Current betting:

Mike Pence 2-3
Betsey DeVos 2-1
Jeff Sessions 5-2
Mike Pompeo, Steve Mnuchin, John Kelly, James Mattis 4-1
Nikki Haley 10-1
Javanka 15-1

Another anonymous source? My bet is they wrote it themselves to cause chaos since the mainstream media is just another branch of the Democratic Party. Hell they barely try to hide it anymore.

FuzzyPlum 09-27-2018 03:25 PM

Donald Trump; the World responds- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Jondalar 09-30-2018 04:39 PM

I’m sooo happy I voted for Donald Trump. Look at what the Democrats have become - guilty until proven innocent! They don’t even believe in Free Speech either. More and more people are jumping on the Trump Train everyday because they see what the Democrats have become.

JohnL 10-01-2018 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1237883)
I’m sooo happy I voted for Donald Trump. Look at what the Democrats have become - guilty until proven innocent! They don’t even believe in Free Speech either. More and more people are jumping on the Trump Train everyday because they see what the Democrats have become.

And Republicans have become the party that just wants to degrade anyone who isnt a white Anglo-Saxon male. They have crucified Dr. Ford in the media and refuse to even acknowledge the possibility that what she is saying is true. Which, I believe, is true. Kavanaugh was spiteful and argumentative and lied about how he got into Yale in the first place. He does not belong on the Supreme Court. Bottom line is politicians suck these days more than ever. And now even the Supreme Court is lining up along party lines. It is sickening.

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