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skcin 10-18-2007 01:53 PM

OK. So. I have 3 herniated discs in my neck, one of which is pressing on my spinal cord as well as the radial nerve root. At least I know I'm not crazy, and we've found the reason for my pain. Neurosurgical consult is next. :( Continuing PT twice a week.

Still plugging away on the elliptical though. :laugh: Better than nothing, but I don't feel toned anymore & that pisses me off. Eating has been OK, but I've definitely been craving junky carb food more often than usual - comfort food, I suppose. Got to keep that in check.

JazmenFlowers 10-18-2007 01:59 PM

wow. keep us posted and don't overdo it on that elliptical!

I've kinda sank into a binge the past 2 weeks. I've gained like 3 pounds. I don't know what my deal is. I think I'm burnt out and just frustrated. I think I need to take a week off and rest up and then get back to it.

skcin 10-18-2007 02:06 PM

^ Oh trust me, I do. I hold on to the stationary handlebar & move my legs only. :p I look ridiculous.

It's been about a year for you, right? Since you started? That's how long it's been for me & I'm going through the same thing. I guess we have to allow ourselves to slide a bit & not beat ourselves up, but force ourselves not permanently fall back into old habits. Back on track, baby.

JazmenFlowers 10-18-2007 02:08 PM

yep. I started June 1, 2006. I am in the "what the hell" kind of mood most of the time. I'm eating sugar and white flour more than I have in a LONG time. not really drinking my water. I know I will get back to it, I just need a little time away to get my head right again.

David 10-18-2007 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by skcin (Post 726920)
Eating has been OK, but I've definitely been craving junky carb food more often than usual - comfort food, I suppose. Got to keep that in check.

Another thing I just thought of is that as we move into late fall & winter & the amount of sunlight dwindles, our bodies & minds go into a little bit of a funk. We slow down a bit, get a little more lethargic, maybe some of us crave more carbs (the ancient instincts in our genetics probably to "pack up" with fat for the winter, when hunting & grain are at low ebb).

So to that end, I've heard that it's helpful to get more light -- in your face, on your body, everywhere. If you're at home during the day, throw open the blinds or shutters & let more sunlight than you normally do stream in. Sit outside. Watch TV at night or have sex with the lights on. Some people even have light therapy at clinics.

If you have the time, go find some grass in a park & lie down, face up, for awhile. Try to get more exposure to sunlight than you usually do. And if you're hungry between meals, buy some of those chicken on a stick things that you can keep at home & microwave a few of those when you're hungry. Snack on protein rather than simple carbs or sugars.

JazmenFlowers 10-18-2007 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by David (Post 726932)
have sex with the lights on

lord have you lost your mind?!


Originally Posted by David (Post 726932)
Snack on protein rather than simple carbs or sugars.

very true! :nod:

skcin 10-18-2007 06:29 PM

I'm familiar with the change in season thing. Thing is, it's still mostly sunny with temps in the 60's & 70's here. :p Crazy - this time last year that massive ice storm hit & we were without power for almost a week! Anyway, daylight is getting shorter every day of course, so that def. doesn't help.

bikerchic 10-19-2007 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by skcin (Post 726920)
OK. So. I have 3 herniated discs in my neck, one of which is pressing on my spinal cord as well as the radial nerve root.

:shocked: WTF!!! How did that happened? Are you ok? :xoxo:

skcin 10-19-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by bikerchic (Post 727080)
:shocked: WTF!!! How did that happened? Are you ok? :xoxo:

Does it sound like I'm OK, you stupid Canadian? :mad:

:lol: I'm functioning, working, able to comb my hair & apply makeup, etc. So I'm not that bad off. But I do have pain 24/7 - never stops, even with meds. They said I'll probably never know exactly how it happened - could have slept wrong or twisted my neck slightly a few months ago & it slowly gets worse without you really noticing until you can't feel your appendages or can't move your head. Fun, huh?

DrummerDeanna 10-19-2007 02:26 PM


Ugh. That sounds horrible - I'm glad they found the reason though -and maybe now can do something about it!

amber 10-19-2007 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by skcin (Post 726920)
OK. So. I have 3 herniated discs in my neck, one of which is pressing on my spinal cord as well as the radial nerve root. At least I know I'm not crazy, and we've found the reason for my pain. Neurosurgical consult is next. :( Continuing PT twice a week.

Still plugging away on the elliptical though. :laugh: Better than nothing, but I don't feel toned anymore & that pisses me off. Eating has been OK, but I've definitely been craving junky carb food more often than usual - comfort food, I suppose. Got to keep that in check.

Holy crap, P! I'm so sorry, that sucks so much nard. I hope everything works out. :(

Naturally, as usual, I prescribe (I play a doctor on TV!) yoga for back problems. Trouble is, your stuff is pretty bad, so you would need supervised, special yoga. Although you might be able to do some light back stretches on your own. Forward bends, standing and sitting maybe.
If we aren't that used to working out our upper body, things can get out of alignment fast. Especially when you add in weird sleeping, and randomness. When you get back on your feet, arm/back wise, you might want to include yoga with your weight training. I guess you'll probably have to get PT, yeah? I would think they'd prescribe that as part of your recovery.
It's kind a cool you still do your legwork exercise, considering the amount of pain it sounds like you must be in. :nod:
wow, I just feel so bad for you. I hope it all works out smoothly. Like buttah. coconut oil. :xoxo:

skcin 10-22-2007 12:36 PM

^ Oh yeah, I've been doing PT for the past 4 weeks. It's basically a combination of weight training, chiro & yoga-like stretching. :laugh: I have been banned from doing any other exercises (esp. yoga or chiro treatments) that's outside my treatment program - it could aggravate the injury.

I'm thinking the new job has caused this - lots more time sitting at a desk typing as opposed to running around seeing patients all day. I had an ergonomic study done last week, so hopefully with some adjustments (new chair & keyboard, moving around more, being more conscious of my body mechanics) I can progress more quickly & prevent this from happening again.

JazmenFlowers 11-06-2007 02:49 PM

everyone still hanging in there? I slacked off last week because I had a lot going on and just needed a break, but I'm back on. I ran 3 miles last night. I wasn't sure I could do it and maintain momentum, but I did.

we're coming up on holidays and it's hard to maintain portion control. good luck to everyone! :laugh:

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